[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the genotype of hepatitis B virus (HBV), the distribution of serum subtypes and the relationship between the genotype and the subtype of serum in the natural population of Zhaodong, Heilongjiang, and to understand the variation of the nucleotide level and the amino acid level of the HBV S gene in the natural population, and to analyze the relationship between the HBV type and the clinical outcome.
Methods: in 2005, two rural areas of Zhaodong city and Xianfeng village in Zhaodong, Heilongjiang Province, were used as the research sites. The residents of whole Tuen Tuen were studied. A cross-sectional sero epidemiological survey was carried out on the residents of Tuen Tuen. The solid phase radioimmunoassay (SPRIA) was used to detect the HBsAg, anti -HBs and anti -HBc hepatitis B virus infection indexes, and the enzyme linked immunization (ELI) was used. SA) was used to detect two indexes of HBeAg and anti -HBe infection. Combined with the data of the sero epidemiological investigation of the two sites in 1986, combined with the results of ALT, B ultrasound and clinical examination, according to the diagnostic criteria of the guide for the prevention and treatment of chronic hepatitis B made in December 10, 2005, 110 cases of clinical diagnosis were selected as the research object. 86 cases of symptomatic HBV carriers (ASC), 12 cases of chronic hepatitis B (CH), 5 cases of cirrhosis (LC), 1 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), 6 cases, 60 males and 50 females. The average age was 36 years old. The serum samples extracted from 110 subjects were amplified by the nested PCR method for HBV DNA. using QIAamp DNA Blood Mini, according to the kit operation instructions HBV DNA was extracted from the serum of 200 mu L, which was used as a template to design and synthesize 2 pairs of primers to amplify HBV S gene. The amplified product was identified by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and purified and recovered by Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System kit. The ASTAR software compares the nucleotide sequence of the sequenced specimens with the standard sequence of HBV A-H genotypes obtained from the GenBank, draws the gene evolution tree and determines the genotype. The amino acid sequence is deduced from the nucleotide sequence and the serum subtype is determined. The statistical processing score of the exact probability method of Fisher in the experimental fruit is carried out by the SAS 8.1 software. In the case of P0.05, there is a statistical significance.
Results: of the 110 serum specimens, 97 cases of HBV DNA were positive, and the positive rate was the genotype distribution of 88.2%.97 samples: 9 cases of B genotype, 9.3% in C type, 89.7% in C type and 1 in D type, which accounted for 77 cases of adr subtype, 79.4%; adw2 subtype 11, Ayr subtype 8, 8.2%; ayw2 subtype 8.2%; ayw2 subtype 1 cases accounted for 1.0%.9 cases genetic specimens Serum subtypes were adw2 subtypes; serum subtypes of 87 C genotypes were adrq+ 75 cases (86.2%), 2 cases (2.3%), adw2 2 cases (2.3%), Ayr 8 cases (9.2%), and 1 D genotypes of serum subtype ayw2 subtype. The serum subtypes of different genotypes were statistically analyzed with Fisher exact probability method, P value 0. There were P values 0. There were P values. Statistical significance.
Among the 9 cases of B genotype infection, 4 cases (44.4%) were ASC and 5 were CH (55.6%). 87 cases of C genotype infection, 3 were restorer (3.4%), 73 were ASC (83.9%), 7 was CH (8.1%), LC (3.4%) and HCC were HCC (ASC), and ASC (ASC).Fisher probability method for the clinical outcome of different genotypes, P values were 0.0288, there is a statistical significance.
A total of 84 HBV S gene 540nt sequences were obtained in this experiment. By analyzing the nucleotide substitutions of these nucleotide sequences and the mutation sites of amino acid sequences derived from nucleotide sequences, 131 sites were found to have basic substitutions, of which 40 were synonymous, 89 were missense mutations and 2 loci were used. The main structure homologous region (MHR, aa100-160) found that 45 sites have base substitutions, 18 of which are synonymous and 27 are missense. 2 sites in the missense mutation produce significant amino acid mutations - Q129H (1 cases) and M133L (1 cases), and.1 in the first stem ring structure of the antigen determinant a in a There were three amino acid TTE insertions between a119 and 120. The frequency of HBV S gene substitution was 2.19 per 100 nucleotides.
The distribution of HBV genotypes in Zhaodong City of Heilongjiang Province was mainly C genotype, with a small number of B and D genotypes.
2 The distribution of HBV serotypes in Zhaodong City of Heilongjiang Province was mainly ADR subtypes (adrq + and adrq - both, but mainly adrq +), with a small number of adw2, Ayr and ayw2 subtypes.
The serum subtypes of different genotypes of different genotypes of 3 HBV were all adw2 in the serum subtypes of.B genotypes; the serum subtypes of C specimens were mainly ADR, a small amount of adw2 and Ayr; the serum subtypes of D type specimens were ayw2. suggesting that there was a certain correlation between the HBV genotypes and the serum subtypes in the D type specimens.
The clinical outcomes of 4 HBV genotypes were both ASC and CH in different.B genotypes. There were a little more.C genotypes in CH and ASC than those with ASC, and the second was the recovery. LC and HCC. suggested that the B genotypes were easier to form.
The 5 HBV S gene found base substitution at many sites, but the near 1/3 base was replaced by a synonymous mutation. There was a certain HBV S gene mutation in the natural population, and no vaccine related mutations were found. The average frequency of the nucleotide substitution was low, suggesting that the S gene was rather conservative.
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