Ultrasonography Urinary system abnormalities Fetus Prenatal
Prenatal ultrasound screening for fetal urinary system abnormalities
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HUANG Chunbo, LYU Haiyun, ZOU Yafang (Department of Ultrasound, Shenzhen Bao'an Women and Children Health Care Hospital, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518133, P. R. China)
Abstr:Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of prenatal ultrasound screening for fetal urinary system abnormalities. Methods 12428 pregnant women of 16 - 39 weeks were screened by prenatal ultrasound, and 62 cases of abnormal fetal urinary system were followed up, and the resnhs were compared with the follow-up results. Results 53 cases were found fetal urinary system abnormalities in single site of 62 fetus of with urinary system abnormalities, including hydronephrosis in 29 cases, polycystic developmental dysplastic kidney in 8 cases, infantile polyeystic kidney in 2 cases, dult polycystic kidney in 2 cases, renal duplicatio in 1 case, unilateral ectopic kidney in 3 cases, absence of Dan Ceshen in 2 cases, horseshoe kidney in 1 case, renal cyst in 4 cases, megaureter in 1 case; with two parts of abnormality in 9 cases, including ureteral stenosis combined kidney seeper in 4 cases, duplication of kidney with renal seeper in 3 cases, ectopic kidney with kidney in 2 cases induced abortion. 19 cases were chosen the induced labor of induced labor of 62 cases of fetues, 17 cases were as with ultrasonography, 43 cases continued to pregnancy. Hydronephrosis was found in 27 cases that reduced or dissipated after birth, 16 cases by surgery or repeated ultrasound prenatal ultrasound examination were consistent as with before. Conclusion The diagnosis of fetal urinary system abnormalities by ultrasound is consistent with follow-up results, and prenatal ultrasound screening has a great value in the diagnosis of fetal urinary system abnormalities.
Keyword::Ultrasonography Urinary system abnormalities Fetus Prenatal