[Abstract]:Objective to understand the current situation of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) prevention and control in China and to understand the changes of iodized salt use in households after the implementation of the new salt iodine standard from 2012 to 2015. Methods four times of iodized salt surveillance were carried out in 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as provinces) and Xinjiang production and Construction Corps (hereinafter referred to as Xinjiang Corps) in accordance with the requirements of iodine deficiency Disorders Surveillance Program. The results showed that from 2012 to 2015, 848,728, 851,122, 849,192 and 849,193 edible salt samples were detected respectively in non-iodine areas. The national iodized salt coverage rate was 98.76% and 98.37%, respectively. The consumption rate of qualified iodized salt was 96.60% and 94.57% respectively. The average iodine content of iodized salt in China in 2012 was 29.15 mg/kg, variation coefficient, while in 2015, the national average of salt iodine decreased to 25.37 mg/kg, and the coefficient of variation decreased to 18.02. Conclusion the coverage rate of iodized salt and the consumption rate of qualified iodized salt in China are good in general. The uniformity of iodized salt is increasing gradually although it has been decreasing year by year in recent years.
【作者单位】: 中国疾病预防控制中心地方病控制中心哈尔滨医科大学;
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