发布时间:2018-09-07 16:39
【摘要】:冠心病是威胁人类健康的主要疾病之一,我国冠心病发病率正在逐年上升,并呈年轻化的趋势。对于冠心病患者来说,由于供给心脏营养物质的血管(冠状动脉)发生粥样硬化或者痉挛,使冠状动脉变的狭窄或者堵塞,导致心肌缺血、缺氧(心绞痛)或心肌坏死。冠心病关键在于及时诊断、及时治疗。心音信号是反映人体心脏生理及其病理特征的一项重要指标,心音的分析研究是诊断冠心病的主要手段之一。当冠心病患者心电信号尚未发展到心电图异常之前,心音信号中出现的高频心杂音蕴含着冠心病诊断的可靠信息。 本文研制了一种基于PDA(Personal DigitalAssistant)和蓝牙的便携式冠状动脉狭窄无损诊断仪器系统,以PDA和蓝牙无线数据传输为基础,开发了心音采集终端和PDA手持移动监护终端,提出了基于经验模式分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD)和支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)的冠脉堵塞诊断算法,最后利用临床心音数据测试了系统的性能。蓝牙模块在PDA终端与信号采集终端之间建立无线连接,实现数据的传输;信号采集终端实现心音信号的采集和心音的听诊;PDA终端具备心音数据的接收、波形实时显示、存储、回放、冠脉狭窄智能诊断以及与远程专家诊断系统通信等功能。 本论文主要作了以下几个方面的工作: (1)心音信号采集终端电路设计:主要包括心音传感器的选择、心音滤波器的设计、按键接口电路的设计、复位电路的设计、音量控制电路的设计、蓝牙模块的接口电路设计以及微控制器的选择,实现心音信号的采集和心音的听诊。 (2)心音信号采集终端软件设计:包括微控制器各模块的初始化设计、按键处理程序设计等。实现了2kHz的心音信号采样、AD转换、蓝牙无线发送以及微控制器外围模块的控制等。 (3)心音信号分段与冠脉堵塞智能诊断算法:首先,提出了基于希尔伯特变换的心音分段算法,成功定位舒张期心音。其次,构建了基于EMD和离散能量分离算法(Discrete EnergySeparation Algorithm,DESA)的舒张期心音瞬时频率提取算法,利用该算法提取了舒张期心音瞬时频率特征,该特征蕴含了冠状动脉堵塞的病理信息。最后,提出了基于SVM的冠状动脉堵塞智能诊断方法,经临床冠心病患者测试,,获得了较高的诊断率。 (4)PDA终端软件开发:采用LabVIEW作为软件开发平台,实现心音信号的实时采集显示、心音存储、心音回放、冠状动脉智能诊断以及远程数据传输软件等。 本文开发的仪器实现了医疗监护的小型化、移动性和智能化,可用于社区与家庭,为冠心病的早期诊断提供了一种有效的手段。
[Abstract]:Coronary heart disease is one of the main diseases threatening human health. The incidence of coronary heart disease in China is increasing year by year and tends to be younger. Angina pectoris) or myocardial necrosis. The key to coronary heart disease is timely diagnosis and treatment. Heart sound signal is an important indicator reflecting the physiological and pathological characteristics of the human heart. The analysis and study of heart sound is one of the main means to diagnose coronary heart disease. The present high frequency heart murmur contains reliable information for the diagnosis of coronary heart disease.
A portable nondestructive diagnostic instrument system for coronary artery stenosis based on PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) and Bluetooth is developed in this paper. Based on PDA and Bluetooth wireless data transmission, a heart sound acquisition terminal and a PDA handheld mobile monitoring terminal are developed. Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and support are proposed. Finally, the performance of the system is tested by using clinical heart sound data. Bluetooth module establishes wireless connection between PDA terminal and signal acquisition terminal to realize data transmission; signal acquisition terminal to achieve heart sound signal acquisition and auscultation; PDA terminal has heart sound. Acceptance of audio data, real-time display of waveform, storage, playback, intelligent diagnosis of coronary artery stenosis and communication with remote expert diagnosis system.
The main work of the thesis is as follows:
(1) The circuit design of the heart sound signal acquisition terminal includes the selection of the heart sound sensor, the design of the heart sound filter, the design of the key interface circuit, the design of the reset circuit, the design of the volume control circuit, the design of the Bluetooth module interface circuit and the selection of the microcontroller, so as to realize the heart sound signal acquisition and auscultation.
(2) The software design of the heart sound signal acquisition terminal includes the initialization design of each module of the microcontroller and the design of the key processing program.
(3) Intelligent diagnostic algorithm for heart sound segmentation and coronary artery occlusion: Firstly, a heart sound segmentation algorithm based on Hilbert transform is proposed to locate diastolic heart sound successfully. Secondly, an algorithm for extracting diastolic heart sound instantaneous frequency based on EMD and Discrete Energy Separation Algorithm (DESA) is proposed. The diastolic heart sound instantaneous frequency feature is extracted, which contains the pathological information of coronary artery occlusion. Finally, an intelligent diagnosis method of coronary artery occlusion based on SVM is proposed, which is tested by patients with coronary heart disease and has a high diagnostic rate.
(4) PDA terminal software development: LabVIEW is used as software development platform to realize real-time acquisition and display of heart sound signal, heart sound storage, heart sound playback, coronary artery intelligent diagnosis and remote data transmission software.
The instrument developed in this paper realizes the miniaturization, mobility and intellectualization of medical monitoring, and can be used in communities and families, providing an effective means for early diagnosis of coronary heart disease.
[Abstract]:Coronary heart disease is one of the main diseases threatening human health. The incidence of coronary heart disease in China is increasing year by year and tends to be younger. Angina pectoris) or myocardial necrosis. The key to coronary heart disease is timely diagnosis and treatment. Heart sound signal is an important indicator reflecting the physiological and pathological characteristics of the human heart. The analysis and study of heart sound is one of the main means to diagnose coronary heart disease. The present high frequency heart murmur contains reliable information for the diagnosis of coronary heart disease.
A portable nondestructive diagnostic instrument system for coronary artery stenosis based on PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) and Bluetooth is developed in this paper. Based on PDA and Bluetooth wireless data transmission, a heart sound acquisition terminal and a PDA handheld mobile monitoring terminal are developed. Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and support are proposed. Finally, the performance of the system is tested by using clinical heart sound data. Bluetooth module establishes wireless connection between PDA terminal and signal acquisition terminal to realize data transmission; signal acquisition terminal to achieve heart sound signal acquisition and auscultation; PDA terminal has heart sound. Acceptance of audio data, real-time display of waveform, storage, playback, intelligent diagnosis of coronary artery stenosis and communication with remote expert diagnosis system.
The main work of the thesis is as follows:
(1) The circuit design of the heart sound signal acquisition terminal includes the selection of the heart sound sensor, the design of the heart sound filter, the design of the key interface circuit, the design of the reset circuit, the design of the volume control circuit, the design of the Bluetooth module interface circuit and the selection of the microcontroller, so as to realize the heart sound signal acquisition and auscultation.
(2) The software design of the heart sound signal acquisition terminal includes the initialization design of each module of the microcontroller and the design of the key processing program.
(3) Intelligent diagnostic algorithm for heart sound segmentation and coronary artery occlusion: Firstly, a heart sound segmentation algorithm based on Hilbert transform is proposed to locate diastolic heart sound successfully. Secondly, an algorithm for extracting diastolic heart sound instantaneous frequency based on EMD and Discrete Energy Separation Algorithm (DESA) is proposed. The diastolic heart sound instantaneous frequency feature is extracted, which contains the pathological information of coronary artery occlusion. Finally, an intelligent diagnosis method of coronary artery occlusion based on SVM is proposed, which is tested by patients with coronary heart disease and has a high diagnostic rate.
(4) PDA terminal software development: LabVIEW is used as software development platform to realize real-time acquisition and display of heart sound signal, heart sound storage, heart sound playback, coronary artery intelligent diagnosis and remote data transmission software.
The instrument developed in this paper realizes the miniaturization, mobility and intellectualization of medical monitoring, and can be used in communities and families, providing an effective means for early diagnosis of coronary heart disease.
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