[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the infection of Enterobius vermicularis among preschool children in Liuzhou, Guangxi. Methods: fifty preschool children from 5 kindergartens in Liuzhou, Guangxi, were randomly selected, and the infection of Enterobius vermicularis was investigated by means of transparent tape anal swab. The health habits of the children and their parents, the school hygiene environment and the parents' education level were investigated by means of questionnaire. Results: of the 500 children, 48 were infected, and the total infection rate was 9.60. By univariate analysis, the infection rate of Enterobius vermicularis was higher in children aged 5 or 6 years old, rural children, children who did not wash their hands before and after meals, who preferred raw food, who did not clean the classroom floor thoroughly, and whose parents worked outside the home. Multivariate conditional logistic regression analysis showed that washing hands before meals, diet hygiene, anal cleaning, regular cleaning of bedding, school environmental hygiene, health education, age and different areas were the factors affecting the infection rate of Enterobius vermicularis. Conclusion: the infection rate of Enterobius vermicularis in rural children in Liuzhou is significantly higher than that in urban areas. In the future planning of prevention and control of Enterobius vermicularis in rural areas, poor diet and hygiene habits, children left behind, and poor environmental hygiene should be taken into account. The children in the higher age group are the key prevention and control object, doing well the health education, personal protection and reducing the infection rate of pinworm in children.
【作者单位】: 广西科技大学医学院儿科;广西科技大学第二附属医院;
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