发布时间:2019-07-05 19:30
【摘要】:目的:探讨成人口咽部阻塞平面情况与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)的发病、严重程度及口咽部塌陷程度的相关性。方法:选择经多导睡眠检测仪(PSG)检查符合OSAHS的成人患者62例,记录患者的睡眠呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI),最低血氧饱和度(SpO_2),经螺旋CT进行口咽部阻塞平面的扫描和测量,并利用电子纤维喉镜观测阻塞平面在Muller动作下塌陷程度(T),,确定阻塞平面最小截面积(S)的位置及大小。分析S分别与AHI、最低SpO_2的相关关系,并用线性回归分析上述指标的依存性。结果:①成人口咽部阻塞平面最小截面积(S)多位于口咽部RP区;②轻、中、重度OSAHS组AHI与S值呈负相关性,相关系数分别为-0.380、-0.524、-0.633(P0.01);轻、中、重度OSAHS组的最低SpO_2与S值呈正相关性,相关系数为0.509、0.670、0.529(P0.01);③塌陷程度(T)与OSAHS患者病情严重程度之间存在明显的相关性,F=11.263,P0.01。结论: AHI、最低SpO_2与S之间存在明显的相关性,S的大小影响呼吸暂停低通气事件的发生,随着S的减小,OSAHS患病情严重程度也增加,OSAHS患者发生睡眠呼吸暂停时缺氧程度也越严重。本研究可为OSAHS临床诊断、治疗及手术方法的选择提供理论依据与技术参数。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the correlation between pharyngeal obstruction level and the incidence, severity and oropharynx collapse of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Methods: 62 adult patients with OSAHS were examined by polysomnography (PSG). The minimum oxygen saturation (SpO_2) of (AHI), was recorded. The oropharynx obstruction plane was scanned and measured by spiral CT, and the position and size of (S), the minimum cross section area of obstruction plane, were determined by electronic fiber laryngoscope to observe the collapse degree of blocking plane under Muller action. The correlation between S and AHI, minimum SpO_2 was analyzed, and the dependence of the above indexes was analyzed by linear regression. Results: 1the minimum cross section area of pharynx obstruction plane (S) was mostly located in the oropharynx RP area. (2) there was a negative correlation between AHI and S value in mild, moderate and severe OSAHS groups, the correlation coefficients were-0.380, 鈮
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the correlation between pharyngeal obstruction level and the incidence, severity and oropharynx collapse of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Methods: 62 adult patients with OSAHS were examined by polysomnography (PSG). The minimum oxygen saturation (SpO_2) of (AHI), was recorded. The oropharynx obstruction plane was scanned and measured by spiral CT, and the position and size of (S), the minimum cross section area of obstruction plane, were determined by electronic fiber laryngoscope to observe the collapse degree of blocking plane under Muller action. The correlation between S and AHI, minimum SpO_2 was analyzed, and the dependence of the above indexes was analyzed by linear regression. Results: 1the minimum cross section area of pharynx obstruction plane (S) was mostly located in the oropharynx RP area. (2) there was a negative correlation between AHI and S value in mild, moderate and severe OSAHS groups, the correlation coefficients were-0.380, 鈮