[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the species, quantity, seasonal fluctuation and the relationship between pollen dispersion and climate in Haikou urban area, and to explore the relationship between pollen allergen and allergic rhinitis in Haikou urban area. Methods: from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2004, Durham gravimetric method was used to collect the airborne pollen from the air of Haikou City, and the species and quantity of airborne pollen were observed. The variation of pollen in one year and its relationship with climatic conditions were analyzed. From January 4, 2008 to November 26, 2011, 500 patients diagnosed as allergic rhinitis in our outpatient department were tested by skin prick test of 20 kinds of pollen allergens to analyze the status of pollen sensitization in allergic rhinitis. Results: (1) 5073 pollen grains of 30 families and genera were collected in Haikou City in 2004. The peak time of pollen dispersion in air was in March-April. The most abundant pollen in air was Casuaraceae (29.19%), followed by Gramineae (16.97%) and Palm (15.40%). Pollen concentration was negatively correlated with precipitation and maximum wind speed. (2) of the 500 cases of allergic rhinitis, 357 (357 / 50071.4%) were positive in pollen skin prick test, 67 (67 / 500) were strongly positive (13.40%). The highest positive rate of skin prick test was soft leaf sunflower powder (68.60%) followed by mango pollen (52.60%) and cycad pollen (51.20%). 54.6% of the patients with allergic rhinitis were positive for two or more pollen allergens. Conclusion: in Haikou urban area, pollen drifts in the air all the year, and the peak period is March-April. The main species are Casuarinae, Gramineae and Palmiaceae. Pollen hypersensitivity is the main cause of allergic rhinitis in Haikou City. Mango pollen and cycad pollen are the most common pollen allergens of allergic rhinitis in Haikou city.
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