[Abstract]:Background: central nervous system injury leads to myelin degradation, which not only inhibits the growth of neurons, but also induces degeneration and death of neurons. After demyelination, myelin associated proteins (Nogo, MAG, OMgp and MBP) are exposed to tissue and have pathological effects. At present, the inhibition of nerve regeneration by Nogo or PirB receptors in myelin inhibitor such as Nogo, MAG, OMgp is more in-depth and specific. Under physiological conditions, MBP is tightly bound to the inner surface of the plasma membrane to maintain normal myelin morphology and structure. After the demyelination of the myelin sheath, MBP was exposed to the extracellular aqueous environment from the intracellular lipid environment, and partial MBP existed in the extracellular matrix in the form of dissociation from the myelin sheath. For a long time, it is not clear whether MBP has direct effect on neurons after demyelinating lesion. Objective: we found that MBP has selective neurotoxicity in vitro. The purpose of this study is to confirm the neurotoxicity of MBP, to identify the membrane components interacting with MBP and to elucidate its mechanism. This study will help us to better understand the mechanism of demyelination resulting in neuronal injury and provide useful guidance for clinical treatment in the future. Methods: DAPI-PI double staining was used to identify the death of neurons, immunocytochemistry was used to determine the binding mode of MBP. The mechanism of neuronal death induced by MBP was explored by Western blot, electrophysiology, calcium imaging, calcium xanthophyllin permeability and artificial liposome analysis. Results: MBP could specifically bind to the surface of cultured neurons and specifically induce neuronal death. The binding of MBP to the surface of neurons was alkaline dependent. Because this binding can be blocked by acid phospholipid and by other basic protein competitive blocking. Further studies have shown that MBP damages the function and integrity of neuronal membranes by depolarizing neuronal membranes, increasing the permeability of ions and macromolecules, and reducing the fluidity of neuronal membranes. Finally, artificial liposome experiments showed that MBP could bind and destroy liposomes containing acidic phospholipids. Conclusion: our results suggest that MBP can specifically bind to some acidic component on the surface of the neuron membrane, which directly impairs the integrity of the structure and function of the neuron membrane and leads to the death of the neuron. These results suggest that MBP may be involved in the pathological process after demyelinating.
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