[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the relationship between colonic environment and colonic polyps. Methods: a total of 2994 patients who underwent electronic colonoscopy from June 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016 in the endoscopy room of Nanchang University were retrospectively collected and divided into two groups: the case group and the control group. 2518 patients with normal colonic mucosa were selected as control group. The patients were divided into active colitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD),) infectious colitis, ischemic colitis, colonic diverticulum disease and colonic melanosis. There were 1019 patients with colonic polyps. The age of the two groups was compared with Student's t-test. multiple Logistic regression, the sex of the two groups was compared with multiple Logistic regression, the prevalence of polyp was analyzed by odds ratio and 95% confidence interval. The influence of age and sex was adjusted by multiple Logistic regression. Results: the first symptom of colonoscopy: among the 2994 patients, abdominal pain was the most (29.8%), diarrhea was the second (21.5%), multi-symptom (19.6%), blood stool (13.3%). Constipation (10.6%). Analysis of colonic polyps: 1. Analysis of colonic polyps: in 1019 patients with colonic polyps, polyps were found in sigmoid colon (32.4%), followed by rectum (19.3%), ascending colon (13.1%), colonic polyps (32.4%), colon polyps (19.3%), ascending colon (13.1%). Analysis of colonic polyps: tubular adenoma was the most common type of colonic polyps (47.4%), inflammatory polyps (29.8%) and proliferative polyps (10.4%) in 1019 patients with colonic polyps. Analysis of influencing factors in different diagnostic groups: 1. Age analysis: the average age of all individuals was 52.63 卤12.67 years old. Active colitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD),) infective colitis was associated with younger age (all P0.05 OR1), colonic diverticulum disease, and colonic melanosis were associated with advanced age (all P0.05 OR1). Ischemic colitis was not associated with age (P0.05). 2Sex analysis: active colitis, colonic diverticulum disease, IBD, colonic melanosis were associated with sex (all P0.05). The incidence of ischemic colitis was not related to age (all P0.05). Analysis of the relationship between different diagnostic groups and colonic polyps: 1. The prevalence of colonic polyps in different diagnostic groups was the highest in normal colon (37%), followed by ischemic colitis and colonic diverticulum disease (25%). Then active colitis (22%), infectious colitis (18%), UC and CD) (both 11%), IBD and colonic melanosis (6%). 2. The relationship between chronic colitis and colonic polyps: compared with normal colon, Active colitis, UC,IBD, infective colitis was associated with the prevalence of low colonic polyps (all P 0.05 OR1). After multiple Logistic regression analysis adjusted gender, age factors, the above conclusion still holds (all OR1). Among them, CD, ischemic colitis did not reach the same conclusion (all P0.05). 3. The relationship between colonic diverticulum disease and colonic polyps: compared with normal colon, The incidence of colonic polyps in patients with colonic diverticulum disease was associated with low incidence of colonic polyps (P0.05 OR1). After adjusting the influencing factors, the opposite conclusion (OR1). 4. The relationship between colonic melanosis and colonic polyps: compared with normal colon, the patients with colonic melanosis were associated with low prevalence of colonic polyps (P0.05OR1). After adjusting the influencing factors, the above conclusion still holds (all OR1). Conclusion: the decrease of the prevalence of colonic polyps is related to the chronic colitis and the environment of colonic melanosis, and the increase of the prevalence of colonic polyps is related to the environment of colonic diverticulum disease.
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