[Abstract]:Background and purpose: under the treatment of Combined antiretroviral therapy (cART), the overwhelming majority of HIV infected persons can achieve continuous viral inhibition, but the number of CD4+T lymphocytes in 15-30% HIV infected persons is still not satisfactory in the case of long-term complete inhibition of the virus. This phenomenon is called immunization. Incomplete immune reconstitution, and immune reconstructive infections are known as immune non responders (Immunenon-responders, INRs) and immune responses. One of the important mechanisms of immune reconstruction is a variety of causes of immune activation, and immune activation is also responsible for the occurrence of non AIDS complications related to HIV and the occurrence of HIV related complications. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of the maintenance of the HIV repository. The purpose of this study is to explore the widely used immunosuppressants in many autoimmune diseases, which can inhibit the immune activation of patients with chronic AIDS immune reconstitution, affect their virus storage and through immune reconstruction with untreated Tripterygium wilfordii. To investigate whether Tripterygium wilfordii can continue to improve the CD4+T cell count and growth rate of immune reconstructive patients. Methods: 18 cases of HIV infected by immunoreconstruction were selected from the AIDS diagnosis and treatment center of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, and the dose of Tripterygium wilfordii (20mgtid) was added on the basis of cART. After 1 years, follow up every 3 months and 1 years after 1 years to stop the follow-up of Tripterygium wilfordii, collect the clinical data and leave the peripheral blood samples, determine the peripheral blood T lymphocyte subgroup, leave the whole blood, the plasma cryopreservation, then measure the total HIV-DNA and plasma inflammatory factors respectively. In the patients with heart disease, the patients who were matched with the experimental group were selected as the control group, and the CD4+T cell growth in the corresponding cART treatment period was compared between the experimental group and the control group. Results: 1, the effect of Tripterygium wilfordii on the peripheral blood CD4+T cell count in the patients with immune reconstitution insufficiency was in the experimental group. Patients, Tripterygium wilfordii combined with cART treatment in December can increase the number of CD4+T cells significantly (from 188 + 61/ Mu l to 272 + 79/ L, P0.0001).CD4+ T cell count increase to memory CD4+ T cells. The experimental group was treated with Tripterygium Wilfordii in 2.5 years of cART treatment, and the growth rate of cell count increased before Tripterygium wilfordii treatment. The rate increased (34 cells/mm3/ years to 82 cells/mm3/ years, p=0.077), and the rate of CD4+T cell growth after Tripterygium wilfordii was significantly lower than that of Tripterygium wilfordii (82.0cells/mm3/ year to23.5cells/mm3/). The CD4+T fine cell growth rate of non Tripterygium group cART treatment was 27 cells/mm3/ years, which was significantly lower than that of the experimental group. CD4+T cell growth rate (p=0.022).2 during the treatment of rattan, the effect of Tripterygium wilfordii on the plasma inflammatory factors of the patients in the experimental group was 1 years before the Tripterygium wilfordii treatment group was treated with Tripterygium wilfordii (0 years), 0.5 years with Tripterygium wilfordii, plus 1 years of Tripterygium wilfordii, and a total of 4 follow up points for plasma liquid chromatography 13 kinds of inflammatory factors were measured.IP-10, MIP-1 beta, MCP-1, IFN- alpha 2, IL-15, IL-12p40 were significantly lower than before treatment with Tripterygium wilfordii treatment (at least in the treatment of Tripterygium wilfordii for six months or 1 years compared with Tripterygium wilfordii treatment 0 years, P0.05).IP-10 and two kinds of interferon analysis suggested that IP-10 concentration and IFN gamma have significant With positive correlation.3 and the changes of HIV storage in Tripterygium wilfordii treatment group, before Tripterygium wilfordii treatment, there was no significant change in the change rate of HIV storage in patients with immune reconstruction after treatment. Conclusion: 1, Tripterygium wilfordii can significantly increase the number of CD4+ T lymphocyte counts and CD4+T cell growth rate in peripheral blood of patients with HIV infection. The growth of CD4+T cells was mainly in memory, but the increase in the growth rate of CD4+T cell counts was not sustained after the withdrawal of.2. The plasma IP-10, MIP-1 beta, MCP-1, IFN- alpha 2, IL-15, and IL-12p40 were significantly decreased after the treatment with Tripterygium wilfordii, and the most significant decreased with IP-10. IP-10 concentration and IFN gamma were the most significant. There was a significant positive correlation between.3. Tripterygium glycosides combined with cART treatment had no significant effect on HIV storage in patients with incomplete immune reconstitution.
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