[Abstract]:Brain-Computer Interface (Brain-Computer Interface,) is an interactive technology that communicates directly between brain, computer and other external devices. In the field of BCI, the P300 component of BCI signal is a kind of signal studied by many scholars. Because of its low training requirement, it is convenient to realize the system of artificial intelligence. But the spelling system based on P300 still has many shortcomings, such as spelling rate, congestion effect, user acceptance and so on. In order to better reflect the spelling performance of the P300, this article is not a lot of efforts. The main work and results of this paper are as follows: 1. This paper mainly studies the BCI character input system based on P300, which mainly works from two aspects: stimulus paradigm and stimulation interface. In this paper, after studying some classical stimuli, we propose a new stimulus paradigm for edge flicker detection, and then we do some research on the stimulation interface (multiple types of mixing, matrix size). Finally, the P300 character input system. 2. 2 is implemented on BCI2000 platform. Compared with the traditional determinant character input system, the system has the following characteristics: after a short period of supervised training, the monotonous training process before using the system can be ended and the dynamic output mode can be entered. The user's experience is greatly improved, and as each cycle flashes, the location of the target stimulus shrinks and the spelling accuracy improves. Design of stimulus Paradigm: using training data to classify the EEG signals of the subjects, the P300 signal model of the subjects is obtained, and the signal model is applied to the new stimulus paradigm. The classifier response value of each character in the spelling interface can be calculated, and the target stimulus can be judged by dynamic method, thus the recognition speed of the spelling device can be improved. From the experimental data, it can be seen that the improved P300 character input system not only improves the spelling rate of the system, but also improves the spelling accuracy.
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