[Abstract]:Aim: to investigate the expression of insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) in orbital fibroblasts from patients with thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) and its role in the pathogenesis of TAO. To study the relationship between clinical activity of TAO patients and orbital regional secretion and IGF-1 content in systemic circulation and the role of IGF-1 in the pathogenesis of TAO. Methods: Retrobulbar connective tissue was taken from patients with TAO and normal subjects, and cultured in vitro. The expression of IGF-1R was detected by confocal microscope and flow cytometry. In addition, peripheral blood samples were collected from 18 TAO patients and 16 age-sex matched normal subjects. The contents of total IGF-1 and free IGF-1 in peripheral blood of all TAO patients and normal subjects were determined by Elisa, and the content of IGF-1 in fibroblast culture medium was determined by Elisa in 5 cases of TAO and 5 cases of normal controls. The effects of somatostatin octreotide on the proliferation of somatostatin were observed by MTT growth assay. The mRNA level of IGF-1 in fibroblasts was measured by quantitative PCR method. Results: the expression of IGF-1R was 72.6% 卤10.4 in the patients with Tao and 27.8% 卤10.7 in the normal group by flow cytometry. There was significant difference between the two groups (P0.05). Confocal microscopy and quantitative analysis showed that the expression of IGF-1R in TAO patients was higher than that in normal controls (P0.05), and IGF-1R was mainly located in the nucleus and cytoplasm of. IGF-1 could be secreted by the fibroblasts of TAO patients and normal subjects within 72 hours. The secretion of IGF-1 and the growth of fibroblasts in TAO patients were inhibited by octreotide. The results of quantitative PCR showed that the mRNA level of IGF-1 in fibroblasts of TAO patients was twice as high as that of normal controls. The difference was statistically significant (P0.05), and the up-regulation of the mRNA level could be inhibited by octreotide. The total and free IGF-1 in plasma of patients with octreotide had no significant difference with that of normal subjects, and had no relationship with clinical activity. However, the IGF-1 secreted by fibroblasts in TAO patients was positively correlated with clinical activity (r = 0.97, P = 0.017). Conclusion: by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy, the IGF-1R of the patients with OTAO was found to be higher than that of the normal controls. IGF-1 secreted locally in orbit was positively correlated with the clinical activity of TAO patients, but not IGF-1 in systemic circulation. There was no significant difference between TAO patients and normal subjects. Therefore, local autocrine or paracrine IGF-1 is involved in the pathological mechanism of TAO. The inhibitory effect of octreotide on fibroblast growth and IGF-1 secretion in patients with TAO explains the mechanism of somatostatin in the treatment of TAO.
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