发布时间:2018-07-22 13:44
【摘要】:前言 科学研究已从不同角度证明了吸烟是肺癌、慢性呼吸系统疾病、冠心病、脑卒中等多种疾病发生和死亡的重要危险因素。目前全球有11亿吸烟者,每年近500万人死于烟草相关疾病。我国烟草生产和消费各占全球的1/3以上;15-69岁的吸烟人数达3.5亿;每年死于烟草相关疾病的人数近100万,占全部死亡人数的12%。英国著名流行病学家理查德皮托教授预测:若中国当前的吸烟形势得不到有效控制,到2025年中国每年死于烟草相关疾病的人数将达200万;现在的儿童中,届时将有2亿人跻身烟民的行列,其中5000万人将死于吸烟引起的疾病。 吸烟者戒烟是21世纪中叶以前减少吸烟相关死亡的最有效途径。但根据1984年全国50万15岁以上人群随机抽样调查结果表明:我国男性吸烟者戒烟率仅为4.17%,女性为9.73%,男女平均戒烟率为4.78%;戒烟原因68.37%是由于本人患病。1996年全国吸烟行为流行病学调查结果显示:仅有16.8%吸烟者打算戒烟,但实际戒烟者仅占吸烟者的9.4%,且成功率仅占吸烟者的3.6%。吸烟者戒烟的主要原因是已患吸烟有关疾病而被迫戒烟。因此,制定行之有效的控烟戒烟措施刻不容缓。然而目前,国内外对戒烟过程的行为学特征及其影响因素研究甚少,从而制约了有效戒烟措施的制定。 国内外的流行病学调查显示:吸烟习惯的养成主要是在青少年时期,可见青少年吸烟问题是中国吸烟问题的关键所在。因为青少年正处在生长发育时期,吸烟对正常生长发育会造成损害。因此,让青少年远离烟草是每个国家义不容辞的责任和义务。 被动吸烟的受害人群也不容忽视,2007年《中国烟草控制报告》指出,中国有5.4亿非吸烟者(其中包括1.8亿名15岁以下的儿童)正在遭受二手烟所带来的危害,而且这种现象在娱乐场所更为严重。 中国烟草消费及烟草相关疾病所导致的沉重负担,使烟草控制成为一个亟需解决的公共卫生问题。 目的 通过对“中国《烟草控制框架公约》监测”沈阳市基线调查数据的分析,来了解沈阳市吸烟人群中有戒烟意愿者的人口学特征及其影响因素,为有关部门制定有效的戒烟控烟措施提供科学依据;通过对沈阳市大中学生吸烟行为及相关影响因素的调查分析,来掌握沈阳市大中学生的吸烟状况,探讨影响其吸烟行为的相关因素,为开展学生控烟提供依据;以出入娱乐场所的吸烟者为研究对象,来探索娱乐场所吸烟行为的相关因素,为制定适合我国娱乐场所具体情况的综合性控烟政策提供依据。 研究方法 沈阳市成年吸烟者戒烟意愿调查及影响因素分析:2006年4月-10月,在沈阳市内五个区(和平区、皇姑区、沈河区、铁西区和大东区),采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样的方法,按照“街道→社区→家庭→调查对象”四个阶段进行抽样。其中,第一阶段使用按容量比例概率抽样法(PPS)抽取10个街道;第二阶段使用按容量比例概率抽样法(PPS)在每个街道抽取2个社区;第三阶段使用简单随机抽样法在每个社区抽取300户家庭并进行家庭成员信息登记;第四阶段使用简单随机抽样法在300户家庭中抽取60个家庭(先调查40个家庭,剩余20个家庭备用)。抽中的家庭如果只有1名成年吸烟者则为调查对象;如果有1名以上成年吸烟者,则选择1个生日距离调查日期最近的为调查对象;若没有成年吸烟者,采用简单随机抽样方法从备用户中抽取1户置换;每个居委会至少调查40名吸烟者(每户家庭调查吸烟者数不超过1个);最终在沈阳市抽取调查了801名成年吸烟者。调查对象纳入标准为:年龄≥18周岁;沈阳市常住居民(户口和日常生活均在沈阳市内五区);至抽样之日时,已经吸烟≥100支,并且现在仍然吸烟的人。吸烟定义:至抽样之日,已经吸烟≥100支,并且现在仍然吸烟者;有戒烟意愿者定义:吸烟人群中现在仍吸烟,但在未来一年内有戒烟打算者。 沈阳市大中学生吸烟行为现状调查及影响因素分析:于2005年11月-2006年5月,采取分层随机整群抽样的方法,分别确定了1855名中学生和1117名大学生作为调查对象;由经过统一培训的调查员,采用自制封闭式问卷为调查表,以班级为单位进行调查;调查表以不记名的方式由调查员在教室发给学生,由调查员讲解调查目的和问卷的填写方式后,学生在教室当场填写,统一答卷,并当场收回。吸烟定义:指包括尝试吸烟(曾经尝试过吸烟,即使只吸过一两口的行为)和现在吸烟(在过去30天,吸过完整一支烟的行为)在内的所有情况。 吸烟者在室内娱乐场所吸烟行为调查及影响因素分析:该研究的数据来自中国《烟草控制框架公约》监测调查的基线数据。我国ITC基线调查现场工作于2006年4月到10月在沈阳开展。北京、上海、长沙、广州、银川等城市也同时开展。每个城市采用多阶段抽样法,按照“街道→社区→家庭→调查对象”四个阶段进行抽样。其中,第一阶段使用按容量比例概率抽样法(PPS)在每个城市抽取10个街道;第二阶段再次使用按容量比例概率抽样法(PPS)在每个街道抽取2个社区;第三阶段使用简单随机抽样法在每个社区抽取300户家庭并进行家庭成员信息登记;第四阶段使用简单随机抽样法在300户家庭中抽取约40名吸烟者(每户家庭调查吸烟者数不超过1个)。最终在每个城市抽取至少800名成年吸烟者。调查对象纳入标准为:年龄≥18岁,本市常住居民(户口和日常生活均在本市的居民);至抽样之日,已经吸烟≥100支烟,并且现在仍然吸烟者。 主要研究结果 沈阳市吸烟者中有戒烟意愿者的比例为30.7%;男性有戒烟意愿者的比例(29.8%)远低于女性(46.7%);职业分布中,以国家机关党群组织负责人中有戒烟意愿的比例最高达47.5%,其次为离退休人员36.7%,以专业技术人员有戒烟意愿的比例最低为21.4%。影响因素分析发现:亲人反对、社会舆论、对健康的影响、控烟宣传的力度、健康警示信息的普及、对烟草相关疾病的知晓程度以及对戒烟产品和戒烟服务的接触均会影响吸烟者戒烟意愿的产生。 沈阳市大中学生的尝试吸烟率为34.6%,男女生分别为46.9%和21.2%,男生显著高于女生;现在吸烟率为11.3%,男女生分别为18.5%和3.4%。影响因素分析发现:处身于吸烟的环境(同吸烟者在一起)、不知道如何拒绝别人递烟的礼节、伤心压抑的心情均是促进学生吸烟习惯形成的重要因素;而帮助学生提高学习成绩、正确认识烟草的危害可以很好地预防学生吸烟习惯的形成。 全国六城市吸烟人群的调查结果显示:高达83.6%的吸烟者在光顾室内娱乐场所时都曾有过吸烟行为(男性:84.0%,女性:70.1%);地区分布以沈阳和上海最高分别为87.7%和87.1%,以北京最低仅75.4%。影响因素分析发现:室内娱乐场所禁烟规定实施不力或者无禁烟法规、吸烟者对室内娱乐场所控烟的态度、对烟草相关疾病的知晓程度、周围人群的影响、对吸烟行为的态度是影响吸烟者在室内娱乐场所吸烟行为的主要因素。 结论 沈阳市吸烟人群中有戒烟意愿者的比例低于国内同级城市,烟草相关疾病的知晓程度偏低。通过普及烟草危害的健康教育、提倡亲人积极参与吸烟者的戒烟活动、丰富烟草包装健康警示信息内容、提高控烟宣传的力度以及推广戒烟产品和戒烟服务等措施可以很好地提高沈阳市吸烟者戒烟意愿的产生。 沈阳市大中学生的尝试吸烟率,无论男生还是女生,均高于全国平均水平;现在吸烟率与全国平均水平相一致。通过营造大学生和中学生生活的无烟环境、提高其拒绝别人递烟的技巧、缓解其伤心压抑的心情、帮助学生提高学习成绩、正确认识吸烟对健康的危害,可以很好地预防青少年学生吸烟习惯的形成。 加强室内娱乐场所控烟法规的实施力度是控制室内娱乐场所吸烟行为和二手烟暴露的关键环节;提高吸烟者烟草相关疾病的知晓程度是控烟工作取得成效的有效措施和根本保证。
Scientific research has proved that smoking is an important risk factor for the occurrence and death of various diseases such as lung cancer, chronic respiratory system disease, coronary heart disease and stroke. There are 1 billion 100 million smokers worldwide and nearly 5 million people die of tobacco related diseases each year. The production and consumption of tobacco in our country are more than 1/3 in the world; the number of smokers at 15-69 years old Up to 350 million; Professor Richard Peto, a famous British epidemiologist who dies of tobacco related diseases every year, and accounts for all deaths, predicts that if the current smoking situation in China is not effectively controlled, the number of people dying of tobacco related diseases per year will reach 2 million by 2025, and there will be 200 million of these children in 2025. People join the ranks of smokers. 50 million of them will die from diseases caused by smoking.
Smoking cessation is the most effective way to reduce smoking related deaths before the middle of the mid twenty-first Century. But according to the national random sampling survey of people over 500 thousand and 15 years of age in 1984, the smoking cessation rate of male smokers in China is only 4.17%, women are 9.73%, the average rate of smoking cessation is 4.78% for men and women, and the reason for smoking abstinence is 68.37% because of the national.1996 year of illness. The epidemiological survey of smoking behavior showed that only 16.8% smokers intended to quit smoking, but the actual smoking cessation only accounted for 9.4% of the smokers, and the success rate only accounted for the smokers' 3.6%. smokers, the main reason was that they had been forced to quit smoking related diseases. Therefore, it is urgent to establish effective measures for smoking and smoking cessation. However, the current state of smoking and smoking cessation is urgent. There are few studies on behavioral characteristics and influencing factors of smoking cessation process, which restricts the formulation of effective smoking cessation measures.
Epidemiological surveys at home and abroad show that smoking habits are mainly in youth, and that smoking in adolescents is the key to the problem of smoking in China. Because young people are in a growing period, smoking will cause damage to normal growth and development. Therefore, it is incumbent on every country to keep young people away from tobacco. Responsibility and obligation.
The victims of passive smoking should not be ignored. In 2007, the China tobacco control report noted that 540 million non smokers in China (including 180 million children under 15 years of age) are suffering from second-hand smoke, and this phenomenon is more serious in entertainment places.
The heavy burden caused by tobacco consumption and tobacco related diseases in China has made tobacco control an urgent public health problem.
Through the analysis of the Shenyang baseline survey data of the "China Framework Convention on tobacco control", the demographic characteristics and influencing factors of smokers with smoking cessation in Shenyang are understood and the scientific basis for the relevant departments to formulate effective measures for smoking cessation and tobacco control is provided; and the smoking behavior and related shadow of the middle school students in Shenyang are given. The investigation and analysis of the noise factors to master the smoking status of the middle school students in Shenyang and discuss the related factors affecting their smoking behavior, provide the basis for carrying out the students' smoking control, and explore the related factors of smoking behavior in the entertainment places by taking the smokers in the entertainment places as the research object, so as to make a comprehensive summary of the specific circumstances of the entertainment places in our country. The policy of combining tobacco control provides the basis.
research method
The survey of smoking cessation willingness of adult smokers in Shenyang and analysis of its influencing factors: in April 2006 -10 month, in the five districts of Shenyang (peace zone, Huanggu District, Shenhe District, Tiexi district and Dadong District), multi stage stratified random cluster sampling was adopted to sample the four stages of "street, community, family and investigation object". At the stage, 10 streets were extracted by the probability sampling method of capacity ratio (PPS); the second stage uses the capacity proportional probability sampling (PPS) to extract 2 communities in each street; the third stage uses a simple random sampling method to extract 300 households in each community and register the family member information; the fourth stage uses a simple random sampling method at 3. 60 families were selected from 00 families (first 40 families and 20 remaining families). If only 1 adult smokers were selected, there were more than 1 adult smokers, and 1 Birthday distances were selected for the latest survey date; and if no adult smokers, a simple random sampling method was used. At least 40 smokers were investigated (no more than 1 smokers per household), and 801 adult smokers were investigated in Shenyang. The standard of the survey was: age more than 18 years old; Shenyang resident (registered permanent residence and daily life in five districts in Shenyang); to sample. At the time of the day, smokers who have smoked more than 100 and are still smoking. Definition of smoking: smoking more than 100 cigarettes at the date of sampling, and still smokers; the definition of the will of smoking cessation: smoking is still smoking in the population, but there is a smoking cessation in the coming year.
The investigation and analysis of the influencing factors of smoking behavior in Shenyang middle school students: in May -2006 November 2005, 1855 middle school students and 1117 college students were selected as the investigation object by stratified random cluster sampling. The questionnaire was issued by investigators in the classroom by investigators in the anonymous way. After the investigators explained the purpose of the investigation and the filling out of the questionnaire, the students filled in the classroom on the spot, unified the answer, and returned it on the spot. All the situations in the past 30 days, which had smoked a complete cigarette.
Smokers' smoking behavior in indoor entertainment and influencing factors analysis: the data of this study came from the baseline data of the China Framework Convention on tobacco control. The ITC baseline survey in China was carried out in Shenyang from April 2006 to October. Beijing, Shanghai, Changsha, Guangzhou, Yinchuan and other cities were also carried out at the same time. Multi stage sampling is used to sample the four stages of "street, community, family, and investigation object". In the first stage, 10 streets are extracted in each city by the probability sampling method of capacity ratio (PPS); the second stage is again using the capacity ratio probability sampling (PPS) to extract 2 communities in each street; the third stage is made. A simple random sampling method was used to select 300 households in each community and to register family members. The fourth stage used a simple random sampling method to extract about 40 smokers in 300 households (no more than 1 smokers per household survey). In the end, a total of 800 adult smokers were selected in each city. The subjects were included in the standard. Over 18 years of age, permanent residents in this city (household and daily life are residents in this city); on the day of sampling, they smoked more than 100 cigarettes and are still smokers.
Main research results
The proportion of smokers who had the will of smoking cessation in Shenyang was 30.7%, the proportion of the men who had the will of smoking cessation (29.8%) was far lower than that of the women (46.7%). In the occupational distribution, the proportion of the willingness to quit smoking was up to 47.5%, followed by 36.7% of the retirees, and the lowest rate of smoking cessation by professional and technical personnel was 2. The analysis of the influencing factors of 1.4%. found that the opposition of relatives, public opinion, the impact on health, the intensity of tobacco control, the popularity of health warning information, the awareness of tobacco related diseases and the contact of smoking cessation products and smoking cessation services will affect the smoking cessation intention of smokers.
The smoking rate of Shenyang middle school students was 34.6%, the male and female students were 46.9% and 21.2% respectively. The male students were significantly higher than the female students. The smoking rate was 11.3%. The factors of the male and female students were 18.5% and 3.4%., respectively. It is an important factor to promote the formation of students' smoking habits, and helping students to improve their learning performance and correctly understand the harm of tobacco can well prevent the formation of students' smoking habits.
The survey of smokers in six cities in six cities showed that up to 83.6% smokers had smoked in indoor entertainment places (male: 84%, women: 70.1%), the highest in Shenyang and Shanghai was 87.7% and 87.1%, and the analysis of the lowest 75.4%. factors in Beijing found that smoking regulation in indoor entertainment places was implemented. The attitude of smokers to smoke control in indoor entertainment, the degree of awareness of tobacco related diseases, the influence of the surrounding population, and the attitude to smoking behavior are the main factors affecting smokers' smoking behavior in indoor entertainment.
The proportion of smoking cessation willing among smokers in Shenyang is lower than that in domestic cities, and the awareness of tobacco related diseases is low. By popularizing the health education of tobacco harm, it is necessary to encourage relatives to actively participate in smoking cessation activities, enrich the information content of tobacco packaging health warning, improve the intensity of tobacco control and promote the product of smoking cessation. And smoking cessation services can improve the smoking cessation intention of smokers in Shenyang.
The smoking rate of Shenyang middle school students, both male and female, is higher than the national average. Now the smoking rate is in line with the national average. By building the smokeless environment of college students and middle school students, they can improve their skills of refusing other people's smoking and relieve their depressed mood and help students to improve their academic performance. Knowing the harm of smoking to health can prevent the formation of smoking habits among young students.
Strengthening the enforcement of tobacco control regulations in indoor entertainment places is the key link in controlling smoking and second-hand smoke exposure in indoor entertainment places, and improving the awareness of tobacco related tobacco related diseases is an effective measure and fundamental guarantee for the effectiveness of tobacco control.
Scientific research has proved that smoking is an important risk factor for the occurrence and death of various diseases such as lung cancer, chronic respiratory system disease, coronary heart disease and stroke. There are 1 billion 100 million smokers worldwide and nearly 5 million people die of tobacco related diseases each year. The production and consumption of tobacco in our country are more than 1/3 in the world; the number of smokers at 15-69 years old Up to 350 million; Professor Richard Peto, a famous British epidemiologist who dies of tobacco related diseases every year, and accounts for all deaths, predicts that if the current smoking situation in China is not effectively controlled, the number of people dying of tobacco related diseases per year will reach 2 million by 2025, and there will be 200 million of these children in 2025. People join the ranks of smokers. 50 million of them will die from diseases caused by smoking.
Smoking cessation is the most effective way to reduce smoking related deaths before the middle of the mid twenty-first Century. But according to the national random sampling survey of people over 500 thousand and 15 years of age in 1984, the smoking cessation rate of male smokers in China is only 4.17%, women are 9.73%, the average rate of smoking cessation is 4.78% for men and women, and the reason for smoking abstinence is 68.37% because of the national.1996 year of illness. The epidemiological survey of smoking behavior showed that only 16.8% smokers intended to quit smoking, but the actual smoking cessation only accounted for 9.4% of the smokers, and the success rate only accounted for the smokers' 3.6%. smokers, the main reason was that they had been forced to quit smoking related diseases. Therefore, it is urgent to establish effective measures for smoking and smoking cessation. However, the current state of smoking and smoking cessation is urgent. There are few studies on behavioral characteristics and influencing factors of smoking cessation process, which restricts the formulation of effective smoking cessation measures.
Epidemiological surveys at home and abroad show that smoking habits are mainly in youth, and that smoking in adolescents is the key to the problem of smoking in China. Because young people are in a growing period, smoking will cause damage to normal growth and development. Therefore, it is incumbent on every country to keep young people away from tobacco. Responsibility and obligation.
The victims of passive smoking should not be ignored. In 2007, the China tobacco control report noted that 540 million non smokers in China (including 180 million children under 15 years of age) are suffering from second-hand smoke, and this phenomenon is more serious in entertainment places.
The heavy burden caused by tobacco consumption and tobacco related diseases in China has made tobacco control an urgent public health problem.
Through the analysis of the Shenyang baseline survey data of the "China Framework Convention on tobacco control", the demographic characteristics and influencing factors of smokers with smoking cessation in Shenyang are understood and the scientific basis for the relevant departments to formulate effective measures for smoking cessation and tobacco control is provided; and the smoking behavior and related shadow of the middle school students in Shenyang are given. The investigation and analysis of the noise factors to master the smoking status of the middle school students in Shenyang and discuss the related factors affecting their smoking behavior, provide the basis for carrying out the students' smoking control, and explore the related factors of smoking behavior in the entertainment places by taking the smokers in the entertainment places as the research object, so as to make a comprehensive summary of the specific circumstances of the entertainment places in our country. The policy of combining tobacco control provides the basis.
research method
The survey of smoking cessation willingness of adult smokers in Shenyang and analysis of its influencing factors: in April 2006 -10 month, in the five districts of Shenyang (peace zone, Huanggu District, Shenhe District, Tiexi district and Dadong District), multi stage stratified random cluster sampling was adopted to sample the four stages of "street, community, family and investigation object". At the stage, 10 streets were extracted by the probability sampling method of capacity ratio (PPS); the second stage uses the capacity proportional probability sampling (PPS) to extract 2 communities in each street; the third stage uses a simple random sampling method to extract 300 households in each community and register the family member information; the fourth stage uses a simple random sampling method at 3. 60 families were selected from 00 families (first 40 families and 20 remaining families). If only 1 adult smokers were selected, there were more than 1 adult smokers, and 1 Birthday distances were selected for the latest survey date; and if no adult smokers, a simple random sampling method was used. At least 40 smokers were investigated (no more than 1 smokers per household), and 801 adult smokers were investigated in Shenyang. The standard of the survey was: age more than 18 years old; Shenyang resident (registered permanent residence and daily life in five districts in Shenyang); to sample. At the time of the day, smokers who have smoked more than 100 and are still smoking. Definition of smoking: smoking more than 100 cigarettes at the date of sampling, and still smokers; the definition of the will of smoking cessation: smoking is still smoking in the population, but there is a smoking cessation in the coming year.
The investigation and analysis of the influencing factors of smoking behavior in Shenyang middle school students: in May -2006 November 2005, 1855 middle school students and 1117 college students were selected as the investigation object by stratified random cluster sampling. The questionnaire was issued by investigators in the classroom by investigators in the anonymous way. After the investigators explained the purpose of the investigation and the filling out of the questionnaire, the students filled in the classroom on the spot, unified the answer, and returned it on the spot. All the situations in the past 30 days, which had smoked a complete cigarette.
Smokers' smoking behavior in indoor entertainment and influencing factors analysis: the data of this study came from the baseline data of the China Framework Convention on tobacco control. The ITC baseline survey in China was carried out in Shenyang from April 2006 to October. Beijing, Shanghai, Changsha, Guangzhou, Yinchuan and other cities were also carried out at the same time. Multi stage sampling is used to sample the four stages of "street, community, family, and investigation object". In the first stage, 10 streets are extracted in each city by the probability sampling method of capacity ratio (PPS); the second stage is again using the capacity ratio probability sampling (PPS) to extract 2 communities in each street; the third stage is made. A simple random sampling method was used to select 300 households in each community and to register family members. The fourth stage used a simple random sampling method to extract about 40 smokers in 300 households (no more than 1 smokers per household survey). In the end, a total of 800 adult smokers were selected in each city. The subjects were included in the standard. Over 18 years of age, permanent residents in this city (household and daily life are residents in this city); on the day of sampling, they smoked more than 100 cigarettes and are still smokers.
Main research results
The proportion of smokers who had the will of smoking cessation in Shenyang was 30.7%, the proportion of the men who had the will of smoking cessation (29.8%) was far lower than that of the women (46.7%). In the occupational distribution, the proportion of the willingness to quit smoking was up to 47.5%, followed by 36.7% of the retirees, and the lowest rate of smoking cessation by professional and technical personnel was 2. The analysis of the influencing factors of 1.4%. found that the opposition of relatives, public opinion, the impact on health, the intensity of tobacco control, the popularity of health warning information, the awareness of tobacco related diseases and the contact of smoking cessation products and smoking cessation services will affect the smoking cessation intention of smokers.
The smoking rate of Shenyang middle school students was 34.6%, the male and female students were 46.9% and 21.2% respectively. The male students were significantly higher than the female students. The smoking rate was 11.3%. The factors of the male and female students were 18.5% and 3.4%., respectively. It is an important factor to promote the formation of students' smoking habits, and helping students to improve their learning performance and correctly understand the harm of tobacco can well prevent the formation of students' smoking habits.
The survey of smokers in six cities in six cities showed that up to 83.6% smokers had smoked in indoor entertainment places (male: 84%, women: 70.1%), the highest in Shenyang and Shanghai was 87.7% and 87.1%, and the analysis of the lowest 75.4%. factors in Beijing found that smoking regulation in indoor entertainment places was implemented. The attitude of smokers to smoke control in indoor entertainment, the degree of awareness of tobacco related diseases, the influence of the surrounding population, and the attitude to smoking behavior are the main factors affecting smokers' smoking behavior in indoor entertainment.
The proportion of smoking cessation willing among smokers in Shenyang is lower than that in domestic cities, and the awareness of tobacco related diseases is low. By popularizing the health education of tobacco harm, it is necessary to encourage relatives to actively participate in smoking cessation activities, enrich the information content of tobacco packaging health warning, improve the intensity of tobacco control and promote the product of smoking cessation. And smoking cessation services can improve the smoking cessation intention of smokers in Shenyang.
The smoking rate of Shenyang middle school students, both male and female, is higher than the national average. Now the smoking rate is in line with the national average. By building the smokeless environment of college students and middle school students, they can improve their skills of refusing other people's smoking and relieve their depressed mood and help students to improve their academic performance. Knowing the harm of smoking to health can prevent the formation of smoking habits among young students.
Strengthening the enforcement of tobacco control regulations in indoor entertainment places is the key link in controlling smoking and second-hand smoke exposure in indoor entertainment places, and improving the awareness of tobacco related tobacco related diseases is an effective measure and fundamental guarantee for the effectiveness of tobacco control.
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1 王海霞;我国禁烟公益广告的问题及对策研究[D];华中师范大学;2011年