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发布时间:2018-05-31 08:28

  本文选题:丙型病毒性肝炎 + 流行病学 ; 参考:《中国艾滋病性病》2017年01期

【摘要】:目的了解2004-2014年重庆市丙型病毒性肝炎(简称"丙肝")的发病趋势和流行特征,为开展丙肝防控工作提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法,收集中国疾病预防控制信息系统中丙肝病例报告数据,分析重庆市2004-2014年丙肝流行的特点。结果重庆市丙肝年报告病例从2004年的490例上升到2014年的3 400例,年均增长21.37%;报告发病率从2004年的1.57/10万上升到2014年的11.45/10万,年均增长21.98%,年均报告发病率为6.34/10万。各区县均有发病,不同地理区域报告发病率差异明显;全年均有发病,无季节性增多;报告病例男女性别比为1.64∶1;病例主要集中在30~49岁年龄组,占59.97%,未成年人以0岁~年龄组报告病例最多,成年人以30岁~年龄组报告病例最多;家务及待业、农民分别占病例总数的30.30%、25.50%。结论重庆市丙肝报告发病逐年上升。目前丙肝无疫苗预防,应加强宣传教育,提高大众人群的丙肝知识知晓率,做到早发现、早诊断、早报告、早治疗,加强丙肝的预防和控制。
[Abstract]:Objective to understand the trend and epidemic characteristics of hepatitis C in Chongqing from 2004 to 2014, and to provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of hepatitis C. Methods A descriptive epidemiological method was used to collect the reported data of hepatitis C cases in China's disease prevention and control information system and to analyze the epidemic characteristics of hepatitis C in Chongqing from 2004 to 2014. Results the annual reported cases of hepatitis C in Chongqing increased from 490 cases in 2004 to 3,400 cases in 2014, with an average annual increase of 21.37%, and the reported incidence rate increased from 15.7% / 100 000 in 2004 to 114.5% / 100 000 in 2014, with an average annual increase of 21.98% and an average annual reported incidence rate of 6.34% / 100 000. There were significant differences in the reported incidence in all districts and counties, and there were significant differences in the reported incidence rates in different geographical regions. There was no seasonal increase in the incidence of the disease in the whole year. The sex ratio of reported cases was 1.64: 1. The cases were mainly concentrated in the age group of 30 to 49 years old. Accounting for 59.97%, the most cases were reported in the age group from 0 to age, and the most cases were reported in the age group of 30 years old by the adults, and the peasants accounted for 30.30% and 25.50% of the total number of cases in household work and unemployment respectively. Conclusion the reported incidence of hepatitis C in Chongqing increased year by year. At present, the prevention of hepatitis C without vaccine should strengthen propaganda and education, raise the awareness rate of knowledge of hepatitis C among the masses, make early discovery, early diagnosis, early report, early treatment and strengthen the prevention and control of hepatitis C.
【作者单位】: 重庆医科大学公共卫生与管理学院医学与社会发展研究中心健康领域社会风险预测治理协同创新中心;重庆市疾病预防控制中心;


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