[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the cost and benefit of the comprehensive intervention service for the distribution of (IDU) clean needles in injecting drug users from the point of view of health economics, and to provide a reference for summarizing and popularizing. Methods using the (HAARP) 19 county network database of Yunnan HIV / AIDS Asia project to collect the project participants' capacity building, propaganda and intervention referral funds, the number and number of IDU service, the number of clean needles and condoms were collected retrospectively. The number of referrals, the characteristics of high-risk behaviors in the target population and the change of HIV (HIV) infection rate were analyzed by comparing the annual cost and benefit. Results from 2008 to 2011, 204 outreaching staff from 19 counties of Yunnan Province provided 394,321 services to 12 413 IDU, distributed 3 586,160 clean needles, 585384 condoms and 12 406,400 referrals, with a total cost of 9 058,398 yuan. A total of 5 144.7 person / year (DALY) was recovered and the net benefit was 50 46037 yuan. The cost / benefit ratio was 1: 5. 6, and the net benefit was 59,515 776 yuan because of avoiding HIV infection. Conclusion the comprehensive intervention of clean needle distribution in Yunnan Province is of great economic and economic benefit to the control of AIDS transmission.
【作者单位】: 昆明医科大学公共卫生学院;昆明云迪行为与健康研究中心;云南省第二人民医院;云南省疾病预防控制中心;
【基金】:中澳艾滋病亚洲区域项目(HAARP) 云南省防艾局社会组织动员项目
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