[Abstract]:Research background
From the end of last century, ultrasound therapy technology began to rise in the international field. Ultrasound therapy includes high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment and focused ultrasound therapy (FU). HIFU usually has the intensity of tens of thousands to tens of thousands of watts / cm 2, because of its good tissue penetration and focusing characteristics. FU has been widely used in the treatment of solid organ occupying tumors, such as breast cancer, uterine fibroids, liver cancer, osteosarcoma, prostate cancer, etc. [1-6]. The intensity of FU is usually tens to hundreds of watt/cm 2, mainly using the mechanical effect of ultrasound, cavitation effect, thermal effect and function regulation to promote micro-effects by improving the growth environment of target tissue. Vascular formation, which allows tissue to be repaired or regenerated, has been used to treat chronic cervicitis, vulvar intraepithelial non-neoplastic lesions, vulvar condyloma acuminatum, allergic rhinitis and other aspects of treatment and achieved good results.
Ultrasound has been widely used in the treatment of various solid tumors and inflammation, but it is also a hot research topic in the field of lipid-reducing and shaping. In this paper, the destructive effects of focused ultrasound on subcutaneous fat of pigs under different irradiation doses were investigated in vitro and in vivo, aiming at the destructive effects of target fat and acoustic channels. The effectiveness of focused ultrasound in destroying porcine subcutaneous fat and the optimal irradiation dose screened were discussed from the two aspects of upper tissue destruction, which laid a foundation for further study.
Focused ultrasound was used to treat subcutaneous fat of pig in vitro and in vivo. Through the observation of the destructive effect of fat in the target area, the experimental basis was provided for the application of focused ultrasound in vitro to achieve clinical lipid reduction and plasticity, and the supplementary treatment technology in the field of lipid reduction and plasticity was provided.
1. in vitro experiment
210 pieces of fresh porcine subcutaneous fat were divided into two groups: group A (120 pieces A1 = 60, A2 = 60), group B (90 pieces B1 = 60, B2 = 30). Group A1 was used for naked eye observation, group A2 for MTT detection, group B1 for light microscope observation, group B2 for temperature detection in target area and irradiation area.
The irradiation power of FU was 200 W. The irradiation time was 5,10,20,30,60,90 s in group A and 30,60,90 s in group B.
The target area and the target area of the irradiated area were examined by naked eye, MTT staining, light microscopy and temperature detection. * the efficacy of focused ultrasound on porcine adipose tissue destruction and the dose reference for later vivo experiments were discussed.
2. live experiment part
Two pigs (weighing about 130-140 kg) were numbered A and B. Nine different doses of power (100,150,200) W and time (15,30,60) s were used in each experiment. Each dose acted at three different irradiation points, each time.
* pigs were selected as the irradiated area with thicker fat layer on both sides of abdominal wall. * a pig was selected for a experimentation area (36 irradiation points). * first days after the experiment, two pigs were selected on the left and right sides (36 on the left side, 36 on the right side), first days on the left side, and twenty-third days on the right side, and died on 30 days after the first experiment.
Blood lipids were detected before and after the experiment. The target area, irradiated area skin, important organs (heart and liver) were examined histologically. B * ultrasound was used to measure the thickness of fat layer in irradiated area before and after 2,7,23,30 days.
1. in vitro experiments:
(1) No coagulative necrosis was detected by naked eyes and MTT (3-(4,5) -dimethylthiahiazo (-z-y1) -3,5-di-phenytetrazoliumromide (MTT) staining when the fat mass was irradiated by focused ultrasound for 5 s.
(2) At the time dose of 10,20,30,60,90 s, the volume of target necrosis and histological changes were observed. The temperature rise of the irradiated skin and target area was proportional to the irradiation time.
2. live experiment part:
(1) Gross observation: grey-white coagulative necrosis was found in the target area after irradiation with 200 W power and 30 s, 60 s irradiation time.
(2) Light Microscope (LM) observation: Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining of target fat showed that FU had different destructive effects on subcutaneous adipose tissue of live pigs under different irradiation doses: when the energy was too low, the destructive effect of FU on subcutaneous fat was not obvious, when the given energy reached a certain threshold (200W), with irradiation. With the increase of irradiation time (< 60 s), the damage of the target area was more serious, and the vascular and nerve structures around the target area were intact.
(3) Electron Microscope (EM) observation: fibrosis and foam cells appeared in the target area after irradiation power of 200 W and irradiation time of 60 s.
(4) The thickness of subcutaneous fat in the irradiated area was decreased to some extent (P < 0.05) except 100W and 15s by B-mode ultrasonography. The thickness of subcutaneous fat in the irradiated area was decreased most obviously when the irradiated power was 200 W and 60s. There was no significant difference in the indexes of blood lipid between before and after the experiment (P 0.05).
Focused ultrasound can effectively destroy the subcutaneous fat of pigs without damage to the blood vessels and nerves around the target area. The experimental results show that the damage degree of the target area is obvious when the irradiation power is 200 W and the irradiation time is 30-60 s, which may be the best parameter for destroying the subcutaneous fat of pigs.
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