发布时间:2019-03-21 20:27
【摘要】:目的回顾性分析七氟醚吸入麻醉辅助低龄儿童舌系带矫治术中的应用效果,探讨其临床应用特点和安全性。方法选取2013年1月至2014年4月在广州市妇女儿童医疗中心口腔科就诊、符合手术适应证的1~4周岁儿童共187例,完善术前准备,术中以吸入七氟醚+氧气进行麻醉,完成舌系带矫治术,术中连续检测脉搏、呼吸频率、心电图、血压及末梢血氧饱和度,术后留院观察,直至Aldrete评分≥9分方可离院,术后进行随访,资料统计分析。结果 187例患儿均在理想的麻醉状态下完成手术,术中各项生命体征平稳,麻醉使患儿睫毛反射消失时间为30~90 s,平均时间为(48±9.3)s,手术时间为10~20 min,平均时间为(17.2±5.7)min,术后5~15 min苏醒,平均复苏时间为(7.4±8.3)min。复苏期52例患儿出现烦躁哭闹,占手术患儿的27.81%,2例(1.1%)患儿术后出现一过性发热症状,术中、术后均未发生恶心、呕吐等不良反应。术后随访未发现麻醉及手术不良并发症。结论应用七氟醚吸入麻醉辅助低龄儿童舌系带矫治术,起效快、复苏快,不良反应少,临床效果显著。
[Abstract]:Objective to analyze retrospectively the clinical application characteristics and safety of sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia in the treatment of hyoid band correction in young children. Methods from January 2013 to April 2014, 187 cases of 1-4-year-old children were selected from the Department of stomatology, Guangzhou Medical Center for Women and Children. The preoperative preparation was improved and sevoflurane oxygen inhalation was used for anesthesia during the operation. The tongue band correction was completed. The pulse, respiratory rate, electrocardiogram, blood pressure and oxygen saturation of peripheral blood were continuously measured during the operation. After operation, the patients were kept for observation until the Aldrete score 鈮,
[Abstract]:Objective to analyze retrospectively the clinical application characteristics and safety of sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia in the treatment of hyoid band correction in young children. Methods from January 2013 to April 2014, 187 cases of 1-4-year-old children were selected from the Department of stomatology, Guangzhou Medical Center for Women and Children. The preoperative preparation was improved and sevoflurane oxygen inhalation was used for anesthesia during the operation. The tongue band correction was completed. The pulse, respiratory rate, electrocardiogram, blood pressure and oxygen saturation of peripheral blood were continuously measured during the operation. After operation, the patients were kept for observation until the Aldrete score 鈮,