HIV-1 gp120来源的天然降解淀粉样多肽的发现及其促进HIV-1感染的研究
[Abstract]:BACKGROUND: Many amyloid peptides, such as SEVI (semen-derived viral enhancer factor) and A-beta (alzheimer's disease protein), can significantly improve the efficiency of HIV infection in target cells. In our previous study, we found that synthetic peptides located in gp120MN-beta region can form. Amyloid fibers can promote HIV infection and increase IC50 of ARV drugs. Is there an infection-enhancing factor originating from the virus itself in the complex physiological environment of the human body? Is amyloid polypeptides present naturally in the process of HIV infection? What are the factors inducing the formation of amyloid polypeptides? Can gp120 be reduced by a variety of enzymes in the body? Objective: To search for amyloid peptides from the enzymatic hydrolysate of gp120 in vitro, the supernatant of target cells infected by virus, the plasma and lymphatic leak of HIV-positive patients, respectively, by using high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The presence and composition of amyloid fibers in virus infection supernatant and lymphatic leak were determined by fluorescence and immunogold assay. The presence and composition of amyloid fibers in lymph nodes were determined by immunohistochemistry combined with Congo red staining. Methods and Results: In order to detect the influence of enzymes in body fluid on the stability of gp120, four enzymes, alpha-L-AFU, Thrombin B, Plasmin and CathepsinB, were used to determine the stability of gp120 JR. FL protein was enzymatically hydrolyzed in vitro. 10% SDS-PAGE electrophoresis combined with Coomassie brilliant blue staining showed that gp120 protein was degraded in varying degrees at different time points, and amyloid fibers could be formed spontaneously by enzymatic hydrolysates under transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The infection process in vivo was simulated in vitro. MT-2 cells and CEMx174 5.25M7 cells were infected with different trophotropic viruses X4 (HIVIIIB) and R5 (HIV SF162) respectively. After 7 days of infection, CEMx174 5.25M7 cells were centrifuged to remove cells and cell debris for supernatant collection. Immunohistochemistry and Congo red staining showed that the expression of gp120 protein in lymph nodes of HIV-positive patients was higher than that in lymph nodes of HIV-positive patients. It was found that inactivated lymphatic leakage could promote R5 tropism (HIV SF162) in a concentration-dependent manner. To identify the specific sequence of the polypeptide, the enzymatic hydrolysates of gp120 were treated by ultrafiltration, OMC adsorption, immunoaffinity, acetonitrile precipitation and ultrafiltration respectively. A series of polypeptides derived from gpl20 were identified by high resolution mass spectrometry LC-MS/MS. Homology alignment analysis showed that the polypeptides were localized on gp120 and possibly secondary structures. Some polypeptides with beta domain were selectively synthesized. Specific staining of Congo red, sulfur T, TEM and circular dichroism were used. The results of virus infection activity test showed that GAP380-396, GAP229-244, GAP354-369 polypeptides could enhance the infection of cloned viruses, GAP380-396, GAP229-244 polypeptides to clinical strains of viruses. GAP380-396, GAP229-244 polypeptides increased the IC50 level of four clinical antiviral drugs. In order to elucidate the mechanism of polypeptide-enhanced viral infection, the potential of GAP380-396 and GAP229-244 peptides was detected by Zetasizer Nano-ZS potentiometer, and the effect of charge factor on viral infection was tested by competitive binding assay. Virus pull-down was used to further detect the viral infectivity of polypeptide fiber precipitation and supernatant. It was found that only part of the precipitation could enhance viral infection, indicating that polypeptide fibers could capture and bind to viruses. Cell-binding and fluorescent viral binding experiments showed that polypeptides could bind to viruses. The fluorescent polypeptides showed that different peptides could form heterozygous polypeptides and still enhance the viral infection ability. The polypeptides may have superposition effect. XTT test showed that the polypeptides and viruses were non-toxic to Tzm-bl cells. Conclusion: The enzymatic hydrolysates of HIV gp120 in vitro, the supernatants of HIV gp120 infection, and clinical samples were obtained. The polypeptide GAPs derived from gp120 beta-lamellar amyloid fibers and the amyloid fibers GEVI that can promote virus infection were identified in the lymphatic leakage. The catalysis of enzymes in body fluid may be one of the reasons for the degradation of gp120 to form polypeptides. GAPs can promote HIV infection and antagonize the activity of antiviral drugs, and different polypeptides can promote the degradation of gp120 to form polypeptides. This study provides a theoretical basis for further understanding of HIV infection enhancement effect and drug resistance caused by non-gene mutation, and provides a direction for clinical treatment of HIV.
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