[Abstract]:Objective: by selecting the patients with orally organophosphorus pesticide poisoning in the first diagnosis of the emergency department of our hospital, according to the diagnosis and treatment of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, repeated gastric lavage, catharsis to remove the toxic substances in the gastrointestinal tract, atropine to antagonize the muscarinic symptoms, to restore the activity of cholinesterase, protect the gastric mucosa and promote the metabolism of the blood in the blood. On the basis of ventilator assisted breathing and other comprehensive treatment, combined with the application of percutaneous electric stimulation of Zusanli acupoint treatment, the effect of clinical catharsis and the effect of reducing the adverse reaction of vomiting were observed, the protection of important organs such as heart, liver and other important organs were observed and the effect of reducing the incidence of adverse complications was observed, the therapeutic effect and cure rate were observed, and the operation was monitored. The effect and safety of the percutaneous acupoint electrical stimulation of Zusanli on the patients with organophosphorus pesticide poisoning and its safety were evaluated by the influence of the course on the hemodynamics of the body and the safety. Methods: 62 cases of oral organophosphorus pesticide poisoning in the first emergency department of Xingtai People's Hospital in September 2013, December ~2014, were selected. According to the principle of random sampling, 31 cases were divided into the experimental group and the control group. The two groups were given comprehensive treatment according to the diagnosis and treatment of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, including repeated gastric lavage, catharsis cleaning the residual poison in the gastrointestinal tract, atropine against the symptoms of muscarinic, cholinesterase recovery of cholinesterase activity, the protection of gastric mucosa and the promotion of blood. An artificial airway, ventilator assisted respiration and hemodialysis were established when necessary. The experimental group was injected with mannitol catharsis and Medicinal Charcoal Tablets to adsorb the poison in the gastric tube after gastric lavage, combined with the application of percutaneous electric stimulation of the bilateral Zusanli points, 1 times /8h, 30min/ times, and the control group was routinely used for catharsis and adsorbents. The two groups were observed. The incidence of vomiting caused by catheterization was injected into the gastric tube after the first thorough gastric lavage. The time of first stool after catharsis and the time of excreting the black stool, the number of daily defecation times during the catharsis, atropine time and the total amount of atropine, the recovery time of cholinesterase activity, tracheal intubation and ventilator therapy for respiratory failure were given. Rate, observe the changes of serum CK, CK-MB, LDH value after 3D to evaluate the recovery of important organ damage cells, the time of hospitalization, the cure rate and the number of deaths in the two groups. Before the percutaneous acupoint electrical stimulation, 1min, 5min and the heart rate (H), systolic pressure (SBP), diastolic pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MBP) and peripheral oxygen saturation (Sp O2) were performed in the experimental group. Change, and observe whether there are adverse events in the treatment process, such as local skin injury, muscle soreness, and needle sickness, to evaluate the safety of the treatment technology. Results: the vomiting of the two groups of patients after the first thorough gastric lavage and gastric canal injection of cathartic agent, the incidence of vomiting in the control group was significantly higher than that in the experimental group, the two groups were more different than the experimental group. There were statistically significant {32.2% (10 cases) compared with 9.7% (3 cases), P0.05}, two group for the first time of defecation, the first excretion time of the test group, the first defecation time, the first discharge of the black stool time obviously shortened, the two groups were statistically significant (h:9.3 + 3.6 to 11.6 + 5.2,11.3 + 5.3 ratio 14.5 + 6.8, P0.05); the times of defecation during the cathartic period test The test group was more than the control group (/d:4.3 + 0.53 / 3.1 + 0.41, P0.01); the two groups reached atropine time, the total amount of atropine and the recovery of serum cholinesterase to the normal 1/2 time, the difference was statistically significant (h:4.2 + 2.8, 6.6 + 3.5, mg:66.3 22.8, 84.6 + 24.2, d:6.1 + 0.41, P0.01); The rate of treatment (13% to 35%) and the average time of hospitalization (d:11.3 + 2.8 13.4 + 4.2) were better than those in the control group. The difference was statistically significant (P0.05). The changes of serum CK, CK-MB, LDH values in the two groups were significantly better than those in the control group (u/L: 925.1 + 130.2 compared with 1252.1 + 159.3,28.8 + 9.1 / 9.1 / 35.2 + 12.6223.9 + 28.9) 315.2 Before the treatment of percutaneous acupoint electrical stimulation, 1min, 5min and heart rate (H), systolic pressure (SBP), diastolic pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MBP) and terminal blood oxygen saturation (Sp O2) were not significant before treatment. The difference was not statistically significant {heart rate (secondary /min) before treatment: 119.1 + 8.1116.2 + 8.7120.1 + 9.1 to 118.2 + 10.9 after treatment. Systolic pressure (mm Hg, 1 mm Hg=0.133 K Pa): 118.8 + 19.1116.6 + 16.0118.8 + 18.1 / 115.6 + 16.8, diastolic pressure (mm Hg): 80.9 + 15.8,78.5 + 18.2 ratio 76.1 + 17.2, average arterial pressure (96.7 +% + 18.2 ratio 95.9 + 19.5,%) There is no local skin injury, acupuncture, muscle pain and other adverse reactions in the process of irritation. Conclusion: 1 patients with orally organophosphorus pesticide poisoning are treated by combination of traditional Chinese and Western Medicine on the basis of gastric lavage, catharsis and comprehensive treatment, combined with percutaneous electric stimulation of the Zusanli point, which can reduce catharsis The incidence of postoperative vomiting, enhancing the effect of catharsis, prompting the gastrointestinal toxicants to expel.2 organophosphorus pesticide poisoning as soon as possible combined with the percutaneous electric stimulation of Zusanli, can reduce the total amount of atropine during hospitalization, shorten the atropine time, shorten the patient's hospitalization time, promote the recovery of serum cholinesterase activity, and protect the recovery of the serum cholinesterase activity. Heart, liver and other important organ cells to improve the effect of clinical treatment..3 percutaneous acupoint electric stimulation therapy has little influence on the body, no adverse reaction and acupuncture. It is a safe and effective treatment measure. It provides a safe and effective treatment for patients with oral organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. Convenient, safe and effective method.
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