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发布时间:2019-02-12 15:54
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of aging and the continuous improvement of the quality of life of the elderly, the quantity and quality of the elderly community health services are increasing, which brings new challenges to the community health service centers (stations). In this study, 500 elderly people in Wuhou District, Qingyang District, High-tech Zone and Jinniu District of Chengdu City in 2015 were selected as the research objects. The purpose of this study was to conduct a sample survey on the quality of life and community health service needs of the elderly in Chengdu community through a questionnaire survey. In order to understand the utilization of community health services in Chengdu, the present situation of quality of life and influencing factors of the elderly in Chengdu community were analyzed. To further find out the problems existing in the process of providing geriatric health services in the current community health service organizations, and to understand the community health service agency service projects that the elderly in Chengdu wish to carry out, For the health administration department and the community health service organization manager decision-making reference. By means of literature retrieval, expert consultation, questionnaire investigation, statistical analysis and other methods, this study has understood the general demographic characteristics, quality of life and its main influencing factors, medical and health service needs of the elderly in Chengdu community. The demand and utilization of community health services, the items and implementation status of geriatric health services provided at present, the main factors influencing the elderly to choose community health service institutions, etc., and the contents of the investigation and understanding are analyzed and discussed. The conclusions and suggestions are as follows: the prevalence of chronic diseases among the elderly in Chengdu community is very high, and the demand for community health services is great. Hypertension, diabetes, cervical / lumbar spondylosis, osteoporosis and chronic bronchitis are the main chronic non-communicable diseases that endanger the health of the elderly in Chengdu. The overall quality of life of the elderly in Chengdu community is good, interpersonal relationship, medical dependence, chronic disease, age, illness in the past 2 weeks, whether exercise fitness is the main factors affecting the quality of life of the elderly in Chengdu community. The utilization of community health service is good on the whole, but there is a great difference in the degree of knowledge and utilization of individual community health service items, and the demand also changes. It is suggested to increase the input of human resources, increase the health technical staff of community health service institutions, and improve the service quality of community health service centers (stations). Further improve the provision of community health services, pay attention to health education, health management and health promotion.


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