发布时间:2018-08-27 13:01
【摘要】: 德国小蠊Blattella germanica(L.)是一种世界性卫生害虫,近年来在我国迅速扩散,在许多地区蔓延成灾,并且取代黑胸大蠊等成为新兴的室内蜚蠊优势种群。近年来,对于德国小蠊的防治、虫情调查等都有大量报道,但是对于取代其他室内蜚蠊成为优势种群的机理没有系统的研究报道。因此,本研究通过室内实验,观察不同温度下德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊的生殖和生长发育,比较逆境下德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊存活时间、在相同条件下两种蜚蠊的种群动态研究,探索了德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊对环境适应性、不同温度下发育历期以及种间竞争等与蜚蠊传播扩散紧密相关的几个因素,旨在探索德国小蠊在扩散传播中的生物生态学优势,以及扩散后对原有蜚蠊种群的影响,为综合防治提供有益的参考。主要研究结果如下: 1不同温度下德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊的生殖和生长发育 分别在16℃、20℃、24℃、28℃、32℃下观察德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊的发育历期并计算发育速率,发现温度对德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊的发育历期存在影响,在各个温度处理中,德国小蠊的发育速率都明显大于黑胸大蠊。同时比较德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊在不同温度下产卵量和卵孵化率,研究发现黑胸大蠊产卵量和卵孵化率受温度影响更大,相同温度下黑胸大蠊产卵量大于德国小蠊,但卵孵化率低于德国小蠊。28℃时,德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊的发育历期最短,产卵量和卵孵化率最高。 2德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊在逆境条件下存活时间的比较 温度过高或过低都影响两种蜚蠊的存活时间。在低温范围内(-5℃-5℃),德国小蠊的和黑胸大蠊的若虫和雌雄成虫的存活时间随温度下降呈明显缩短趋势;在高温范围内(40℃-50℃),德国小蠊的和黑胸大蠊不同虫态的存活时间随温度升高而缩短。在低温处理时德国小蠊一龄若虫的存活时间最久,分别为0.79天、1.98天、25.76天。在高温处理中德国小蠊雌成虫的存活时间最长,分别为10.74天、3.84天和2.76天。结果表明德国小蠊在适应低温和高温逆境方面优于黑胸大蠊。结果表明德国小蠊在适应低温和高温逆境方面优于黑胸大蠊。 缺少食物或者水都会对两种蜚蠊的生存造成不利影响,在有水无食、无水无食、无水有食条件下,黑胸大蠊雄成虫存活时间最长,分别为45.50天、32.03天和33.37天。其中,水对蜚蠊寿命影响显著,有水处理下两种蜚蠊的存活时间均显著高于无水处理。但在无水条件下,有食处理德国小蠊存活时间明显高于无食处理,一龄若虫、雌成虫和雄成虫寿命在无食物时分别为7.43天、15.43天、8.75天;在有食条件下提高到9.67天、18.39天和11.21天,而黑胸大蠊各虫态存活时间在有无食和无食处理中差异不显著;与黑胸大蠊相比德国小蠊更适应缺水环境。 3不同饲养密度对德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊卵孵化率、一龄若虫体重的影响 对不同饲养密度下,德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊的卵孵化率的研究表明,随着饲养密度的增加,德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊的卵孵化率降低,当饲养密度从5对/瓶上升到25对/瓶时,德国小蠊的卵孵化率从89.65%降到70.54%,黑胸大蠊的卵孵化率则从85.64%下降到68.54%。各密度下德国小蠊孵化率均高于黑胸大蠊。 随着饲养密度的增大,一龄若虫体重都呈下降趋势。当饲养密度从5对/瓶上升到25对/瓶时,德国小蠊一龄若虫的体重从14.51 mg降为7.86 mg,黑胸大蠊一龄若虫的体重则从43.02mg降为26.11 mg。 4德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊种间竞争结果 研究德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊的种间竞争,采用Lotka-Volterra种间竞争模型进行拟合,结果表明单独饲养时德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊的种群数量均明显高于混合饲养时的种群数量,两物种间存在种间竞争关系,属于资源利用型竞争。单独饲养和混合饲养时德国小蠊种群数量均大于黑胸大蠊种群数量;混合饲养条件下两物种的种间竞争处于一种不稳定的平衡状态,准能取胜取决于种群的初始状态对谁更有利,混合饲养下德国小蠊种群数量大于黑胸大蠊的种群数量,因此在这个竞争系统中,德国小蠊为优势种。 综合上述结果,可以看出温度影响德国小蠊和黑胸大蠊的发育历期、产卵量和卵孵化率,德国小蠊比黑胸大蠊更适应高温、低温、缺水等不利环境条件;两种蜚蠊在同一环境中共存时存在种间竞争,在竞争系统中,德国小蠊占优。
[Abstract]:Blattella germanica (L.) is a worldwide health pest. In recent years, Blattella germanica (L.) has spread rapidly in China, and has become a new dominant indoor cockroach population in many areas. In recent years, there are a lot of reports on the control of Blattella germanica (L.), but for the replacement of other indoor cockroaches. The mechanism of Blattella germanica becoming the dominant population has not been systematically studied. Therefore, this study investigated the reproduction and growth of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus at different temperatures, compared the survival time of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus under the same conditions, and explored the population dynamics of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus under the same conditions. Several factors closely related to cockroach propagation and diffusion, such as environmental adaptability, developmental duration at different temperatures and interspecific competition, were studied to explore the bioecological advantages of Blattella germanica in its diffusion and the effects of its diffusion on the original cockroach population, providing useful reference for integrated control. Below:
1 reproduction and growth of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta melanica at different temperatures
The developmental stages of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus were observed and calculated at 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32, respectively. It was found that temperature had an effect on the developmental stages of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus. The developmental rate of Blattella germanica was significantly higher than that of Blattella nigropectus in all temperature treatments. The results showed that the oviposition rate and hatching rate of Blattella nigropectus were more affected by temperature. At the same temperature, the oviposition rate of Blattella nigropectus was higher than that of Blattella germanica, but the egg hatching rate was lower than that of Blattella germanica.
2 the survival time of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta melaniana under adverse conditions
The survival time of the nymphs and males of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta nigropectus in low temperature range (- 5 5 C), decreased significantly with the decrease of temperature, and the survival time of different states of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta nigropectus in high temperature range (- 40 50), increased with the increase of temperature. The longest survival time of the first instar nymphs of Blattella germanica was 0.79 days, 1.98 days and 25.76 days at low temperature, respectively. The longest survival time of female adults of Blattella germanica was 10.74 days, 3.84 days and 2.76 days at high temperature, respectively. Blattella germanica is superior to black Periplaneta in adapting to low temperature and high temperature stress.
The longest survival time of male adult Blattella nigropectus was 45.50 days, 32.03 days and 33.37 days respectively under the condition of water and no food, no water and no food, and no water and no food. The longevity of female and male adults were 7.43 days, 15.43 days and 8.75 days respectively when there was no food, and 9.67 days, 18.39 days and 11.21 days when there was food, while the longevity of each state of Blattella nigropectus was 9.67 days, 18.39 days and 11.21 days when there was no food. Compared with black cockroach, Blattella germanica is more suitable for water shortage.
3 Effects of different feeding densities on hatching rate and weight of first instar nymphs of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta melanodon
The egg hatching rate of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus decreased with the increase of feeding density. The egg hatching rate of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus decreased from 89.65% to 70.54% when the feeding density increased from 5 pairs/bottles to 25 pairs/bottles. The egg hatching rate of Blattella nigropectus decreased from 85.64%. The hatchability of Blattella germanica was higher than that of black cockroach under various densities of 68.54%..
The body weight of the first instar nymphs of Blattella germanica decreased from 14.51 mg to 7.86 mg and that of the first instar nymphs of Blattella nigropectus decreased from 43.02 mg to 26.11 mg when the feeding density increased from 5 pairs/bottle to 25 pairs/bottle.
4 interspecific competition between Blattella germanica and Periplaneta melanica
The interspecific competition between Blattella germanica and Periplaneta nigropectus was studied. The Lotka-Volterra interspecific competition model was used to fit the competition. The results showed that the population numbers of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta nigropectus were significantly higher when they were raised alone than when they were mixed. There was interspecific competition between the two species, which belonged to resource utilization competition. The number of Blattella germanica population was larger than that of Blattella nigropectus population in co-rearing; the competition between the two species was in an unstable equilibrium under mixed rearing conditions, and the success depended on who was better off at the initial state of the population. The number of Blattella germanica population in co-rearing was larger than that of Blattella nigropectus population, so the number of Blattella germanica population in co-rearing was higher than that of Blattella nigropectus population. Blattella germanica is the dominant species in the competition system.
The results showed that temperature affected the development duration of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus, spawning rate and egg hatching rate. Blattella germanica was more suitable for high temperature, low temperature and water deficiency than Blattella nigropectus. There was interspecific competition between the two cockroaches when they coexisted in the same environment. Blattella germanica dominated in the competition system.
[Abstract]:Blattella germanica (L.) is a worldwide health pest. In recent years, Blattella germanica (L.) has spread rapidly in China, and has become a new dominant indoor cockroach population in many areas. In recent years, there are a lot of reports on the control of Blattella germanica (L.), but for the replacement of other indoor cockroaches. The mechanism of Blattella germanica becoming the dominant population has not been systematically studied. Therefore, this study investigated the reproduction and growth of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus at different temperatures, compared the survival time of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus under the same conditions, and explored the population dynamics of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus under the same conditions. Several factors closely related to cockroach propagation and diffusion, such as environmental adaptability, developmental duration at different temperatures and interspecific competition, were studied to explore the bioecological advantages of Blattella germanica in its diffusion and the effects of its diffusion on the original cockroach population, providing useful reference for integrated control. Below:
1 reproduction and growth of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta melanica at different temperatures
The developmental stages of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus were observed and calculated at 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32, respectively. It was found that temperature had an effect on the developmental stages of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus. The developmental rate of Blattella germanica was significantly higher than that of Blattella nigropectus in all temperature treatments. The results showed that the oviposition rate and hatching rate of Blattella nigropectus were more affected by temperature. At the same temperature, the oviposition rate of Blattella nigropectus was higher than that of Blattella germanica, but the egg hatching rate was lower than that of Blattella germanica.
2 the survival time of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta melaniana under adverse conditions
The survival time of the nymphs and males of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta nigropectus in low temperature range (- 5 5 C), decreased significantly with the decrease of temperature, and the survival time of different states of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta nigropectus in high temperature range (- 40 50), increased with the increase of temperature. The longest survival time of the first instar nymphs of Blattella germanica was 0.79 days, 1.98 days and 25.76 days at low temperature, respectively. The longest survival time of female adults of Blattella germanica was 10.74 days, 3.84 days and 2.76 days at high temperature, respectively. Blattella germanica is superior to black Periplaneta in adapting to low temperature and high temperature stress.
The longest survival time of male adult Blattella nigropectus was 45.50 days, 32.03 days and 33.37 days respectively under the condition of water and no food, no water and no food, and no water and no food. The longevity of female and male adults were 7.43 days, 15.43 days and 8.75 days respectively when there was no food, and 9.67 days, 18.39 days and 11.21 days when there was food, while the longevity of each state of Blattella nigropectus was 9.67 days, 18.39 days and 11.21 days when there was no food. Compared with black cockroach, Blattella germanica is more suitable for water shortage.
3 Effects of different feeding densities on hatching rate and weight of first instar nymphs of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta melanodon
The egg hatching rate of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus decreased with the increase of feeding density. The egg hatching rate of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus decreased from 89.65% to 70.54% when the feeding density increased from 5 pairs/bottles to 25 pairs/bottles. The egg hatching rate of Blattella nigropectus decreased from 85.64%. The hatchability of Blattella germanica was higher than that of black cockroach under various densities of 68.54%..
The body weight of the first instar nymphs of Blattella germanica decreased from 14.51 mg to 7.86 mg and that of the first instar nymphs of Blattella nigropectus decreased from 43.02 mg to 26.11 mg when the feeding density increased from 5 pairs/bottle to 25 pairs/bottle.
4 interspecific competition between Blattella germanica and Periplaneta melanica
The interspecific competition between Blattella germanica and Periplaneta nigropectus was studied. The Lotka-Volterra interspecific competition model was used to fit the competition. The results showed that the population numbers of Blattella germanica and Periplaneta nigropectus were significantly higher when they were raised alone than when they were mixed. There was interspecific competition between the two species, which belonged to resource utilization competition. The number of Blattella germanica population was larger than that of Blattella nigropectus population in co-rearing; the competition between the two species was in an unstable equilibrium under mixed rearing conditions, and the success depended on who was better off at the initial state of the population. The number of Blattella germanica population in co-rearing was larger than that of Blattella nigropectus population, so the number of Blattella germanica population in co-rearing was higher than that of Blattella nigropectus population. Blattella germanica is the dominant species in the competition system.
The results showed that temperature affected the development duration of Blattella germanica and Blattella nigropectus, spawning rate and egg hatching rate. Blattella germanica was more suitable for high temperature, low temperature and water deficiency than Blattella nigropectus. There was interspecific competition between the two cockroaches when they coexisted in the same environment. Blattella germanica dominated in the competition system.
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