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cardiovascular surgical 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-10-14 21:41







cardiovascular surgical 的翻译结果

cardiovascular surgical

  • 心血管外科(6)
  • 心外科(5)

         Homologous valve(HV) is an important repair material and used extensively in the cardiovascular surgical operation.

         同种瓣(homologous valve,HV)是心血管外科手术中的重要替代材料,具有其他材料所无法比拟的优点。


         Cardiovascular surgical patients of over 50 years or with angina pectorsi and ECG confirmed myocardiac ischemia should undergo coronary angiography routinely.



         Cardiovascular surgical technique in the treatment of urological tumor with thrombosis involving the inferior vena cava



         Management of Acute Renal Failure After Cardiovascular Surgical Operation



         Objective: To evaluate the role of the cardiovascular surgical technique in the radical treatment of renal or adrenal tumor with the inferior vena cavatic thrombosis involvement.

         目的 :探讨心血管外科技术在肾或肾上腺肿瘤伴下腔静脉瘤栓的手术治疗过程中的应用。




         Studying on the effect of health education various methods on cognitive behaviors of cardiovascular surgical patients



         Investigation and analysis of nosocomial infection in patients in thoracic and cardiovascular surgical department



         Objective To investigate the incidence and related factors of nosocomial infection in patients in a thoracic and cardiovascular surgical department.

         目的 调查某院胸心外科医院感染发病率及相关因素。


         Methods Clinical data of 1 823 patients who were hospitalized in a thoracic and cardiovascular surgical department from May 1, 1998 to April 30, 2003 were analysed.

         方法 回顾性分析 1 998年 5月 1日~ 2 0 0 3年4月 30日胸心外科住院的 1 82 3例病例的临床资料。


         Appropriate prophylactic administration of antibiotics for thoracic and cardiovascular surgical procedure can reduce postoperative morbidity and decrease the overall cost due to infections.




         Study on Actual Cost and Standard Cost of Critical Care in Cardiovascular Surgical ICU of Three Grade Ⅲ-A General Hospital



         Research on the Efficiency of the Nursing Human Resources in Cardiovascular Surgical ICU of Twelve Grade Ⅲ-A Hospitals



         Simultaneous coronary artery bypass grafting with other cardiovascular surgical procedures



         Research of Using TISS to Evaluate Nursing Workload in a Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgical ICU



         Objective: Through investigating the profile of the nursing human resource in Cardiovascular Surgical ICU of Twelve Grade III-A Hospitals, defining the relevant concept, classification of the nursing articles, measuring the nursing time, analyzing the utilization efficiency of the human resource and depending on the basis of the relevant theories on the allocation of the health resource, we should propose the standard of the structure of the micro-allocation of the nursing human resource in Cardiovascular Surgical ICU in Grade III-A Hospitals.




    查询“cardiovascular surgical”译词为用户自定义的双语例句


      cardiovascular surgical

    Beyond Coagulation: Fibrinogen as a Cause of Cardiovascular Surgical Disease


    Between 1988 and 1998, 18 patients having cardiovascular surgical disorders underwent cholecystectomy.


    A retrospective review of the perioperative management of patients with cardiovascular surgical disorders and cholelithiasis was conducted, and the surgical strategies employed are discussed.


    Mediastinal Irrigation with Superoxidized Water After Open-Heart Surgery: The Safety and Pitfalls of Cardiovascular Surgical App


    Contribution of physiotherapy in the management of thoracic and cardiovascular surgical patients



    To improve the effect and reduce the mortality of the simultaneous coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with other cardiovascular surgical procedures, from Nov,1984 to July,1996,51 patients underwent such operation. Among them 45 patients had valvular heart diseases, 4 postinfarction ventricular septal defect and ventricular aneurysm,and 1 myxoma of left atrium and abdominal aortal aneurysm.The operative mortality was 5 85% (3/51), and 3 patients died.Cardiovascular surgical patients of over 50...

    To improve the effect and reduce the mortality of the simultaneous coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with other cardiovascular surgical procedures, from Nov,1984 to July,1996,51 patients underwent such operation. Among them 45 patients had valvular heart diseases, 4 postinfarction ventricular septal defect and ventricular aneurysm,and 1 myxoma of left atrium and abdominal aortal aneurysm.The operative mortality was 5 85% (3/51), and 3 patients died.Cardiovascular surgical patients of over 50 years or with angina pectorsi and ECG confirmed myocardiac ischemia should undergo coronary angiography routinely. If main coronary artery branches stenosis occupied over 50%, CABG must be performed.During the operation revasculariztion should be made as full as possible to enhance myocardiac protection and reduce the ascending aortic cross clamping time.


    Objective: To evaluate the role of the cardiovascular surgical technique in the radical treatment of renal or adrenal tumor with the inferior vena cavatic thrombosis involvement. Methods: From June 1999 to September 2000, 8 cases of renal or adrenal malignancy with thrombosis involving the inferior vena cava were completely resected with or without cardio pulmonary bypass. Results: All the operated cases had good outcomes and follow ups (3 15 months). Conclusion: Good outcomes could be obtained in well...

    Objective: To evaluate the role of the cardiovascular surgical technique in the radical treatment of renal or adrenal tumor with the inferior vena cavatic thrombosis involvement. Methods: From June 1999 to September 2000, 8 cases of renal or adrenal malignancy with thrombosis involving the inferior vena cava were completely resected with or without cardio pulmonary bypass. Results: All the operated cases had good outcomes and follow ups (3 15 months). Conclusion: Good outcomes could be obtained in well selected and adequately prepared cases with firm cooperation with multiple departments.

    目的 :探讨心血管外科技术在肾或肾上腺肿瘤伴下腔静脉瘤栓的手术治疗过程中的应用。方法 :1999年6月至 2 0 0 0年 9月期间 ,对 8例肾及肾上腺恶性肿瘤伴下腔静脉瘤栓侵犯患者 ,分别在体外循环辅助或非体外循环辅助下 ,完整切除肿瘤及下腔静脉瘤栓。结果 :手术效果良好 ,随访 ( 3~ 15个月 )满意。结论 :对条件适宜 ,准备充分的病例 ,多科室密切合作治疗肾或肾上腺肿瘤伴下腔静脉瘤栓侵犯的病例 ,可以取得良好的疗效

    Objective: According to the special characteristics of cardiovascular surgical patients, nurses carried out the comparison of health education methods. Method: The groups comparison was used and patients were divided into test group and control group. There are 30 samples in each group. In the first and second day after admission to the hospital, one nurse organized the patients to learn at different times, the control group was mainly and simply taught, the same educational content as the test group;...

    Objective: According to the special characteristics of cardiovascular surgical patients, nurses carried out the comparison of health education methods. Method: The groups comparison was used and patients were divided into test group and control group. There are 30 samples in each group. In the first and second day after admission to the hospital, one nurse organized the patients to learn at different times, the control group was mainly and simply taught, the same educational content as the test group; but many health educational methods were combined in the test group. In the second day after the patients were taught, the nurse evaluated the learning outcomes of educational contents by questioning and answering. From second day to third day after operation, the helping behaviors of patients were evaluated. Results: In the second day after the patients were taught, though the two groups had the same order of gaining marks to gasp content, the test group and the control group have significant difference. There were statistical significant difference in the marks of the seven contents between the test group and the control group. The mark of test group were much more than the one of the control group ( p <0.05). There was no significant difference in the method of decreasing anxiety ( p >0.05). From the second to the third day after operation, the helping behaviors in the above two groups have significant difference. The mark in the test group were much more the control group. Conclusion: The extent to health knowledge for the patients of strongly associated with the methods of carrying out health education.

    目的 :针对心外科病人的特点 ,探讨护士对病人开展健康教育的有效方法。方法 :采用组间对照方法 ,在病人入院后的1~ 2d内 ,由一名护士组织病人进行分次学习 ,对照组以讲授为主 ,实验组采用多种健康教育形式。在护士宣教后第 2d ,评价病人对教育内容的认知情况。结果 :两组病人在宣教后第 2d对教育内容的掌握程度得分排序基本一致 ,但分值差异较大 ,实验组的得分明显高于对照组 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :病人对健康知识的认知程度与实施健康教育的形式密切相关


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