本文选题:空腹血糖 + 糖尿病 ; 参考:《中国疾病预防控制中心》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:研究背景和意义糖尿病(Diabetes mellitus, DM)作为一种代谢性紊乱疾病,可以导致心脏、肾脏、眼睛和神经等多器官、组织的损伤、功能障碍或衰竭。全球各个国家糖尿病患病率都在不断升高,糖尿病直接导致的死亡也在不断增加,已成全球性公共健康问题。根据WHO报道,2012年由糖尿病直接导致的死亡是150万例,其中80%发生在低收入和中等收入国家。2014年,全球18岁及以上人群糖尿病患病率为9%。2030年糖尿病将成为第7位主要死因,2035年全球糖尿病患者将达到5.92亿人。2007年至2008年对我国20岁及以上人群的调查结果显示,调查对象中9.7%患有糖尿病,其中仅有40%在调查前已经得到诊断。2010年我国慢性病监测结果显示,我国成年人糖尿病患病率达到了11.6%,这些数据均表明糖尿病也是我国面临的一个很重要的公共卫生问题。我国目前开展的有关糖尿病的研究主要集中在汉族人群,对少数民族人群糖尿病的研究只局限在少数几个地区和民族。布依族是我国人口较多的少数民族,在少数民族中居第十位,但目前涉及布依族人群糖尿病的研究尚不多见。研究目的1.了解贵州省汉族和布依族居民的血糖水平、糖尿病流行情况。2.了解糖尿病患者对自身患病情况的知晓、药物治疗及血糖控制的状况。3.分析糖尿病患病的相关危险因素,并比较两个民族间的差异。研究方法本研究是横断面研究,以贵州省为调查现场。采用多阶段整群抽样方法,于2012年10月到2012年12月期间,共调查20岁-80岁居民5395人,其中汉族居民2697人,布依族居民2698人。现场进行问卷调查,测量身高、体重和血压,并采集血液标本检测空腹血糖和血脂等指标。糖尿病的诊断标准采用1999年WHO指南。使用SAS9.1软件对数据进行处理和统计分析。分析汉族和布依族居民的糖尿病患病率和相关危险因素。研究结果1.汉族城镇居民标化患病率6.01%,其中男性7.88%,女性4.73%;汉族农村居民糖尿病标化患病率为3.47%,其中男性为4.3%,女性为2.87%;布依族城镇居民糖尿病标化患病率为3.04%,其中男性5.93%。女性1.32%;布依族农村居民糖尿病标化患病率为2.83%,其中男性4.55%,女性1.58%。汉族和布依族居民患病率均为城镇高于农村,男性高于女性,随年龄的增加糖尿病患病率显著升高。2.糖尿病患者知晓率为46.71%,汉族高于布依族(56.59%vs.24.05%,P0.01),城镇高于农村(64.05%vs.22.22%,P0.01),女性高于男性(54.55%vs.41.06%,P=0.03);81.15%的知晓者在治疗,汉族患者治疗率高于布依族(P0.05),治疗率在城镇和农村、性别间的差异没有统计学意义;控制率为40.44%,控制率在民族、性别和城乡之间没有显著性差异。3.糖尿病危险因素的多元logistic回归分析显示,民族是糖尿病的影响因素。性别、年龄、糖尿病家族史、高血压和高甘油三酯是汉族和布依族居民共同的糖尿病的危险因素;经济收入、体力劳动与布依族居民糖尿病相关;体育锻炼则与汉族居民糖尿病相关。结论汉族居民糖尿病患病率明显高于布依族居民。糖尿病患者知晓率、治疗率和控制率较低,还有待进一步提高。多因素分析中民族是糖尿病的影响因素,提示汉族和布依族人群糖尿病的发生可能存在差异。建议对两民族糖尿病患病率差异原因开展进一步研究。
[Abstract]:Background and significance Diabetes mellitus (DM), as a metabolic disorder, can lead to multiple organs such as heart, kidney, eye and nerve, tissue damage, dysfunction or failure. The prevalence of diabetes in various countries is increasing, and the deaths directly caused by sugar urine disease are increasing and become global. Public health problems. According to WHO, 1 million 500 thousand deaths were directly caused by diabetes in 2012, 80% of which occurred in low and middle income countries for.2014. The global diabetes prevalence rate of 18 years old and above was the seventh major cause of death in the global 18 years old population. In 2035, the global diabetes patients would reach 592 million from.2007 to 2. 008 years of survey of people aged 20 and over showed that 9.7% of the respondents had diabetes, and only 40% of them had been diagnosed with chronic disease monitoring.2010 before the investigation. The prevalence rate of diabetes in China was 11.6%. These data indicate that diabetes is also a very important public in China. The study of diabetes in China is mainly concentrated in the Han population. The study of diabetes in minority groups is limited to a few regions and ethnic groups. The Buyi Nationality is the minority of our country and the tenth among the minority nationalities. However, the study on diabetes in Buyi people is not yet available. Objective 1. to understand the blood glucose level of the Han and Buyi residents in Guizhou province. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) was known by.2. to understand the awareness of the prevalence of diabetes, the status of drug treatment and blood glucose control in the.3. analysis of the related risk factors of diabetes and the difference between the two nationalities. A total of 5395 people aged 20 year old -80 years old, including 2697 Han residents and 2698 Buyi residents, were investigated by multistage cluster sampling in Guizhou province from October 2012 to December 2012. A questionnaire survey was conducted to measure height, weight and blood pressure, and collect blood samples to detect fasting blood glucose and blood lipids. Indicators. The diagnostic criteria for diabetes were used in the 1999 WHO guide. The data were processed and analyzed using SAS9.1 software. The prevalence and risk factors of diabetes in the Han and Buyi residents were analyzed. Results 1. the standardized prevalence rate of Han urban residents was 6.01%, including 7.88% of men and 4.73% for women, and diabetes in Han rural residents. The prevalence rate was 3.47%, among which men were 4.3% and women were 2.87%, and the prevalence rate of diabetes in Buyi urban residents was 3.04%, of which male 5.93%. women were 1.32%, and the prevalence rate of diabetes in Buyi rural residents was 2.83%, among which men were 4.55%, women 1.58%. Han and Buyi people were higher than rural areas and males were higher than those in rural areas. Women, with the increase of age, the prevalence rate of diabetes was significantly higher in.2. patients. The Han nationality was 46.71%, the Han was higher than the Buyi (56.59%vs.24.05%, P0.01), the town was higher than the rural (64.05%vs.22.22%, P0.01), and the female was higher than the male (54.55%vs.41.06%, P=0.03). The treatment rate of the Han patients was higher than that of the Buyi Nationality (P0.05), and the treatment rate of the Han patients was higher than that of the Buyi Nationality (P0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in gender between urban and rural areas; control rate was 40.44%, control rate was 40.44%, there was no significant difference in control rate between ethnic groups, sex and urban and rural areas. Multiple logistic regression analysis of the risk factors of diabetes showed that ethnic groups were the influencing factors of diabetes. Sex, age, family history of diabetes, hypertension and hyperglycerol were three. Ester is a risk factor for the common diabetes of the Han and Buyi residents; economic income, physical labor and diabetes mellitus in Buyi residents; physical exercise is related to diabetes in Han residents. Conclusion the prevalence rate of diabetes in Han residents is significantly higher than that of Buyi residents. The awareness rate of diabetes, treatment rate and control rate are low, and there is still to be done. Further improvement. In multifactor analysis, ethnic groups are the influencing factors of diabetes, suggesting that there may be differences in the incidence of diabetes among the Han and Buyi people. Further studies are suggested for the reasons for the difference in the prevalence of diabetes in two ethnic groups.
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