[Abstract]:Part I: experimental conditions for detecting rs2268388 Polymorphism of Acetyl CoA carboxylase B Gene objective: to establish a rapid, accurate and specific method for quantitative detection of ACACB gene rs2268388 polymorphism. Methods: primers and Taqman probes were designed for the sequence of ACACB gene. The optimal conditions for detecting rs2268388 polymorphism of ACACB gene by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR were explored. Different concentrations were set up and their sensitivity and specificity were detected. Results: the pre-denaturation time of PCR reaction was 10 min, the annealing time and the extension time were 1min. The Taqman real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR probe and 0.5ul (0.2uM), TaqMan Genotyping Master Mix 5 ull) concentration were obtained. When the total dH2O 2.5ul system was 10ul, the effect of amplification product was ideal and the cost of experiment was saved. The specificity of detection was good. Conclusion: the optimized Taqman probe method can be used to detect the rs2268388 polymorphism of ACACB gene in a sensitive, specific and stable manner, and the cost of the experiment can be effectively saved. Part II: Association between acetyl coA carboxylase B gene polymorphism and type 2 diabetes objective: to explore the relationship between rs2268388 and rs2268393 polymorphism of acetyl coA carboxylase B (ACACB) gene and type 2 glucose in Han nationality population in Kunming, China. Correlation of urinary disease (T2DM). Methods: polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and Taqman probe technique were used, respectively. The polymorphisms of ACACB gene rs2268388 and rs2268393 were detected in 184 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and 70 healthy controls in Kunming Han population, and the genotypes and allelic frequencies were compared and analyzed. Related clinical and biochemical indicators. Results: (1) there was no significant difference in the frequency of rs2268393 genotypes and alleles of ACACB gene between T2DM group and NC group (x24.810p0.09, x2o1.29hp 0.24). (2) the frequency of rs2268388 C / C genotype and C allele of ACACB gene in T2DM group was significantly higher than that in NC group (蠂 2 + 10.469% P 0.005, 蠂 2 + 4.71% P 0.007). (3) Two-classification Logistic regression analysis showed that ACACB gene rs2268388 C / C genotype and high triglyceride (TG) were risk factors of T2DM. Conclusion: rs2268388 C / C genotype of ACACB gene may be associated with T2DM in Kunming Han population. Part three: Association between acetyl CoA carboxylase B gene polymorphism and diabetic kidney disease objective: to explore the relationship between rs2268388 polymorphism of acetyl coA carboxylase B (ACACB) gene and diabetes mellitus in Han nationality in Kunming, China. Correlation of (DKD) in renal disease. Methods: 248 patients with T2DM were divided into DKDo group (n = 85), DKD1 group (n = 99) and DKD2 group (n = 64) according to the results of twice UAlb/Cr or 24 h UAlb. The rs2268388 polymorphism of ACACB gene in each group was detected by Taqman PCR (Three-star method, and the genotype, allele frequency, risk factors and related clinical and biochemical indexes were compared and analyzed. Results: (1) the frequency of C / T genotype in DKD group was lower than that in NC group (Z 2.391P0. 017), and the rs2268388T/T genotype frequency of ACACB gene in DKD1 group and DKD2 group was higher than that in DKD0 group. There was no significant difference in T / T genotype frequency and allele frequency between DKD1 group and DKD2 group (P0.05). (2) Logistic regression analysis showed that the course of diabetes, rs2268388T/T genotype and high TG, were significant. High HbA1c and hyperuricemia (HUA) are risk factors of DKD. Conclusion: rs2268388 T / T genotype of ACACB gene may be associated with DKD in Kunming Han population.
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