[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the cognition and needs of hearing disabled people in Urumqi, Xinjiang, and to put forward solutions to the existing problems, that is, to design a feasible path for the health management of hearing disabled people. Methods: on the basis of literature study, 1126 certified hearing disabled persons in Urumqi, Xinjiang, were selected as the objects of investigation by using random sampling method, and the data were statistically analyzed by statistical software. Results: a total of 1000 valid questionnaires were obtained in this survey. Among the 1000 persons with hearing disabilities surveyed, the article on the cognitive status of health management shows that the vast majority of people have a serious lack of knowledge about this. Only 10.7% of the people had a better understanding of the requirement of health management. 56% of the people considered that there was a need for health management, and the highest demand in the item of health requirement was health check-up. 3) the path choice of the health management service. The highest demand was for family doctors, followed by social care services and the Internet. Conclusion: at present, the degree of recognition and acceptance of health management is not high, but the potential demand already exists, the scope of health management service is narrow, the propaganda should be strengthened, the demand should be guided correctly, and the management should be stratified. It is necessary to explore the feasible ways to establish the health management of hearing disabled persons from the aspects of government, community, social organization and so on.
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