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发布时间:2016-10-23 19:18





Research on Urology Knowledge Base and Intelligent Information Processing Based on Ontology

【摘要】 近年来,随着全球信息与互联网技术的迅速发展,医学信息化得到了快速的进步,医学信息科学已成为当今信息研究领域的重要分支。医学领域经过多年的发展,已经形成了完备的知识体系,但随着全球信息化的深入及知识发现等概念的提出,传统医学在发展过程中缺乏规范化的问题也逐渐显现出来,医学资源缺少知识层面的统一描述给未来的医学领域的信息共享和研究带来了极大困难,所以建立医学领域的语义层次的知识体系及系统就显得尤其重要。本文分析了国内外对于本体及信息检索领域的研究现状,简要阐述了本体的理论和相关技术,建立了泌尿外科领域本体且定义了推理诊断规则。结合HowNet中义原的语义距离、密度、深度,提出了一种多因素混合的相似度计算方法SCMMM;结合概念距离、深度、信息容量,又提出了一种多因素混合的相关度计算方法RCMMM。接着,在上面的基础上,本文构建了一种基于泌尿外科本体的语义检索模型,该模型的基本思想是通过相似度计算将概念或关系规范化来扩充检索的范围;通过相关度计算发现检索内容与推理结果之间的隐性关系,再按照相关度对结果排序并反馈给用户。通过实验证明,SCMMM更合理的使用了义原树的特征,克服了现有的方法中义原位置不能对相似度产生影响的缺点,结果表明本文提出的SCMMM比现有的方法更为合理。RCMMM比单因素的相关度计算方法的结果更为合理,克服了两对概念的边数相同时概念距离相关度计算结果没有区分度的缺点;还克服了信息量相关度计算缺少对本体结构信息利用的缺点。语义检索模型的实验表明相似度阈值与查全率成反比,相关度阈值与查准率成正比。本文的主要内容和成果如下:①分析了本体相关理论,建立了泌尿外科本体并分析和定义了泌尿外科诊断规则。②结合相关文献提出了多因素混合的相似度、相关度计算方法,并通过实验验证了其有效性。③提出了基于领域本体的语义检索模型,并应用语义检索模型实现了泌尿外科临床决策辅助诊断原型系统。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the fast development of global information and Internet technologies, medical information science has got rapid advancement and become one of the most important research areas of information science. Knowledge system has formed completely in the medical domain after years of research. However, with the further development of global informatization and presentation of knowledge discovery concepts, the normalized problems of traditional medicine appeared gradually in the process of development. Because of lack of unified descriptions of medical resources on knowledge level, it is more difficult to achieve information sharing and further research of medical field. Therefore, it is very important to establish the medical semantic-level knowledge hierarchy and system.This paper firstly analyzes the domestic and international researches in the fields of ontology and information retrieval, and briefly describes the theory of ontology and related technologies, then puts forward the ontology in urology domain and defines the diagnosis rules. Next by integrating original meaning of semantic distance, density and depth in HowNet, a new similarity calculation method of multi-factor mixed (SCMMM) is proposed. Based on the concept of distance, depth and information capacity, a novel relevance calculation method of multi-factor mixed (RCMMM) is proposed as well. On the basis of the new calculation methods of similarity and relevance, this paper builds a semantic retrieval model of Urology ontology. The basic idea of this model is to normalize the concept and relationship to expand the scope of retrieval by the similarity calculation. Then the implicit relationship of results and retrieval content is discovered through relevance calculation. Finally, the result is sorted by the relevance and feed back to users.Experiments show that SCMMM makes rationally use of the features of the original meaning tree, and overcome the shortcomings of the existed method which the position of the original meaning does not have an effect on the similarity. The results indicate that SCMMM is more reasonable than the existed method. RCMMM is more effective than the single-factor relevance calculation method as well, because the method eliminates the shortcomings that the concept distance of relevance results did not distinguish when two pair concepts have the same number of edges.Semantic retrieval model experiment shows that the threshold of similarity is inversely proportional to the recall, and the threshold of relevance is proportional to the precision.The main contents and results of this paper are as follows:①On the basis of analyzing the theory of ontology, the urology ontology is established and the diagnostic rules on the Urology ontology are analyzed and defined.②An novel multi-factor mixed calculation methods of similarity and relevance are proposed. And the experiments results demonstrate that the two methods have excellent performance.③A semantic retrieval model based on domain ontology is proposed, and it is applied to implement Urology Clinical Decision Support Diagnosis Prototype System.

【关键词】 本体; 相似度; 相关度; 语义检索; 泌尿外科;
【Key words】 ontology; similarity; relevance; semantic retrieval; urology;



中文摘要 3-4
英文摘要 4-5
1 绪论 9-13
    1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 9-10
        1.1.1 研究背景 9
        1.1.2 研究意义 9-10
    1.2 国内外研究现状 10-12
        1.2.1 国外研究现状 10-11
        1.2.2 国内研究现状 11-12
    1.3 本文的研究目的和研究内容 12
        1.3.1 本文的研究目的 12
        1.3.2 本文的研究内容 12
    1.4 本章小结 12-13
2 本体相关理论和技术 13-25
    2.1 本体的基本概念 13-18
        2.1.1 本体的定义 13-14
        2.1.2 本体的分类 14
        2.1.3 本体的组成 14-15
        2.1.4 本体的描述语言 15-18
    2.2 本体的构建 18-24
        2.2.1 骨架法 18-19
        2.2.2 Gruninger&Fox 19
        2.2.3 KACTUS 法 19
        2.2.4 METHONTOLOGY 法 19-20
        2.2.5 SENSUS 法 20
        2.2.6 IDEF 5 法 20
        2.2.7 七步法 20-21
        2.2.8 本体构建方法学比较 21-23
        2.2.9 本体自动构建技术 23-24
    2.3 本章小结 24-25
3 泌尿外科本体的建立和存储 25-34
    3.1 本体构建工具 25
    3.2 泌尿外科本体的定义 25-27
        3.2.1 泌尿外科本体的描述语言 25-26
        3.2.2 泌尿外科本体类 26-27
    3.3 构建泌尿外科本体模型 27-32
        3.3.1 泌尿外科本体类层次及实例 28-30
        3.3.2 泌尿外科本体属性定义 30-31
        3.3.3 泌尿外科本体逻辑检验 31
        3.3.4 泌尿外科本体实例的建立 31-32
    3.4 泌尿外科本体存储 32-33
    3.5 本章小结 33-34
4 基于本体的泌尿外科语义检索模型 34-48
    4.1 相似度相关度定义 34-35
    4.2 相似度计算 35-38
    4.3 相关度计算 38-42
    4.4 相似度相关度实验验证及分析 42-45
    4.5 基于领域本体的语义检索模型 45-47
    4.6 本章小结 47-48
5 泌尿外科本体推理及原型系统实现 48-60
    5.1 JENA 框架 48-50
        5.1.1 Jena 功能和结构 48
        5.1.2 Jena 推理系统 48-50
    5.2 泌尿外科诊断推理 50-54
        5.2.1 泌尿外科诊断规则表示 51-52
        5.2.2 泌尿外科辅助诊断推理实现 52-54
    5.3 原型系统实现 54-57
        5.3.1 原型系统技术架构 54-55
        5.3.2 原型系统物理部署 55
        5.3.3 原型系统开发平台 55-56
        5.3.4 原型系统展示 56-57
    5.4 实验验证及结果分析 57-59
        5.4.1 实验评价标准 57-58
        5.4.2 实验验证及结果分析 58-59
    5.5 本章小结 59-60
6 总结与展望 60-62
致谢 62-63
参考文献 63-68
附录 68
    A 硕士学位期间发表的学术论文 68
    B 作者在攻读学位期间参加的科研项目 68








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