[Abstract]:In recent years, water-soluble conjugated polymer (WSCPs) has been widely used in biological field because of its unique photoelectron effect. The application of water-soluble conjugated polymers in biology is mainly diagnosis, imaging and treatment. However, the traditional water-soluble conjugated molecules still have some shortcomings, such as poor biocompatibility and poor response. In order to solve the above problems, we have developed a series of novel fluorene based water-soluble conjugated polymer probes. Polyfluorene is an ideal material for water-soluble conjugated polymer probe because of its good optical properties and multifunctional modifiability. In this paper, three different types of fluorene based water-soluble conjugated polymer materials are introduced. their properties and biological applications are discussed from three aspects: mercaptan detection, anoxic imaging and photothermal therapy. (1) A water-soluble fluorenyl conjugated polymer mercaptan detection probe with side chain containing disulfide bond is developed to change the water solubility of the probe by the substitution of sulfhydryl group to disulfide bond. The "Turn-off" effect of sulfhydryl detection was realized. At the same time, the probe can realize the quantitative and highly selective detection of p-mercaptan, and also shows good detection effect in cells. (2) A fluorene-based water-soluble conjugated polymer anoxic imaging probe based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) effect with azobenzene (AZO) was developed. Most cancer cells are in hypoxia to varying degrees. Under hypoxia, the cells will produce azo reductase, break the azo bond of AZO, and the FRET effect disappears. the good FRET effect between Azo and polyfluorene makes the fluorescence of the material produce "Turn-on" effect. It also showed good imaging effect on anoxic cells. (3) the photothermal properties of ternary fluorenyl water-soluble near-infrared conjugated polymers doped with polypyrrole pyrrolidone molecule (DPP) were synthesized and studied. (3) the photothermal properties of the ternary fluorenyl water-soluble near-infrared conjugated polymers were synthesized and studied. After DPP doping, the absorption and emission of the material are in the near infrared region, which makes the material show good application potential in vivo imaging. The photothermal effect of the material in aqueous solution was investigated by different wavelength excitation light sources, and the application prospect of photothermal therapy was shown.
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