本文选题:太极拳 切入点:2型糖尿病 出处:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的:1、系统评价“习练太极拳对2型糖尿病患者血糖指标影响的随机对照实验”相关文献的报道质量;2、运用meta分析的方法,整合相关太极拳干预2型糖尿病患者效果的数据资料,分析太极拳对2型糖尿病患者的作用效果。方法:1、文献的检索与筛选:检索中文数据库中国知网和万方,英文数据库WEB OF SCIENCE和PUBMED进行检索,设定检索的时间控制为建库开始到2015年11月结束,在里面选择符合入选标准的随机对照试验;2、研究质量评价:将入选文献中的研究按照Cochran手册推荐的偏倚风险评估方法进行方法学质量评估;3、数据分析:使用Excel收集数据,运用Rev Man5.3和Stata13.0进行数据的系统评价与数据分析。以上研究过程中涉及到文献筛选、资料提取等环节均由两名研究人员分别完成,遇到争议则寻求第三方帮助共同确定方案。结果:共纳入14项研究,包含785名受试者。结果显示:1、太极拳对2型糖尿病患者FBG水平干预效果与常规药物/空白组(n=361,SMD=-0.48,95%CI(-0.69~-0.27),P=0.000)相比有显著性效果且无异质性(I 2=0.0%,P异质性=0.705);与有氧运动组(n=347,SMD=-0.000,95%CI(-0.21~0.21),P=0.986)相比无显著性差异且异质性非常低(I2=3.3%,P异质性=0.396。2、进行Hb A1c水平对比时发现,不管与有氧运动(P=0.008)还是常规治疗(P=0.000)相比,太极拳在降低糖尿病患者血液中Hb A1c浓度方面均表现出显著差异。但是数据间异质性依然非常高,分别是有氧运动(I2=75.2%,P异质性=0.007)和常规治疗(I2=88.9%,P异质性=0.000)。偏倚风险评估结果显示:方法学质量等级为A、B、C级的分别为0篇、4篇和10篇。结论:数据的分析结果表明:1、太极拳对于降低2型糖尿病患者的血糖水平有一定作用,且与其他有氧运动相比表现出等效性;2、Hb A1c指标合并时产生的高异质性表明研究者在进行报道时未能全面报道相关变量,造成无法确定异质性来源,影响系统评价;3、练习太极拳对2型糖尿病患者血糖的控制效果相关研究的方法学质量较差,大部分研究未能正确使用随机、盲法和分配隐藏等。
[Abstract]:Objective to systematically evaluate the report quality of "randomized controlled trial on the effect of Taijiquan exercise on blood glucose index in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients", and to use meta analysis method to evaluate the quality of relevant literature, and to evaluate the effect of Taijiquan exercise on blood glucose index in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. To analyze the effect of Taijiquan on type 2 diabetes mellitus patients by integrating relevant data and data of Taijiquan intervention in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: 1. Search and screen of literature: search Chinese database, China Zhiwang and Wanfang, and analyze the effect of Taijiquan on patients with type 2 diabetes, and analyze the effect of Taijiquan on type 2 diabetes mellitus. The English database WEB of SCIENCE and PUBMED were searched, and the time of retrieval was set to start from the beginning of the database construction to the end of November 2015. Select a randomized controlled trial that meets the selection criteria and evaluate the quality of the study: do methodological quality assessment according to the bias risk assessment method recommended by the Cochran manual. Data analysis: use Excel to collect data. Rev Man5.3 and Stata13.0 are used to evaluate and analyze the data systematically. In case of dispute, seek assistance from a third party in the joint determination of the programme. Results: a total of 14 studies were included, The results showed that the intervention effect of 1%, Taijiquan on FBG level in type 2 diabetic patients was significant compared with that in the normal drug / blank group, and had no heterogeneity I 20.0P heterogeneity 0.705m; and no significant difference was found between the aerobic exercise group and the aerobic exercise group with respect to SMD-0.2195 CI-0.210.21 (P 0.986). (2) the results showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups in the intervention of the FBG level in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (P = 0.705), and there was no significant difference between the control group and the aerobic exercise group (P 0.986), and there was no significant difference between the two groups (P 0.986). The difference was significant and the heterogeneity was very low. The heterogeneity was 0.396.2. The HbA1c levels were compared with each other. Taijiquan showed significant differences in reducing blood HB A1c levels in patients with diabetes compared with aerobic exercise (0.008) or conventional therapy (0.000), but data heterogeneity remained high. The results of bias risk assessment showed that there were 0 articles (4 articles) and 10 articles (10 articles) with a grade of methodology quality. Conclusion: the results of data analysis show that the results of data analysis show that: 1, Taiji. Boxing plays a role in lowering blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Compared with other aerobic exercise, the high heterogeneity caused by the combination of HbA1c and other aerobic exercises indicated that the researchers failed to report the relevant variables fully, which resulted in the uncertainty of the source of heterogeneity. The effect of Taijiquan on blood glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes was poor, and most of the studies failed to use random, blind and distributive hiding methods correctly.
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