[Abstract]:Objective to explore the risk factors of nosocomial infection in elderly patients with mental illness, and to provide evidence for the control of nosocomial infection. Methods Nosocomial infection and its risk factors were analyzed retrospectively in 873 elderly psychiatric patients admitted from January 2012 to December 2012. The hospital infection management department made and implemented the targeted monitoring program and designed a statistical questionnaire. The monitors were trained by full-time infection management department workers to observe the monitoring objects, supervise whether the measures were carried out, and carry out prospective investigation on the cases of nosocomial infection. SPSS13.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Results there were 50 cases of nosocomial infection in 873 cases of senile psychosis, 10 cases of spring infection, 19 cases of summer infection, 9 cases of autumn infection, 3.9 cases of winter infection, 12 cases of winter infection, 10 cases of spring infection, 19 cases of summer infection, 9 cases of autumn infection and 12 cases of winter infection. The infection rate was 6.0, the infection rate in summer and winter was significantly different from that in spring and autumn (P0.05), the infection occurred mainly in respiratory tract (72.0%), especially in lower respiratory tract (50.0%), followed by urinary tract (14.0%), skin and soft tissue (8.0%), nosocomial feeling. Of the 50 patients, 52.3 were treated with two antibiotics, and 4.6 were treated with triple therapy. Conclusion there are many risk factors associated with nosocomial infection in elderly patients with mental illness. It is possible to effectively reduce the nosocomial infection rate by means of targeted monitoring and early intervention in allusion to various risk factors.
【作者单位】: 莱芜市荣军医院精神科;
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