[Abstract]:The motion of the human knee joint is a complex three-dimensional movement, its motion is both rolling and sliding, and the rolling slide is carried out in a certain ratio, and the instantaneous center line of its motion is not continuous. The higher the instantaneous center position of the commonly used linkage artificial knee joint mechanism is, the better the static stability is during standing period, but the dynamic stability decreases during the swing period, which is contradictory to each other. In order to solve this problem, an artificial knee joint bionic mechanism with discontinuous instantaneous center is designed and analyzed, and the connection conditions for the realization of pure rolling, pure sliding and coexistence of rolling and sliding are deduced. The artificial knee joint mechanism is sometimes instantaneous, which can have better static stability and dynamic stability at the same time, and solve the contradiction between the dynamic stability of the artificial knee joint and the static stability while standing.
【作者单位】: 桂林电子科技大学机电工程学院;陕西恒通智能机器有限公司;
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