[Abstract]:OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) transplantation via hepatic artery in decompensated cirrhosis in order to provide a reference for the treatment of decompensated cirrhosis. Vip (VIP), China Knowledgeable Network (CKNI) three Chinese databases; and Cochrane Library, PubMed two foreign language databases. Hand-searched in the past decade with liver disease research related important journals, and according to research needs combined with inclusion exclusion criteria for literature screening, using Revman 5.3 analysis software for meta-analysis, combined with GRADE score for quality. Results: (1) Fifteen articles were published from 2010 to 2016. The total number of cases included in the study was 1 040. The evaluation of the quality of evidence included three "advanced", "intermediate" and "low" articles. The main factors affecting the quality of the articles were concealment, blindness, surgery and non-hands. Total evaluation showed that the effect of autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation on decompensated liver cirrhosis was better than that of routine western medicine treatment. (2) Symptom improvement, ascites improvement (MD = 1.92,95% CI (1.43-2.57) P 0 000 1), Na difference alleviation (MD = 1.77,95% CI (1.41-2.23), P 0 000 01), fatigue improvement (MD = 1.74,95% CI (1.39-2.17), P 0 0 0 0 01). In the aspect of reducing abdominal distension (MD = 1.86,95% CI (1.45-2.37) P 0.00001), the treatment group of stem cell transplantation had statistical significance compared with the routine control group of Western medicine, indicating that autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation could significantly improve the symptoms of decompensated liver cirrhosis compared with the routine treatment of Western medicine. (3) In the aspect of serological indicators, ALB (MD = 5.22,95% CI (2.40-8.04), P = 0.0003, A LT (MD = - 17.8, 95% CI (- 30.8 ~ - 4.8), P = 0.0070.01), TBIL (MD = - 11.77, 95% CI (- 17.85 ~ - 5.7) P = 0.00010.01), PT (MD = - 4.33, 95% CI (- 8.58 ~ - 0.08), P = 0.05), stem cell transplantation treatment group compared with conventional Western medicine control group has statistical significance, indicating that autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation for decompensated liver cirrhosis has better serological improvement than the conventional control group. However, PTA (MD = 19.31, 95% CI (-2.72-41.34), P = 0.090.05) showed that the improvement of prothrombin time activity in the stem cell transplantation group was not statistically significant compared with that in the control group. (4) Child-Pugh score (MD =-1.4, 4, 95% CI (-1.68-1.21), P 0.00001, MELD score (=-4.50, 95% C-95% C-1.21) was the same in the comprehensive liver score. I (- 8.13 ~ - 0.86), P = 0.020.05), the two scores showed that the stem cell transplantation treatment group compared with the conventional control group of Western medicine has statistical significance, indicating that the MELD score of stem cell transplantation treatment group is better than the conventional Western medicine treatment, but the sample size is smaller, or need a larger sample size to further prove. (5) Adverse reactions due to lack of statistical significance is difficult. Conclusion: (1) Meta-analysis showed that the short-term efficacy of stem cell transplantation group in clinical symptoms, liver function, coagulation function, Child-Pugh score and MELD score (1-6 months) were better than that of the control group; moreover, it had less adverse reactions and high safety, and was worth popularizing in China. (2) Most of the stem cell transplantation group were improved. Stem cell transplantation patients are all cirrhosis caused by viral hepatitis, have been or are undergoing antiviral treatment; the better the liver function, the more significant the effect. (3) For autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation recommendations are as follows: the amount of bone marrow collected is 100-200 ml, the number of mononuclear cells after isolation and purification must reach 108-1010/ml, stem cell detection reaches 10. 6-109/ml, the survival rate was 75%. The cryopreserved temperature was not more than 4 hours. Hepatic stimulation or G-CSF could be used before operation. Hepatic artery interventional transplantation was more effective. After operation, the stem cells could be homing and differentiated by combining traditional Chinese medicine or growth factor.
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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