[Abstract]:Objective: Shenyang is one of the regions seriously damaged by Hantavirus. The first case of HFRSs has been discovered since 1958, and the epidemic situation has been spreading continuously. In recent years, the epidemic situation of hemorrhagic fever is on the rise, the epidemic range is wide, and the harm is serious. Has become an important public health problem. This study analyzed the epidemic trend of HFRS in Shenyang from 1984 to 2006, grasped its epidemic law, provided scientific basis for controlling morbidity, reducing death and making effective prevention and cure measures. Methods: 1. Based on the revised annual report of infectious diseases in Shenyang from 1984 to 2006, the population data of Shenyang and the monitoring and summary of HFRS in Shenyang, the distribution characteristics of HFRS, season, population distribution, the composition and density of host animals, the rate of rodent carrying virus were collected in this period. Epidemiological data such as antibody level in healthy population. 2. Using descriptive epidemiological method, the data were collected and analyzed by excel table SPSS 11.0. Ratio and composition ratio, dynamic sequence description, chi-square and chi-square trend test, linear correlation and regression comparison, correlation and prediction analysis. Results: 1. From 1984 to 2006, the average annual morbidity of HFRS in Shenyang was 5.17 / 100 000, and the average annual mortality rate was 0.035% / 100 000. The mortality rate of HFRS was 3.25. The seasonal distribution of HFRS in the 2.80 's showed a significant single-peak pattern. The seasonal distribution of disease peak in winter and spring was slightly changed in 1990s, and the obvious spring and summer epidemic peak began to appear after 2000. HFRS cases occurred in all the 13 districts and counties (cities) of the whole city. The incidence of HFRS cases mainly changed in the suburbs in the 1990s, and the incidence composition in the urban areas increased gradually with the increase of the years. 4. The incidence of HFRS was the highest in the 20-49 age group, the ratio of male to female was 4.73: 1. The incidence rate was mainly peasant, followed by students. Workers, cadres, etc., but the proportion of peasants has decreased year by year. During the same period, the incidence rate of household chores in urban areas increased year by year. 5. The average rodent density was 7.00 in the residential area from 1984 to 2006, with Rattus norvegicus as the dominant species. The field average density was 8.57, with Apodemus agrarius as the dominant species. There was significant difference between the density of rodent in residential area and that in field. The density of rodent in residential area increased obviously, but the density of rodent in field decreased obviously. The rate of carrying virus in residential area was 6.48, the index of carrying virus was 6.73, the rate of carrying virus in field mice was 2.98 and the index of carrying virus was 5.05. There was a significant difference between residential area and wild mice in the rate of carrying virus, the rate of carrying virus in residential area was obviously rising, while the rate of carrying virus of wild mouse had a significant decrease trend of .6. The average recessive infection rate was 2.53% in healthy population. The incidence rate was positively correlated with the rat density, the incidence rate was positively correlated with the virus carrying index, and there was no correlation between the recessive infection rate and the incidence rate, mouse density and virus carrying index. Conclusion: 1. From 1984 to 2006, the incidence rate of HFRS fluctuated in a higher level in Shenyang. The type of epidemic area changed from the Apodemus type epidemic area in the 1980s to the mixed epidemic area with the main infection of domestic mouse type virus. 2. 2. The incidence rate of HFRS in urban area and suburb was higher than that in county area. The incidence of population is still mainly farmers, but the proportion of household unemployed workers increased by 3. 3%. The rate of rodent carrying virus in residential area was higher than that in field, and the density of rodent and the rate of rodent carrying virus in residential area were all on the rise, which indicated that the epidemic situation of rodent in residential area was still serious. The incidence rate was positively correlated with the density of mice and the index of carrying virus.
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