[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the clinical features and prognosis of severe Guillain-Barre syndrome (Guillain-Barre syndrome,GBS) with surgical prophylaxis. Methods the clinical data of 6 patients with severe GBS were collected from 62 patients with severe GBS. The operation, onset time, peak time, clinical symptoms, electrophysiological examination and treatment plan were summarized and followed up to 1 year. The clinical features and prognosis of the patients were evaluated with the Hughes functional rating scale (Hughes functional grading scale,HFGS). Results according to the clinical and electrophysiological manifestations, all the 6 patients with severe GBS were diagnosed as acute motor axonal neuropathy. Surgical causes include cardiopulmonary bypass, carotid endarterectomy, embolization of basilar aneurysms, drilling and drainage of intracranial hematoma, intervertebral disc replacement, decompression of the vertebral canal and pedicle fixation. The incubation period was more than 10 days, and the peak time was within 5 days. 4 cases had limb weakness and 2 cases had dyspnea. After 3 months, 6 patients could not walk independently (HFGS=4), 5 patients were followed up to 1 year, only 2 patients could walk independently (HFGS=2). Conclusion severe GBS with surgery as the leading factor is rare. It often starts with limb weakness or dyspnea. The peak time is fast and the prognosis is poor.
【作者单位】: 中国康复研究中心北京博爱医院神经内科;
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