[Abstract]:Background: in recent years, neural stem cell transplantation has become a research focus in the treatment of cerebral ischemia and other brain injury diseases, but the mechanism has not been fully clarified. Aim: to observe the effects of neural stem cell transplantation on neuronal apoptosis, differentiation and neural behavior in rats with cerebral ischemia. Methods 90 Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups: model group (n = 30), phosphate buffer group (n = 30) and neural stem cell group (n = 30). The sham operation group (30 rats) only separated the exposed blood vessels under anaesthesia and did not block the blood flow, while the control group (30 cases) did not perform any operation. The neurological function score, cerebral infarct volume, neuron apoptosis and the expression of Brdu-Neu N and Brdu/GFAP in rats were compared on the 3rd day and 14th day after the model. Results and conclusion: (1) the neurological deficit symptom scores, cerebral infarct volume and the number of neuronal apoptosis in the neural stem cell group were significantly lower than those in the model group and phosphate buffer group (P0.05). There was no significant difference (P0.05); (2) on the 3rd day after modeling. In the control group, the nerve defect symptom score and the number of neuronal apoptosis in the sham operation group were significantly lower than those in the model group. The rats in the phosphate buffer solution group and the neural stem cell group (P0.05); (3) were significantly lower than those in the model group on the 3rd day after modeling. The number of Brdu/NeuN positive cells in model group, phosphate buffer group and neural stem cell group had no significant difference (P0.05). The number of Brdu/NeuN positive cells in neural stem cells group was significantly higher than that in model group and phosphate buffer group (P0.05). There was no significant difference between model group and phosphate buffer group (P0.05); (4). The number of Brdu/GFAP positive cells in neural stem cells group was significantly lower than that in model group and phosphate buffer group (P0.05). There was no significant difference between model group and phosphate buffer group (P0.05); (5). Transplantation of neural stem cells in cerebral ischemic rats can promote the differentiation of endogenous neural stem cells into neurons, reduce the apoptosis of nerve cells, and improve the damage effect of ischemia on the neural function of rats.
【作者单位】: 潍坊医学院附属益都中心医院神经内科;潍坊医学院附属益都中心医院内分泌科;
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