[Abstract]:The low perfusion level in the brain of patients with moyamoya disease varies with the course of disease. Clinicians often need to formulate appropriate treatment strategies according to the cerebral perfusion status of patients with moyamoya disease. In clinical work, CT perfusion imaging and magnetic resonance perfusion imaging are commonly used to evaluate cerebral perfusion status, but both of these methods have the risk of inducing contrast allergies. In recent years, with the rapid development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (blood oxygen level dependent-functional magnetic resonance imaging,BOLD-f MRI) based on the measurement of blood oxygen level dependence, it is possible to study the cerebral perfusion state and neural remodeling in moyamoya disease patients. In this paper, we reviewed the research status of BOLD-f MRI in the cerebral vascular reactivity of moyamoya disease, and the latest progress in noninvasive evaluation of delayed information of blood flow and neural remodeling in moyamoya disease. It provides a new perspective for clinicians to judge the best operation time and evaluate the clinical prognosis.
【作者单位】: 军事医学科学院基础医学研究所军事心理学教研室;军事医学科学院附属医院放射科;
【基金】:北京市自然科学基金青年项目(编号:7144231) 首都临床特色应用研究项目(编号:Z141107002514171)~~
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