Chronic eczema is a common disease in the Department of dermatology. It is characterized by obvious itching, easy repetition, local skin hypertrophy, itching and scratching, aggravating rash and itching after scratching, and forming a vicious circle. As a new physical therapy, focused ultrasound has been applied to gynecologic diseases, malignant tumors and surgical hemostasis, especially in surgical treatment. A significant effect has been achieved in the treatment of white lesions of the vulva. There are many similarities between chronic eczema and most of the vulvar white lesions in the cause, clinical manifestation, and pathological changes. The study has been studied directly or indirectly for the treatment of eczema. Treatment is one of the important research directions of ultrasound in the treatment of dermatosis.
In this experiment, 2,4- two nitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) was used as an antigen to prepare chronic eczema model in guinea pigs. The dose, effectiveness and safety of focused ultrasound used in the treatment of chronic eczema were observed. The possible mechanism of focused ultrasound in the treatment of chronic eczema was discussed, which lay a theoretical foundation for the clinical application of focused ultrasound in the treatment of chronic eczema.
This study is divided into 4 parts:
1. morphological and pathological changes: 50 healthy guinea pigs were divided into model group (40 rats) and normal group (10 rats). The model group shaved 2 hair on the back, and 2,4- two nitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) was used as antigen. The model of chronic eczema was prepared by small dose of the guinea pig's back skin many times. The 40 models were randomly divided into 1W, 2W, 3W group and control group, 10 rats in each group, respectively. After irradiation, 7d, 14d took skin tissue and HE staining was examined histopathological examination. The aim of this study was to explore the skin pathological changes of guinea pig model of chronic eczema model irradiated by focused ultrasound.
2. ultrastructural changes: 32 guinea pigs were randomly divided into 4 groups. After irradiation, 1D, 7d, 14d and control group were irradiated with 2,4- two nitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) to prepare the guinea pig chronic eczema model. The irradiated group was irradiated with CZF ultrasonic instrument for the model skin dermis continuous straight line irradiation, power 3W, 1,7 and 14 days after irradiation, and the control group did not irradiate immediately. Transmission electron microscopy was used to observe the ultrastructural changes of guinea pigs with chronic eczema induced by focused ultrasound.
3. IL-2 and IL-4 tests: before ultrasonic irradiation, the peripheral blood of the normal group and the model group was extracted, 7d, 14d were extracted after irradiation, and the serum IL-2 and IL-4 contents were detected by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). The level of serum IL-2 and IL-4 in the serum of the chronic eczema Model Guinea pigs irradiated by focused ultrasound and its role in the pathogenesis of eczema were discussed.
4. NGF protein and bFGF protein determination: before ultrasound irradiation, the skin tissue was taken from the normal group and the model group, and the skin tissue was taken by 7d, 14d after irradiation. The changes of NGF protein and bFGF protein in the tissues of the guinea pig were studied by immunohistochemistry. The possible role and focus of NGF protein and bFGF egg white in the pathogenesis of chronic eczema were discussed. The possible mechanism of ultrasound in the treatment of eczema.
1. general observation: the skin of the model group was characterized by chronic eczema like skin lesions. The skin hyperemia and edema increased immediately after ultrasound irradiation, skin complete, slightly hard, and elevated skin temperature (3W2W1W), but no skin burns were found. Seventh days, congestion and edema gradually subsided, light erythema, small scale scale, still slightly hard and normal skin temperature. The symptom score of irradiation group was obvious. The difference was statistically significant (P0.05) compared with the control group, and returned to normal at fourteenth days.
2. changes of histology: hypertrophy of the epidermis of eczema, mild edema between cells and infiltration of numerous inflammatory cells in the dermis. 7 days after ultrasound irradiation, hyperemia and edema subsided, the thickness of the spinous layer reduced, the infiltration of the dermis inflammatory cells decreased, a small amount of inflammatory cells infiltrated in the superficial layer of L4 naive skin, some collagen fibers proliferated, and the rest were basically normal. Derma inflammation Cell count: there was no significant difference between the 1W group and the control group on 7 days and 14 days after irradiation (P0.05), and there was a significant difference between the group 2W and the control group (P0.01) on 7 and 14 days after irradiation (P0.01), and there was a significant difference between the 3W group and the control group after irradiation (P0.001) after 7 days and 14 days.
3. electron microscope observation: the skin of the model group showed the thickening of the cuticle, the swelling of mitochondria in the fibroblasts, the expansion of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the enlargement of the intercellular space, and the swelling of the mitochondria in the vascular endothelial cells on the first and 7 days after irradiation, the swelling of the microvesicles, the swelling of the fibroblast cells, the expansion of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, but the small space between the cells. The fourteenth day was basically restored to normal.
There was no significant difference in serum IL-2 level between the 4. guinea pigs. The level of serum IL-4 in the model group was significantly higher than that in the normal group. The difference between the normal group and the model group was statistically significant (P0.0001). The focused ultrasound could reduce the level of IL-4 in the guinea pigs. The 2W, 3W group and the model group had significant difference (P0.01) after irradiation (P0.01), and the irradiation group (1W) after irradiation (1W) (1W). 2W (3W) was significantly different from the model group (P0.001). There was no difference between the irradiated group and the normal group, and there was a significant difference between the 7 day and the 14 day (P0.05).
5. NGF protein and bFGF protein were expressed in the epithelial cells of the epidermis and the dermal adnexa, the cytoplasm and the membrane of the fibroblasts and the vascular endothelial cells. The expression of NGF protein and bFGF protein in the model group was significantly higher than that of the normal group (P0.001). There was no significant difference between the 1W group and the control group at the 7 and 14 days after the focused ultrasound irradiation, and the NGF eggs of the 2W group and the 3W group were in the 2W and 3W groups. The expression of white and bFGF protein was significantly lower than that of the control group (P0.05, P0.01). After 14 days of irradiation, the expression of NGF and bFGF protein in 2W and 3W groups was compared, and the absorbance of 3W group was closer to the normal skin of guinea pigs.
1. the chronic eczema model of guinea pig can effectively reduce the symptom score. The preliminary results show that 3W is also safe. Therefore, focused ultrasound is safe and effective for the treatment of chronic eczema. In the safe dose, the greater the dose of ultrasound, the better the treatment effect. The focused ultrasound is beneficial to the recovery of skin inflammation and the repair of tissue. Again.
2. the ultrastructural observation of the chronic eczema model of guinea pigs irradiated by focused ultrasound. The focused ultrasound can be used to treat eczema. It is beneficial to the proliferation and repair of microvascular and collagen fibers, and the ultrastructure of epithelial cells and dermal tissue in the affected area tends to be restored to normal.
3. focused ultrasound can reduce the level of serum IL-4, and have no significant effect on the level of IL-2. It may reduce the level of IL-4 and regulate the balance between IL-4 and the function of Th2 cells by reducing the level of Th2 secreted. The effect of focused ultrasound on the chronic humid rash model of guinea pigs may be associated with Th2 The type of cell factor is related.
4. the ultrasound induced biological effects of focal ultrasound on guinea pigs chronic eczema can restore NGF and bFGF to normal tissue, which is conducive to the repair of skin tissue.
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