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发布时间:2018-05-27 06:43

  本文选题:脑机接口 + 运动想象反馈系统 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the brain-computer interface technology based on motion imagination has a great potential application prospect in the fields of motor control, neural rehabilitation and intelligent operation in special industrial environment, which has attracted the attention of many researchers in the field of science and technology. The brain-computer interface technology based on motion imagination is expected to play an important role in improving the subjects' motor control ability, brain information processing efficiency and rehabilitation of cerebral palsy because of the close relationship between the neural mechanism and movement. Motion imaginary feedback is the conversion of motion related EEG signals into vivid visual and sound signals, such as music, images, etc. In the feedback system, the subjects self-regulate and control by receiving the information to improve their motor ability. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: 1. Based on the BCI system platform which has been set up by the team, the collection of EEG signals and the design and development of different feedback modes are realized by using the multi-process and multi-thread software technology architecture, and then the motion imagination feedback system platform is built. The feedback system mainly includes the direct display of motion-related information, such as power spectrum ERD, classification results and so on. Based on the information related to motion, the feedback control of different scenes is realized to achieve the purpose of flexible application. Based on the developed motion imagination feedback system, the training scheme of motion imagination feedback for normal subjects was designed and implemented. In the experimental scheme, the subjects were divided into feedback group and control group evenly. The feedback group is trained in three kinds of feedback modes, including power spectrum ERD and classifier output information feedback, interesting frequency band control feedback / ERD and classifier output control feedback. The control group only received traditional exercise imagination training. Two groups of 8 participants, each of the participants a total of 5 times of training, each 6 days interval. The rest EEG data are collected for 8 minutes before each training, and the corresponding experimental task data are collected. By analyzing the control accuracy of EEG data and the properties of brain network, we found that the control ability of motion imagination in feedback group was significantly higher than that in control group, and the efficiency of processing information in brain network was significantly higher than that in control group. The motor imagination feedback system was applied to the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. At present, 10 children with cerebral palsy received feedback training. In the feedback training, children with cerebral palsy were given motor imagination feedback training of corresponding tasks by using the developed system. At each training, the rest EEG data are collected for 8 minutes, and the corresponding task data are collected. By analyzing the motor ability of collected data and the attributes of brain network, the results show that the functional brain network envelope structure of children with cerebral palsy trained by feedback has been improved, which is consistent with the normal physiological basis of MI. The preliminary effects of the system and the effects of children with cerebral palsy indicate that the motor imagination feedback system can promote the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy.


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