[Abstract]:Objective: to study the effect of Nrf2 on early cerebral injury and cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice. Method 1: 1. Experimental animals, models and groups: 100 clean wild male ICR mice, 100 male Nrf2 knockout mice derived from ICR (identified by RT-PCR gene), The model of subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice was established by autologous blood injection of Sabri.M 's optic chiasma. The experimental animals were divided into three groups: wild type sham-operation group, knockout sham-operation group, wild-type subarachnoid hemorrhage group and knockout subarachnoid hemorrhage group. Mice subarachnoid hemorrhage 24 hours after the collection of samples as required. 2. Detection of oxidative stress products and inflammatory factors: malondialdehyde (MDA),) reductive ratio of glutathione to oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG), inflammatory factors TNF- 伪 and IL-1 尾 3. Early detection of brain injury: detection of brain edema (water content of brain tissue), blood-brain barrier permeability (Evans blue content), TUNEL and Nissl staining), and activity score of mice. The circumference and the thickness of the tube wall were measured and the ratio of the radius of the functional cavity to the thickness of the tube wall was calculated. Results: 1. In the subarachnoid hemorrhage group, the content of MDA in brain tissue was significantly higher than that in the sham operation group, while the content of GSH/GSSG was significantly decreased, the contents of inflammatory factors TNF- 伪 and d1 尾 were significantly increased, the water content of brain tissue and the content of Evans blue were significantly increased in the subarachnoid hemorrhage group. The number of TUNEL positive cells increased significantly, the number of normal neurons decreased, and the activity score of mice decreased significantly. The spasm of anterior cerebral artery and middle cerebral artery was significantly worse than that of sham-operated group. 2. Compared with the wild-type subarachnoid hemorrhage group, the MDA content in brain tissue was significantly increased and GSH/GSSG was significantly decreased in the knock type subarachnoid hemorrhage group, except for the degree of vasospasm. The contents of TNF- 伪 and IL-1 尾, the contents of water content and Evans blue in brain tissue, the TUNEL positive cells, the number of normal neurons and the activity score of mice were significantly increased. Conclusion: Nrf2 gene knockout promotes oxidative stress and inflammatory response after subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice and exacerbates secondary brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage in mice. The results suggest that Nrf2 has protective effect on secondary brain injury after SAH.
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