[Abstract]:Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease of the stomach contents to flow into the esophagus, causing discomfort and/ or complications. There are about 250 million GERD patients worldwide. As the incidence of GERD is increasing year by year, the burden of social medical care is getting more and more, and the rational diagnosis and treatment of GERD has become the focus of attention and research worldwide. and the traditional medicine treatment has the problems of no treatment and treatment, and the symptoms of the drug withdrawal after the drug withdrawal are recurrent, and the patient has to use the medicine for a long time. The surgical treatment is large, and there are complications such as dysphagia, abdominal distention, and diarrhea after operation. The electrical stimulation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) provides a new method for the treatment of refractory GERD. The EndoStim implantable LES electrical stimulation system was introduced based on LES electrical stimulation therapy in foreign countries, and a large number of clinical trials were conducted. At present, there are no implantable LES electrical stimulation systems that can be applied to clinical practice. In order to break the monopoly of foreign products and to fill the gap in the domestic technology field, a wireless power-powered LES electric stimulation system is designed. The system consists of an in-vitro wireless controller, a wireless energy transmission module and an implantable LES electric stimulator. The system realizes the function of wireless energy transmission on the basis of realizing the function of the electric stimulation of the implanted LES, and solves the problem that the EndoStim system cannot be externally supplied. The research contents of this paper mainly include: 1) the scheme design of LES electric stimulation system for wireless power supply: based on the analysis and discussion on the function requirement and design goal of LES electric stimulation system for treating GERD, the design scheme of LES electric stimulation system for wireless power supply is determined. according to the penetration depth of the electromagnetic wave and the influence of the electromagnetic radiation on the human body, 4MHz is selected as the operating frequency of the wireless energy transmission. This paper also discusses the system integration and packaging scheme, and lays a foundation for the modular design and the biocompatibility package of the system. 2) In-vitro wireless controller design: the design and working principle of the in-vitro wireless controller based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) are analyzed and discussed. The controller mainly comprises a CC2541 module, a USB rotating serial port circuit, a lithium battery charging circuit and a power supply management circuit. The CC2541 module is designed with the same custom circuit module as the implantable LES electrical stimulator. The serial port of the USB-to-serial port adopts the CH340G chip to realize the serial communication with the upper computer. The lithium battery charging circuit adopts the LTC4054-4.2 chip, and the charging current is set to 500mA. The power management circuit adopts the RT9013-33GB linear voltage stabilizing circuit. On the basis of completing the hardware design of the in-vitro controller, the software design of the system is carried out from the development of CC2541, the development of the host computer and the Bluetooth control of the mobile phone. The protocol stack used in the development of the CC2541 is the BLE-CC254x-1. 3.2 of TI, and the development environment is IAR 8051. The host computer program is programmed with C # language, and the development environment used is Visual Studio 2012. In addition, the control of the implantable LES electric stimulator is realized by using the LightBlue mobile phone Bluetooth APP. 3) Design of the wireless energy transmission module: After the theoretical basis and the coil design scheme of the wireless energy transmission are analyzed, the design scheme of the wireless energy transmission module is determined. The module includes an in vitro energy emitting circuit and an in-vivo energy receiving circuit. wherein the in-vitro energy transmitting circuit consists of a linear regulator, an active crystal oscillator circuit and an E-class power amplifier. The function of the invention is to convert the direct current voltage of the in-vitro power supply into an alternating current voltage and to load the external power source into the transmission coil to transmit energy to the body. the in-vivo energy receiving circuit adopts a bridge type rectification, a capacitor filtering and a step-down-boost type charge pump voltage regulator LTC3245 to convert the alternating current voltage coupled on the receiving coil into a direct current voltage. The design and working principle of the implantable LES electric stimulator are discussed. An implantable LES electrical stimulator is designed that includes an energy receiving circuit, a power management circuit, a CC2541 module, a DAC circuit, and a voltage-controlled constant current stimulation circuit. The power management circuit adopts the RT9013-33GB, the MAX1595EUA50 + and the MAX865EUA chip to convert the input voltage of 3.7 to 5V to the power supply voltage of the CC2541 module, the DAC circuit and the voltage-controlled constant current stimulation circuit. The DAC circuit adopts the MAX5705 chip to output the controllable voltage, and controls the voltage-controlled constant current stimulation circuit to generate the current stimulation pulse of the corresponding size. The voltage-controlled constant current stimulation circuit uses the OPA4192 chip to generate a current-stimulating pulse of 0-8mA. and an in vitro controller is packaged using an abs plastic housing. After the encapsulation of the implantable LES electrical stimulation system, the wireless energy transmission function of the system was tested, and the position-mismatch tolerance index of the system's normal operation under the condition of air, 0.9% saline and 3 medium conditions of the pigskin was also given. On the basis of this, the experiment of GERD model, the experiment of water-filled esophagus and the electric stimulation of LES were carried out in rabbits. The experimental results show that the LES pressure of the experimental animal can be enhanced (recovered) by the implanted LES electrical stimulation system designed in this paper, and it is feasible to treat GERD.
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