本文选题:前庭神经元炎 + 太极拳 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the effect of Taijiquan training on vestibular neurons. Methods there were pre-experiment, formal experiment and later verification. According to the clinical study of vestibular balance disorder, the physical, psychological and mental state of patients, under the guidance of vestibular experts and Taijiquan experts, the preliminary experiment is to explore the exercise mode of Taijiquan for patients with vestibular neuritis. The formal experiment was divided into experimental group and control group. Later verification is the verification of formal experimental results. In the experimental group, 5 patients with vestibular neuritis were treated with Taijiquan for 4 weeks, once a week for the first two weeks, 3 times a week for 1 hour for the second week, 2 patients were verified at the later stage, one of them was treated with Taijiquan for 8 weeks. One case of B was treated with Taijiquan for 8 days with frequency of 1 hour / day, while the control group consisted of 15 normal persons who did not take any exercise intervention. Dizziness disability scale was used to evaluate the efficacy of each group. Results 1) there was no significant change in the score of vertigo disability in the experimental group before and after two weeks of treatment. The score of vertigo disability after four weeks was significantly lower than that before the experiment and two weeks after treatment (P 0.001). The patients were followed up for 2 months at the end of the treatment. There was no significant difference in the vertigo disability scores between the experimental group after 4 weeks and the 2 month follow-up. There was no significant difference in the scores of vertigo and disability before and after treatment in group A. 2) in the experimental group (the right leg was the dominant leg), the left foot and the right foot closed eyes were independent SVAPL two weeks after treatment, and there was no significant difference between the two groups before and after treatment, compared with before the experiment, there was no significant change in the left foot and the right foot independent SVAPL. The difference of standing time between left foot and right foot after two weeks was significantly better than that after two weeks, and the difference between sitting and walking test time was significant. Compared with the normal people, there was significant difference in the data of the patients standing on one foot (superior or inferior) after four weeks, and it was better than that of the normal people, and the recovery advantage of the balance ability of the experimental group disappeared after 2 months of follow-up. That is to say, there was no significant difference in the UAPL data between the patients and normal persons after four weeks of standing on one foot with eyes closed (superior foot or inferior foot SVAPL). The recovery of patient A data was not obvious, and the change of patient B data was large and returned to normal. Conclusion: Taijiquan training is effective in the treatment of vestibular neuritis.
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