发布时间:2018-07-28 14:25
【摘要】:目的:通过研究颈内动脉粥样硬化和脑梗死患者血清中NGAL和sLox-1的表达变化及其阿托伐他汀的干预作用,探讨NGAL和sLOX-1在颈内动脉粥样硬化形成以及脑梗死发病过程中的作用。 方法:筛选2012年3月至2013年9月在我院神经内科就诊的缺血性脑卒中以及颈内动脉粥样硬化患者各80例,分别随机分为阿托伐他汀常规治疗组(20mg,,n=40)和强化治疗组(40mg,n=40),并收集所有入选患者临床资料。分别在阿托伐他汀治疗开始前、治疗12周和24周时采集各患者血清,采用酶联免疫吸附法测定患者血清中NGAL和sLox-1的浓度,并同时运用彩超测定患者治疗前和治疗后24周颈内动脉内膜中层厚度。收集实验数据,应用统计软件SPSS17.0进行统计分析,设定检验水准α=0.05。 结果:1.脑梗死患者血清中NGAL和sLox-1的浓度较动脉粥样硬化患者高,差异具有统计学意义(P 0.05); 2.阿托伐他汀干预后血清NGAL和sLox-1的浓度明显下降,差异均有统计学意义(P 0.05); 3.阿托伐他汀强化治疗比常规治疗能更显著降低血清中NGAL和sLox-1的浓度,差异有统计学意义; 4.阿托伐他汀干预24周后颈内动脉内膜中层厚度下降,差异具有统计学意义。 结论:1、NGAL和sLox-1参与颈部动脉粥样硬化及斑块的形成。 2、阿托伐他汀强化治疗可以有效降低NGAL及sLox-1的水平,且可以有逆转内膜厚度的功能。
[Abstract]:Objective: to study the expression of NGAL and sLox-1 in the serum of patients with internal carotid atherosclerosis and cerebral infarction and the intervention of Atto vastatin to explore the role of NGAL and sLOX-1 in the formation of carotid atherosclerosis and the pathogenesis of cerebral infarction. Methods: from March 2012 to September 2013, 80 patients with ischemic stroke and 80 patients with internal carotid atherosclerosis were selected. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: Atto vastatin group (20 mg / L) and intensive treatment group (40 mg / L). The clinical data of all patients were collected. The serum levels of NGAL and sLox-1 were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) after 12 and 24 weeks of Atto vastatin treatment, respectively. The intima-media thickness of internal carotid artery was measured by color Doppler ultrasound before and 24 weeks after treatment. Collect experimental data, use statistical software SPSS17.0 for statistical analysis, set the test level 伪 0.05. The result is 1: 1. The concentrations of NGAL and sLox-1 in patients with cerebral infarction were significantly higher than those in patients with atherosclerosis (P 0.05). The concentration of serum NGAL and sLox-1 decreased significantly after the intervention of Atto vastatin, and the difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). The concentration of NGAL and sLox-1 in serum was significantly decreased by intensive treatment of Atto vastatin compared with conventional treatment, and the difference was statistically significant. 4. The intima-media thickness of internal carotid artery decreased after 24 weeks of intervention by Atto vastatin, and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion 1% NGAL and sLox-1 are involved in the formation of carotid atherosclerosis and plaque. 2. Intensive treatment of Atto vastatin can effectively reduce the levels of NGAL and sLox-1, and can reverse the thickness of intima.
[Abstract]:Objective: to study the expression of NGAL and sLox-1 in the serum of patients with internal carotid atherosclerosis and cerebral infarction and the intervention of Atto vastatin to explore the role of NGAL and sLOX-1 in the formation of carotid atherosclerosis and the pathogenesis of cerebral infarction. Methods: from March 2012 to September 2013, 80 patients with ischemic stroke and 80 patients with internal carotid atherosclerosis were selected. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: Atto vastatin group (20 mg / L) and intensive treatment group (40 mg / L). The clinical data of all patients were collected. The serum levels of NGAL and sLox-1 were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) after 12 and 24 weeks of Atto vastatin treatment, respectively. The intima-media thickness of internal carotid artery was measured by color Doppler ultrasound before and 24 weeks after treatment. Collect experimental data, use statistical software SPSS17.0 for statistical analysis, set the test level 伪 0.05. The result is 1: 1. The concentrations of NGAL and sLox-1 in patients with cerebral infarction were significantly higher than those in patients with atherosclerosis (P 0.05). The concentration of serum NGAL and sLox-1 decreased significantly after the intervention of Atto vastatin, and the difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). The concentration of NGAL and sLox-1 in serum was significantly decreased by intensive treatment of Atto vastatin compared with conventional treatment, and the difference was statistically significant. 4. The intima-media thickness of internal carotid artery decreased after 24 weeks of intervention by Atto vastatin, and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion 1% NGAL and sLox-1 are involved in the formation of carotid atherosclerosis and plaque. 2. Intensive treatment of Atto vastatin can effectively reduce the levels of NGAL and sLox-1, and can reverse the thickness of intima.
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