[Abstract]:Background: Parkinson's disease, also known as the primary, is a neurodegenerative disease in the middle-and-old-age group. The prevalence of parkinson's disease is 1000/ 100,000 in the population over the age of 60 and increases with age. In our country, with the age of aging, the patients with parkinson's disease have increased significantly. The traditional medicine treatment not only brings great side effects to the patients, but also the drug effect gradually decreases and even does not work. The treatment of functional neurosurgery and the presence of deep brain stimulation in the treatment of parkinson's disease lead to the dawn of the disease, but these invasive methods of treatment and their expensive costs are prohibitive for most patients. Since the advent of repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation, the study and treatment of various clinical diseases have been continuously used. The present study shows that the repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation has a good therapeutic effect on Parkinson's disease, and most of the studies have selected a region as a treatment site. Objective: To observe whether the treatment of the auxiliary moving area with repeated cranial magnetic stimulation (5Hz) can improve the patient's movement symptoms and the effect on the function of the brain. Methods: The single-sample design was used. The baseline level of the patient was assessed by the VRS scale, the MMSE scale, and the speech fluency test in accordance with the diagnostic criteria and the measurement criteria for 9 patients with Parkinson's disease, and the rest-state nuclear magnetic resonance data was received; then, the patient was asked to start repeating the cranial magnetic stimulation treatment after 2 hours of dosing, The treatment parameters were 5Hz/ 100% RMT/ 1600 pulse stimulation, the treatment site was in the auxiliary motion area for 2 weeks, 5 times a week, 10 times a week, and the treatment was re-evaluated and nuclear magnetic resonance scanning after the treatment was completed. in which, the nuclear magnetic resonance scanning is mainly the scanning of the 3D-T1 image and the resting state nuclear magnetic resonance. The data were analyzed by Matlab, spm8, DPARSF, REST and SPSS. Results: 1) The score of the post-treatment RRS scale in the patients with Parkinson's disease was 22. 67 and 12. 686, which was significantly lower than that before treatment (t = 0. 04, P <0.05), and the score of the motor-delayed project was significantly lower, and the difference was statistically significant (t = 0.035, P0.05); There was no difference before and after the treatment of tremors and stiffness. (3) There was no difference before and after the operation of the fluency task of the verb; 4) Compared with the pre-treatment, the right case core and the SMA functional connection were enhanced after the treatment; and 5) the connection between the core of the left test case and the cerebellar function was enhanced after the treatment before the treatment. Conclusion: The repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation of 5Hz may be effective in the improvement of the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease, especially the slow motion. But there's no effect on tremors and rigor. in addition, there was no obvious change before and aft that fluency of the verb. It can be seen from the results of a resting-state nuclear magnetic resonance that the repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation may have an improved effect on the patient's bradykinesia by enhancing the functional connection between the auxiliary moving region and the shell core.
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