[Abstract]:As the representative of high-end blood analysis equipment, automatic blood type analysis system involves many important key technologies, including motion control technology, micro-fluid transfer technology, fault diagnosis technology and blood group image recognition technology. Therefore, it is the premise of automatic blood analysis system to solve the research work of every key technology. This paper aims at the demand of automatic blood group analysis system in China, based on the analysis of the current blood group analysis technology and the current research status of blood group analysis system abroad, based on solving the key technologies of blood group analysis system. The first automatic blood type analysis system in China has been developed. The micro fluid transfer mechanism of automatic blood type analysis system is a complex mechanical structure with multi-axis coordinated motion. In this paper, the mechanical structure, control strategy, system model, uniaxial motion controller, multi-axis motion controller and motion control board based on DSP chip are studied. The improved single neuron PID speed controller and the improved fuzzy PID position controller are adopted, which make up for the deficiency of the traditional PID algorithm. The positioning accuracy of single axis can reach 0.05 mm, the maximum velocity of motion can reach 1.6 m / s, and the maximum acceleration can reach 6 m / s 2. The running speed and stability of the micro fluid transfer mechanism are greatly improved. Finally, the instrument detection speed of 80 samples per hour is realized. Automatic blood type analysis system of micro-liquid technology is the premise of micro-fluid transfer mechanism to accurately add samples. In this paper, the mechanical model of a kind of precision micro pump, the precision detection of adding sample, the identification of sampling needle clogging and the detection of liquid level stratification are studied. By means of stress analysis and modal analysis, it is proved that the plunger is effective in selecting ZrO2 material, and the maximum displacement of the first order mode is less than 1 um. The efficiency of fluorescence collection is improved 48.19 by improving the precision detection mechanism of micropump. By analyzing the amplitude distribution and spectrum characteristics of the pressure data of the sampling needle catheter, two kinds of blood clot blockage and foam are effectively identified. Finally, the liquid level sensor designed by CD4046 chip was used to study the different conductivity characteristics of erythrocyte and serum in delamination detection. The realization of automatic blood type analysis system requires a low failure rate. In this paper, the mechanical structure of centrifuge, fault detection platform, vibration signal software filtering, feature extraction and wavelet BP neural network fault diagnosis are studied. Through the improvement of wavelet BP neural network by adaptive rate and genetic algorithm, the iterative times of wavelet BP neural network training are reduced from 463 generations to 112th generation. The correct rate of fault diagnosis is improved from 82.5% to 95%, which effectively improves the convergence speed of wavelet BP neural network and the correct rate of fault diagnosis. The final purpose of the automatic blood type analysis system is to correctly identify blood type results. In this paper, four problems, such as skew correction, image segmentation, category recognition and result recognition, are studied. By using the twice matching algorithm, the template matching time of the blood group reagent card is reduced from 9.342s to 0.946s, which effectively reduces the time needed for image processing. The research work is supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program (2011AA02A104) and Suzhou Science and Technology Project (ZXG201135).
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