发布时间:2019-07-28 14:13
【摘要】:目的了解深圳市集中空调公共场所从业人员的健康现状。方法于2012年9—11月对深圳市20家集中空调公共场所953名从业人员(暴露组)进行问卷调查和生物样品采集,并选择不使用集中空调、场所类型与之相同的8家公共场所402名从业人员作为对照。检测血清嗜肺军团菌1~7 Ig G抗体、免疫球蛋白(Ig G、Ig A、Ig M)。结果暴露组血清嗜肺军团菌1~7 Ig G抗体的阳性率为10.29%(98/952)。与对照组相比,暴露组鼻塞、嗓子干痒、咳嗽及咯痰等呼吸症状,眼睛干燥、眼睛疼痛等眼部症状,皮肤干燥、发热、关节酸痛、疲乏、嗜睡等症状的发生率较高(P0.05)。暴露组Ig G平均水平(12.51 g/L)低于对照组(12.92)g/L,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论本次调查的深圳市集中空调公共场所从业人员呼吸系统、眼部、皮肤等症状及免疫水平受到一定程度影响,其潜在健康危害值得关注。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the health status of employees in central air conditioning public places in Shenzhen. Methods A questionnaire survey and biological sample collection were conducted among 953 employees (exposure group) in 20 central air conditioning public places in Shenzhen from September to November 2012. 402 employees in 8 public places with the same type of central air conditioning were selected as control. Detection of serum Legionella pneumophils 1 鈮,
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the health status of employees in central air conditioning public places in Shenzhen. Methods A questionnaire survey and biological sample collection were conducted among 953 employees (exposure group) in 20 central air conditioning public places in Shenzhen from September to November 2012. 402 employees in 8 public places with the same type of central air conditioning were selected as control. Detection of serum Legionella pneumophils 1 鈮,