发布时间:2019-06-16 18:22
【摘要】:基于运动颗粒相干散射特征的激光散斑衬比成像技术自上世纪80年代被首次提出后,逐渐应用于生物医学的血流监测中。与常规血流监测设备不是需要注射造影剂就是时空分辨率较低,或者需要逐行扫描才能得到全场图像的缺陷相比,激光散斑成像技术无需扫描即可得到活体的全场、实时、非侵入的高分辨率血流速度分布二维图像。近年来,鉴于其易于在脑生理或病理状态下监测血流的优势,这一血流成像技术正越来越受到神经科学工作者的重视。 本论文研究内容主要涉及激光散斑成像技术在以下三个方面的应用:首先,我们结合内源光信号特征,通过635纳米激光照射所得的散斑图像同时得到了脱氧血红蛋白浓度和脑血流(CBF)变化的信息,并将之应用于不同亚低温对脑血流影响的研究。其次,将激光散斑成像技术应用于脑功能成像,研究了不同体觉刺激引起的血液动力学响应以及低温对脑功能的影响。最后,利用激光散斑成像的高时空分辨率特性实时动态观测了大鼠局灶性脑缺血模型在缺血和再灌过程中不同脑区脑血流变化的差异。此外,考虑到现有散斑成像技术存在着动态范围较狭窄和受心跳、呼吸等噪声影响使其信噪比降低等问题,我们在图像处理的过程中,引入了基于单调点变化的增强散斑衬比分析方法,拓宽了散斑图像的动态范围,提高了可视化效果,而图像配准的方法也能进一步提高图像的空间分辨率。 本论文主要的研究内容和结论如下所述: 1)通过仿真实验验证了两种散斑衬比分析方法(空间域和时域)所得散斑衬比值和实际流速的绝对值之间在一定范围内线性相关。实验结果显示,在0-5毫米/秒的实际流速范围内,散斑衬比和绝对速度间呈较好的线性关系,说明我们的成像系统非常适合脑血流的动态监测。另外,通过动物实验对系统性能和参数进行了分析,为全文后续研究选取合适的系统参数做了前期的实验证明(如曝光时间的选取等)。 2)研究了不同低温下(35℃和32℃)大鼠脑皮层血流速度和脱氧血红蛋白浓度的相对变化情况。亚低温疗法作为辅助治疗脑损伤(包括脑中风、脑创伤、全局性脑损伤等)的手段已被广泛地应用于重症监护病房(ICU),并被证明具有很好的神经保护作用。而在一些疾病的诊断及脑功能研究中,大脑皮层血流的特征模式是非常重要的参数。因此,,若能得到不同低温下,高分辨率的大脑皮层血流变化,将具有一定的科学和临床意义。我们利用时域激光散斑对比度分析和内源光信号来监测大鼠在轻度低温(35℃)和中度低温(32℃)下脑皮层血流以及脱氧血红蛋白浓度的变化,并进一步研究了皮层不同血管内(如:动脉、静脉及毛细血管网)血流变化的规律。18只用戊巴比妥钠麻醉的SD雄性大鼠被随机分成轻度和中度低温实验组(每组9只)。分别在基线期(37℃),低温期(35℃或32℃)和复温后期(37℃)三个阶段记录它们的激光散斑图像,然后用ITK(Insight Toolkit)软件包中的图像分割工具提取不同血管,从而研究动脉、静脉和毛细血管在低温下的流速信息。在轻度低温实验组中,所有脑血管中血流速度在35℃和复温状态下显著增加。静脉和毛细血管中脱氧血红蛋白浓度均下降,但是动脉除外。而在中度低温试验组中,低温阶段所有脑血管内血流比基线值下降20%,并在复温至37℃后能够恢复到大约90%的基线水平。各血管内脱氧血红蛋白浓度在此组中无显著变化。考虑到脑皮层血流复温后的恢复情况,中度低温可能更适合临床应用。当然,关于脑皮层血流在血管水平的生理变化机制以及亚低温的神经保护作用仍有待未来进一步的研究。 3)观察了常温和中度低温下大鼠功能性脑血流变化的时空特征。在众多神经功能成像研究中,均将体觉刺激引起的局部脑血流变化作为研究皮层神经元活动的标志参数之一。但迄今为止,关于诱发的局部脑血流变化和神经元活动间的关系特征尚未被详细描述。从我们的结果可以看到,随着刺激幅值(0.5毫安,1.5毫安和2.5毫安)的上升,脑血流灌注也相应增强,这与文献中用激光多普勒血流计在单点采集得到的实验结果相吻合。我们也对大鼠后肢分别给予了1.5毫安,脉宽0.3毫秒,频率5赫兹的持续时间为4秒和8秒的电刺激。结果发现,在持续8秒电刺激的实验组中,局部脑血流变化在达到峰值后跟随一个平台期。这一系列实验结果表明用激光散斑成像技术观察局部脑血流的响应,可以很好地反映功能神经元组整合的活动特征结果。目前,有关温度对功能响应影响的时空变化特征尚不清楚。我们分别记录了8只雄性SD大鼠在常温(37℃)和中度低温(32℃)下的功能激光散斑图像,以研究亚低温对神经元活动的影响。对每一只实验动物的每一个温度阶段,重复十次相同的后肢电刺激协议(2.5毫安,0.3毫秒脉宽,5赫兹,4秒持续时间),每两组协议间至少休息60秒,对10组结果求平均以消除随机噪声的影响。同时,为减少呼吸和心跳对图像的影响,对所有数据经过配准的激光散斑衬比分析,再结合时间簇分析方法,我们发现低温会引起脑血流功能响应峰值的延迟以及响应持续时间的延长。此外,低温会导致功能活动区域面积减小,脑血流峰值降低。而动脉和毛细血管网相较静脉在功能刺激引起的脑血流响应变化中占据更为主导的地位。以上实验结果表明,结合激光散斑成像技术和时间簇分析方法得到的高时空分辨率功能图像,有助于我们更好地了解神经-血管耦合性在正常或病理状态下的时空特征。 4)实时观察了远端大脑中动脉闭塞模型在缺血和再灌过程中全脑脑血流的动态变化特征。实验发现,在缺血半球的梗塞区域,脑血流在缺血期间下降到基准值的30%左右,然后通过再灌恢复到基准的80%水平。而缺血半球的未梗塞区域在整个实验过程中基本保持在基准的70%-100%范围内。另一方面,未缺血的健侧半球,脑血流在缺血期间上升到基准的110%-120%,然后随着再灌回到基线水平。同时,高分辨率的激光散斑成像技术使我们有可能观察到由于中风缺血引发的侧枝循环的动态变化。因此,对于脑卒中健侧和损伤侧的脑血流在时间和空间上变化的实时监测,不仅有利于脑卒中的血液动力学机制研究,更是相关脑保护研究及临床脑卒中干预治疗手段评价的有力工具之一。 综上所述,激光散斑成像技术的高时空分辨率特征使其在脑血流可视化监测中相较传统技术(如:激光多普勒等)拥有更明显的优势。其设备简单,可进一步结合其他生理参数的监测工具,非常适合神经科学的研究。
[Abstract]:The laser speckle contrast imaging based on the coherent scattering characteristics of the moving particles has been applied to the blood flow monitoring of biomedicine since the first time in the 1980s. Compared with the conventional blood flow monitoring device, the injection contrast agent is not required to be injected, the time-space resolution is low, or the progressive scanning is required to obtain the defect of the full-field image, the laser speckle imaging technology can be used for obtaining the whole field and the real-time of the living body without scanning, Non-invasive high-resolution blood flow velocity distribution two-dimensional image. In recent years, in view of its ease of monitoring the advantages of blood flow in the physiological or pathological conditions of the brain, this blood flow imaging technique is increasingly being attached to the attention of the neuroscience workers. This paper mainly deals with the application of the laser speckle imaging technique in the following three aspects: first, we combine the characteristic of the endogenous optical signal and the speckle image obtained by the 635 nm laser to obtain the signal of the change of the deoxyhemoglobin concentration and the cerebral blood flow (CBF). The study of the effect of interest rate on the cerebral blood flow in different subtemperatures In this paper, the laser speckle imaging technique is applied to the brain function imaging, and the hemodynamic response and the low-temperature brain function of the brain function are studied. In the end, the difference of cerebral blood flow in different brain regions of the rat focal cerebral ischemia model in the course of ischemia and reperfusion was observed in real time by using the high time-time resolution characteristic of the laser speckle imaging. in addition, in view of that problems of the existing speckle imaging technique in which the dynamic range is narrow and the signal-to-noise ratio is reduced due to the influence of noise such as heartbeat, respiration, and the like, in the process of image processing, an enhanced speckle contrast ratio analysis method based on the change of the monotone point is introduced, By the method, the dynamic range of the speckle image is widened, the visual effect is improved, and the image registration method can further improve the spatial resolution of the image. The main research contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: The following:1) The results of simulation show that the ratio of the speckle contrast ratio and the absolute value of the actual flow velocity of the two kinds of speckle contrast analysis method (space domain and time domain) are in a certain range The results show that there is a good linear relationship between the ratio of the speckle contrast ratio and the absolute velocity in the range of the actual flow velocity of 0-5 mm/ s, which indicates that our imaging system is very suitable for cerebral blood flow. In addition, the performance and parameters of the system are analyzed by animal experiments, and appropriate system parameters are selected for the full-text follow-up study. (2) The blood flow velocity and the concentration of deoxygenated hemoglobin in the cerebral cortex of rats at different low temperatures (35 鈩
[Abstract]:The laser speckle contrast imaging based on the coherent scattering characteristics of the moving particles has been applied to the blood flow monitoring of biomedicine since the first time in the 1980s. Compared with the conventional blood flow monitoring device, the injection contrast agent is not required to be injected, the time-space resolution is low, or the progressive scanning is required to obtain the defect of the full-field image, the laser speckle imaging technology can be used for obtaining the whole field and the real-time of the living body without scanning, Non-invasive high-resolution blood flow velocity distribution two-dimensional image. In recent years, in view of its ease of monitoring the advantages of blood flow in the physiological or pathological conditions of the brain, this blood flow imaging technique is increasingly being attached to the attention of the neuroscience workers. This paper mainly deals with the application of the laser speckle imaging technique in the following three aspects: first, we combine the characteristic of the endogenous optical signal and the speckle image obtained by the 635 nm laser to obtain the signal of the change of the deoxyhemoglobin concentration and the cerebral blood flow (CBF). The study of the effect of interest rate on the cerebral blood flow in different subtemperatures In this paper, the laser speckle imaging technique is applied to the brain function imaging, and the hemodynamic response and the low-temperature brain function of the brain function are studied. In the end, the difference of cerebral blood flow in different brain regions of the rat focal cerebral ischemia model in the course of ischemia and reperfusion was observed in real time by using the high time-time resolution characteristic of the laser speckle imaging. in addition, in view of that problems of the existing speckle imaging technique in which the dynamic range is narrow and the signal-to-noise ratio is reduced due to the influence of noise such as heartbeat, respiration, and the like, in the process of image processing, an enhanced speckle contrast ratio analysis method based on the change of the monotone point is introduced, By the method, the dynamic range of the speckle image is widened, the visual effect is improved, and the image registration method can further improve the spatial resolution of the image. The main research contents and conclusions of this paper are as follows: The following:1) The results of simulation show that the ratio of the speckle contrast ratio and the absolute value of the actual flow velocity of the two kinds of speckle contrast analysis method (space domain and time domain) are in a certain range The results show that there is a good linear relationship between the ratio of the speckle contrast ratio and the absolute velocity in the range of the actual flow velocity of 0-5 mm/ s, which indicates that our imaging system is very suitable for cerebral blood flow. In addition, the performance and parameters of the system are analyzed by animal experiments, and appropriate system parameters are selected for the full-text follow-up study. (2) The blood flow velocity and the concentration of deoxygenated hemoglobin in the cerebral cortex of rats at different low temperatures (35 鈩