[Abstract]:Objective to explore the correlation between the peripheral blood cell immune status of children with chronic rhinosinusitis (chronic rhinosinusitis CRS) and the disease itself, in order to provide the basis for making more rational clinical treatment, so as to improve the cure rate and shorten the course of treatment of children's CRS, and to study the chronic rhinosinusitis (chronic rhinosin) in children and methods (chronic rhinosin) Usitis CRS) has gradually become a common and frequently occurring disease in pediatrics. At present, the research on the pathogenesis of CRS in children is not completely clear. At present, the domestic research on the bacterial distribution in the nasal cavity and the cytokine and eosinophil in the nasal polyps and so on. There are few studies on the cellular immune status in the peripheral blood of children's CRS. In this study, 71 children with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) in the outpatient clinic in March ~2017 March 2016 were studied. The serum CD4~+T cells (Th), CD8~+T cells (Ts), CD19~+B cells, CD3~+T cells, NK cells and CD4~+/CD8~+ ratios were detected in 59 normal healthy children (control group), and the SPSS17.0 statistical software was used. Analysis, the number of data is expressed as the rate, the group comparison uses the chi square ~2 test, the measurement data before the test of homogeneity of variance and normal distribution test, the normal distribution of the measurement data is expressed in the mean number of standard deviation, the group is compared with the t test, the measurement data of the non normal distribution is expressed by the median and four quantiles, and the ranks are compared with the rank sum. The Logistic multiple regression analysis was used to determine the factors affecting the occurrence of the disease, all of which were statistically significant in P0.05. Results there were 71 cases of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) in children, including 46 males and 25 females, with an average age of 4.13 + 1.95 years. There were 59 cases in normal healthy children, including 40 men and 19 women, with an average age of 5.. 02 + 3.60 years old, the age of two groups using t test, the results of T value =1.799, P=0.074, the difference is not statistically significant. The sex of children with chronic rhinosinusitis and healthy children between the chi square test, ~2=0.130, P=0.718, the difference between children, CRS group CD4~+ T cell (Th), CD3~+T cells and healthy children is no difference. Statistical significance. The NK cells in the children CRS group were lower than the healthy children group (t=7.301, P=0.000, and the difference was statistically significant); the CD8~+T cells in the CRS group of children were lower than the healthy group (t=2.942, P=0.004, the difference was statistically significant); the CD19~+B cells in the group CRS group were higher than those of the healthy children group (t =-7.828, the difference was statistically significant); The CD8~+ ratio was higher than that of the healthy children (t=-3.265, P=0.000, the difference was statistically significant). The Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the above statistical indicators, the P=0.419 of CD8~+T cells, the OR value =0.883,95%CI:0.653-1.194, and the CD4~+/CD8~+ ratio results: P=0.712, OR =0.607,95%CI:0.043-8.650; The ratio of ~ + is not an independent risk factor for CRS, and the results of NK cell analysis are: P=0.008, OR value =0.799,95%CI:0.678-0.943, and the result of CD19~+B cells: P=0.009, OR value =1.224,95%CI:1.052-1.423, indicating that NK cells may be the protections of children CRS, and CD19~+B cells may be the risk factors for children. There was no significant difference in blood CD4~+T cells and CD3~+T cells from healthy children. 2. compared with healthy children, the peripheral blood NK cells, CD8~+T cells, CD19~+B cells and CD4~+/CD8~+ ratio increased in CRS children. 3. according to the Logistic regression analysis, CD8~+T cells and CD4~+/CD8~+ ratios were not the independent risk factors of CRS, and NK cells were reduced. The elevation of B cells may cause the occurrence of CRS in children.
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