[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the risk factors, prevention and treatment of perirenal hematoma after ureteral soft lithotripsy. Methods: the clinical data of 1 259 patients with symptomatic perirenal hematoma after ureteral soft lithotripsy from April 2007 to August 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. Among the 18 patients with perirenal hematoma, 7 cases were complicated with diabetes mellitus. 11 cases were complicated with urinary tract infection, of which 15 cases were female and 3 cases were male. Results: the diagnosis of perirenal hematoma was confirmed by B-ultrasound and CT. Hematoma was located in 8 cases of posterolateral kidney and 10 cases of ventral side and lower pole of kidney. The hematoma depth 2.6~15.3cm (mean 5.2 cm).) in 11 patients with hematoma disappeared gradually after conservative treatment for 7 ~ 14 days, and 5 cases were treated with hematoma puncture and drainage, and recovered gradually after 15 days. 2 cases were treated with open operation to remove hematoma. After 36 days, the patients recovered gradually. Conclusion: female, diabetes mellitus, urinary tract infection, large stone volume, long operation time, infectious stone are the risk factors of perirenal hematoma after ureteral soft lithotripsy. The effective ways to reduce perirenal hematoma are to prepare and effectively resist infection before operation, to improve lithotripsy skills, to use large diameter ureteral passage sheath, to infuse low pressure, to shorten operation time, and to operate by stages.
【作者单位】: 广州医科大学附属第五医院泌尿外科广州医科大学微创外科技术和产品转化中心;中山大学附属第一医院泌尿外科;
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