发布时间:2018-08-31 20:41
【摘要】:研究目的: 了解太原市50岁以上特定人群中原发性开角型眼底视乳头大视杯及青光眼的患病率的情况。为我省青光眼流行病学调查提供数据,寻找适合我省具体情况的青光眼防盲筛查模式,为我省的防盲治盲工作提供参考。 研究方法: 对2010.6~2011.4到山西医科大学第一院体检的≥50岁的人员进行一般问卷、视力检查、眼前节和眼底照相,眼底相片通过Image-pro plus6.0图像处理软件测量并计算垂直杯盘比,对眼底照相杯盘比≥0.6及上方或下方盘沿变窄的人员电话督促其再次到医院完善青光眼的相关检查(包括眼压、裂隙灯、视野、光学相干断层扫描及角膜中央厚度),以确诊或排除青光眼。 结果: 体检总人数为7534人,≥50岁体检人数为3560人,实际目标人数为3255人,6406只眼。通过问卷,有18人次知道自己患有青光眼。通过筛查,单眼或双眼为大视杯≥0.5为428人次,占目标人数的13.15%。单眼或双眼垂直杯盘比≥0.6及上方或下方盘沿变窄的体检者为101人,经过口头或电话回访,有59人次参加了诊断试验,应答率为58.41%,通过诊断试验,12人被诊断为原发性开角型青光眼,,16人为可疑原发性开角型青光眼。双眼的垂直杯盘比的分布呈正偏态分布,其均值为0.302±0.13。垂直杯盘比的大小在男女性别的比较中无差别;垂直杯盘比随着年龄增加而呈增大趋势。 结论: 1、大视杯在人群中所占比率随着年龄增加而增加,大视杯在男女性别比较中总体无差别。 2、通过在健康体检人群中对青光眼高危人群进行筛查(机会性筛查)可以早期发现原发性开角型青光眼,通过进一步的诊治,将明显提高患者的生活质量。 3、国人在青光眼方面健康意识仍较差,加强卫生宣教和筛查将是青光眼眼病防治的关键。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the prevalence of primary open-angle optic papilla and glaucoma in the population over 50 years old in Taiyuan. To provide data for the investigation of glaucoma epidemiology in our province, to find a suitable glaucoma blind screening model, and to provide a reference for the prevention and treatment of blindness in our province. Methods: general questionnaire, visual acuity examination, anterior segment and fundus photography were performed on the subjects aged more than 50 years from 2010.6 to 2011.4. The fundus photographs were measured by Image-pro plus6.0 image processing software and the vertical cup / disc ratio was calculated. People whose fundus ratio of cup and disc 鈮
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the prevalence of primary open-angle optic papilla and glaucoma in the population over 50 years old in Taiyuan. To provide data for the investigation of glaucoma epidemiology in our province, to find a suitable glaucoma blind screening model, and to provide a reference for the prevention and treatment of blindness in our province. Methods: general questionnaire, visual acuity examination, anterior segment and fundus photography were performed on the subjects aged more than 50 years from 2010.6 to 2011.4. The fundus photographs were measured by Image-pro plus6.0 image processing software and the vertical cup / disc ratio was calculated. People whose fundus ratio of cup and disc 鈮