[Abstract]:Objective: to prepare the composite of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and hyaluronic acid (HA), and to prepare the composite scaffold of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), hyaluronic acid (HA) and collagen after collagen modification. Its feasibility as scaffold material for tissue engineering was discussed. Methods: polyvinyl alcohol-hyaluronic acid composites were obtained by adding hyaluronic acid solution into polyvinyl alcohol with different weight average molecular weight and alcoholysis degree by means of film forming and freeze-drying, and gradually increasing the content of hyaluronic acid. The porosity, expansion rate and moisture content of the material were measured, and the morphology of the composite scaffold was observed by scanning electron microscope. The composite scaffold with the best performance was selected as the polyvinyl alcohol-hyaluronic acid composite scaffold. Polyvinyl alcohol-hyaluronic acid-collagen scaffold with different concentrations was prepared by adding collagen component on the basis of the optimum proportion of PVA-HA and changing the content of collagen in the material. EDC crosslinking was used to test the porosity, expansion rate and moisture content of the scaffolds. The properties of the scaffolds were observed before and after crosslinking, and the microstructure and compatibility of the scaffolds were observed by SEM. Results: the moisture content of polyvinyl alcohol-hyaluronic acid composite membrane scaffold was between 50% and 70%, the expansion ratio was between 144% and 222%, and the porosity fluctuated in the range of 60% to 70%. For freeze-dried sponge, the moisture content of the support is 64-75. The pore structure in the material was observed by SEM. The optimum concentration of PVA, hyaluronic acid with molecular weight of 24000 was 5 and the optimum ratio of collagen to hyaluronic acid was 5. The ratio of collagen to hyaluronic acid in the solution was adjusted to form a composite scaffold with three components. 50mM EDC was used to crosslink the scaffolds. The moisture content of the obtained material is between 66% and 70%, the porosity is greater than 60%-75%, and the expansion ratio is 220-260%. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images show that there are abundant voids in the material. The cytocompatibility test showed that the material was nontoxic. Conclusion: the polyvinyl alcohol-hyaluronic acid-collagen composite has abundant pore structure and good cytocompatibility, which can be used as scaffold material for tissue engineering.
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