发布时间:2018-08-07 17:52
【摘要】:【目的】 探讨尼古丁对家兔脊柱融合模型的影响,阐明尼古丁的剂量与脊柱融合率的相关性。 【方法】 选择60只6个月到8个月的成年健康家兔。按随机对照原则将其分为4组,每组各15只。第1组为对照组;第2、3、4组为实验组。手术时,各组动物用戊巴比妥钠麻醉,麻醉成功后进行后路切开L5-6双侧横突后外侧融合术(PLF)。第1组(对照组)术后第一天开始每天皮下注射生理盐水1ml/kg/次,每天3次。第2、3、4组(实验组)术后第一天开始,各组每天皮下注射尼古丁分别为2mg/kg/次、4mg/kg/次、8mg/kg/次,每天3次。术后12周后处死家兔。截取L4-L7脊柱标本,以手触法测试、X片、CT扫描为手段评价融合情况。最后将已经判定融合的标本用自凝牙托粉制成力学试件,进行生物力学测试。于每个试件施加前屈载荷,记录位移-应力曲线,当试件断裂时测最大位移。通过实验组与对照组对照,不同剂量尼古丁组间进行对照,探讨尼古丁对脊柱后外则横突间融合手术融合率的影响。 【结果】 术后12周时,,手触法判断融合率,第1组为73.3%,第2组融合率为66.7%,第3组融合率为20.0%,第4组融合率为13.3%;X线判断融合率,第1组为93.3%,第2组融合率为86.7%,第3组融合率为26.7%,第4组融合率为20.0%;CT线判断融合率,第1组为80.0%,第2组融合率为66.7%,第3组融合率为33.3%,第4组融合率为26.7%。三种方法判断融合率情况,第1组与第2组之间融合率差别无统计学意义(P0.05)。第1组与第3组、第1组与第4组之间融合率差别有统计学意义(P0.05),说明随着尼古丁剂量的增加,对家兔脊柱融合有一定影响。生物力学测试结果显示:①所有实验组,无论低剂量或高剂量尼古丁组与对照组(生理盐水组)相比,差异均有统计学意义(P0.01)。②低剂量组(第2组)与中等剂量(第3组)和高剂量组(第4组)的差异均有统计学意义(P0.01)。③中等剂量(第3组)和高剂量组(第4组)的差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。 【结论】 手触法检测和影像学评估证明:低剂量尼古丁对脊柱融合无明显影响,中等剂量和大剂量尼古丁阻碍了脊柱的融合; 生物力学研究表明:所有剂量的尼古丁均对腰椎后外侧融合产生了影响,并且随着尼古丁剂量的增加,脊柱融合率明显下降。
[Abstract]:[objective] to investigate the effect of nicotine on spinal fusion model in rabbits. To elucidate the correlation between the dose of nicotine and spinal fusion rate. [methods] 60 adult healthy rabbits aged from 6 months to 8 months were selected. According to the principle of random control, they were divided into 4 groups with 15 rats in each group. The first group was the control group and the second group was the experimental group. During operation, the animals in each group were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium. The posterior incision of L5-6 bilateral posterolateral fusion of the transverse process (PLF). Was performed after the anesthesia was successful. Group 1 (control group) received subcutaneous injection of normal saline 1ml/kg/ 3 times a day from the first day after operation. From the first day after operation, nicotine was injected subcutaneously to 2mg/kg/ 4 mg / kg / mg / kg, 3 times a day in the experimental group (experimental group). Rabbits were killed 12 weeks after operation. The spinal specimens of L4-L7 were cut off and the fusion was evaluated by X-ray CT scanning. Finally, biomechanical tests were carried out by using self-coagulating dental support powder to make the biomechanical specimens. The displacement-stress curve was recorded by applying forward bending load on each specimen, and the maximum displacement was measured when the specimen was broken. The effect of nicotine on the fusion rate of posterior lateral transverse process fusion was studied by the control group and the control group. [results] at 12 weeks after operation, the effect of nicotine on the fusion rate of spinal fusion was studied. The fusion rate was 73.3 in group 1, 66.7 in group 2, 20.0 in group 3, 13.3x ray in group 4, 93.3g in group 1, 86.7 in group 2, 26.7in group 3 and 20.0g in group 4. The fusion rate was 80.0 in the first group, 66.7 in the second group, 33.3 in the third group and 26.7in the fourth group. There was no significant difference in fusion rate between group 1 and group 2 (P0.05). The difference of fusion rate between group 1 and group 3, group 1 and group 4 was statistically significant (P0.05), which indicated that with the increase of nicotine dose, spinal fusion of rabbits was affected to some extent. The results of biomechanical tests showed that all experimental groups, whether low-dose or high-dose nicotine, were compared with the control group (saline group). The difference was statistically significant (P0.01) between the low dose group (group 2), the middle dose group (group 3) and the high dose group (group 4). There were significant differences between low dose group (P 0.01), middle dose group (group 3) and high dose group (group 4). [conclusion] the detection of hand contact and imaging evaluation showed that low dose nicotine had no significant effect on spinal fusion. Moderate and high doses of nicotine block spinal fusion; biomechanical studies show that all doses of nicotine have an effect on posterolateral lumbar fusion, and as nicotine doses increase, Spinal fusion rate decreased significantly.
[Abstract]:[objective] to investigate the effect of nicotine on spinal fusion model in rabbits. To elucidate the correlation between the dose of nicotine and spinal fusion rate. [methods] 60 adult healthy rabbits aged from 6 months to 8 months were selected. According to the principle of random control, they were divided into 4 groups with 15 rats in each group. The first group was the control group and the second group was the experimental group. During operation, the animals in each group were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium. The posterior incision of L5-6 bilateral posterolateral fusion of the transverse process (PLF). Was performed after the anesthesia was successful. Group 1 (control group) received subcutaneous injection of normal saline 1ml/kg/ 3 times a day from the first day after operation. From the first day after operation, nicotine was injected subcutaneously to 2mg/kg/ 4 mg / kg / mg / kg, 3 times a day in the experimental group (experimental group). Rabbits were killed 12 weeks after operation. The spinal specimens of L4-L7 were cut off and the fusion was evaluated by X-ray CT scanning. Finally, biomechanical tests were carried out by using self-coagulating dental support powder to make the biomechanical specimens. The displacement-stress curve was recorded by applying forward bending load on each specimen, and the maximum displacement was measured when the specimen was broken. The effect of nicotine on the fusion rate of posterior lateral transverse process fusion was studied by the control group and the control group. [results] at 12 weeks after operation, the effect of nicotine on the fusion rate of spinal fusion was studied. The fusion rate was 73.3 in group 1, 66.7 in group 2, 20.0 in group 3, 13.3x ray in group 4, 93.3g in group 1, 86.7 in group 2, 26.7in group 3 and 20.0g in group 4. The fusion rate was 80.0 in the first group, 66.7 in the second group, 33.3 in the third group and 26.7in the fourth group. There was no significant difference in fusion rate between group 1 and group 2 (P0.05). The difference of fusion rate between group 1 and group 3, group 1 and group 4 was statistically significant (P0.05), which indicated that with the increase of nicotine dose, spinal fusion of rabbits was affected to some extent. The results of biomechanical tests showed that all experimental groups, whether low-dose or high-dose nicotine, were compared with the control group (saline group). The difference was statistically significant (P0.01) between the low dose group (group 2), the middle dose group (group 3) and the high dose group (group 4). There were significant differences between low dose group (P 0.01), middle dose group (group 3) and high dose group (group 4). [conclusion] the detection of hand contact and imaging evaluation showed that low dose nicotine had no significant effect on spinal fusion. Moderate and high doses of nicotine block spinal fusion; biomechanical studies show that all doses of nicotine have an effect on posterolateral lumbar fusion, and as nicotine doses increase, Spinal fusion rate decreased significantly.
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